What Nintendo series desperately needs a fresh release?

Megaman is a platformer, you can excuse recycling more than most other genres (with RPGs maybe?).

On the other hand I'd also argue that Capcom were the king of recycling (for the best and the worst) which is also their modus operandi in gaming.

Also Megaman still did original concepts and sub genres like metroidvanias because a franchise cannot live with only platformers. Even the franchise itself evolved with time (like with X). I just wish Sigma and Willy weren't milked to death as well.

Mario is a prime example of how beneficial it was to tackle other genres (which made him the king of mascots in a way).

Also as a consumer aren't you tired to spend money for the same thing? Humans aren't made to eat the same food all the time so I'm always for spicing things up and making sequels that are more than just a number. Football games are also heavily criticised for that.

Anyway back to Nintendo, the N64 era was also a great change and Zelda Ocarina of Time changed how games were made. Skyward Sword has proven that the formula had its limits and that in the 2010's we couldn't have what's basically 90's game design in Zelda.

Mainstream media have become samey because of people not wanting to go out of their comfort zone.

Nintendo are able to make new things but they want more sales so they stay sadly in their lane.
Speak for yourself, I'm more than fine with eating the same foods I happened to like.

But seriously, I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding going on here. I don't dislike post-Star Fox 64 games because they're different, I dislike them because they're bad. Hell, one of my favorite Mega Man games is Mega Man & Bass, and it's generally considered to be somewhat of an "odd duck" in the series.
Speak for yourself, I'm more than fine with eating the same foods I happened to like.
Fine, if you're happy to pay 60 bucks on the same game we got a decade ago but personally I want a sequel to actually feel like an entirely different game and not a glorified DLC, I could excuse Mario Bros 2 The Lost Level back in the 80's but not a modern game for doing it.

But seriously, I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding going on here. I don't dislike post-Star Fox 64 because they're different, I dislike them because they're bad. Hell, one of my favorite Mega Man games is Mega Man & Bass, and it's generally considered to be somewhat of an "odd duck" in the series.
Or maybe they're not your thing? I mean your opinion doesn't define objectivity and even Adventure was rated fine by critics.

You saying "xxxx is bad" is merely an opinion not an invariable, universal fact.

PS: I'm maybe one of those weird ones that prefers the SNES game over 64 simply because it was really innovative in 3D and was impressive for the SNES hardware, 64 was an expansion on the concept but was basically a remake of what was already done.

This is the same reason why I cannot rate Zelda Twilight Princess above Ocarina of Time because the later set the basis of the former.

Wind Waker tried something different at least, same with Majora's Mask despite their flaws.

I want a real Starfox 3 that introduces more characters (like in Starfox 2) and a new villain instead of bringing back that monkey.

The Retro Studio DKC games managed well without the Kremlings because K.Rool got defeated 4 times already.

PS: Kid Icarus Uprising had an entirely new antagonist compared to Medusa and a new gameplay perspective. Of Myths and Monsters on the GB was just a port which was disappointing to me because it didn't add anything new aside from the new antagonist.
You saying "xxxx is bad" is merely an opinion not an invariable, universal fact.
I could easily turn this statement on you.

You saying "xxxx is good" is merely an opinion, not an invariable, universal fact.

In the end, we will stand by our opinions just as they are.
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I could easily turn this statement on you.

You saying "xxxx is good" is merely an opinion, not an invariable, universal fact.

In the end, we will stand by our opinions just as they are.
Then maybe you can just not state your opinion as facts to begin with? Adventure and Assault also have good reviews so your opinion doesn't reflect the entire fanbase. Even Command despite the touch controls (I do like the Zelda games on the DS, especially the

Anyway Starfox Zero has proven that redoing another SNES/Lylat Wars was not a good idea, we don't need to have a 1:1 copy of the same game each times.

Heck, people also loved Mario game spinoffs because they dared bringing another villain instead of Bowser yet again and
in Echoes of Wisdom they subverted expectations with a new antagonist that isn't Ganon yet again!

Maybe the next Starfox game (if there's another) should subvert expectations instead of bringing back this antagonist (which would feel really lazy from Nintendo if they ever did that). Kid Icarus Uprising
started the story with Medusa's rebirth (the same Medusa from the NES game (ignoring Orkos from the Gameboy semi-sequel seemingly) so that once you defeat her generals and her there's a fake ending followed by the reveal of the true antagonist of the game, Hades the lord of the underground.
which is why the game was such a great sequel.

I hope Lylat Wars fans aren't the Ocarina of Time fans of the franchise by asking Nintendo the same game without even wondering what made the original good to begin with. Even Lylat Wars had a lot of changes from SNES Starfox to begin with. Fanboys refusing changes is why franchises cannot evolve therefore die out.

PS: My favourite one is still the SNES game and I do think that Fox and other Cornerian people speaking the Lylant language is better because they're aliens. I also think that the OST of SNES is just better (sorry Kondo but your work is better in Ocarina and the Mario series in general).
Then maybe you can just not state your opinion as facts to begin with? Adventure and Assault also have good reviews so your opinion doesn't reflect the entire fanbase.

Anyway Starfox Zero has proven that redoing another SNES/Lylat Wars was not a good idea, we don't need to have a 1:1 copy of the same game each times.

Heck, people also loved Mario game spinoffs because they dared bringing another villain instead of Bowser yet again and
in Echoes of Wisdom they subverted expectations with a new antagonist that isn't Ganon yet again!

Maybe the next Starfox game (if there's another) should subvert expectations instead of bringing back this antagonist (which would feel really lazy from Nintendo if they ever did that). Kid Icarus Uprising
started the story with Medusa's rebirth (the same Medusa from the NES game (ignoring Orkos from the Gameboy semi-sequel seemingly) so that once you defeat her generals and her there's a fake ending followed by the reveal of the true antagonist of the game, Hades the lord of the underground.
which is why the game was such a great sequel.

I hope Lylat Wars fans aren't the Ocarina of Time fans of the franchise by asking Nintendo the same game without even wondering what made the original good to begin with. Even Lylat Wars had a lot of changes from SNES Starfox to begin with.
Do I need to include "I think" or "in my opinion" in the every statement I make to make it clear it's just my opinion?

I don't care if my opinions reflect the entire fanbase. The opinion isn't more "correct" simply because it has majority's support. Thinking otherwise is a blatant appeal to majority fallacy.

Also, Star Fox Zero was bad because of the controls, not because it copied Star Fox 64.
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Do I need to include "I think" or "in my opinion" in the every statement I make to make it clear it's just my opinion?

I don't care if my opinions reflect the entire fanbase. The opinion isn't more "correct" simply because it has majority's support. Thinking otherwise is a blatant appeal to majority fallacy.
An opinion isn't meant to be "correct" or not" to begin with.

And even if appeal to majority is sometimes used as a fallacy some things are rightfully popular like Ocarina of Time being considered to be one of the best game of all time.

I mean Lylat Wars is the most popular game in the franchise then it is also an appeal to majority fallacy to say it's the only good game, right?

Also, Star Fox Zero was bad because of the controls, not because it copied Star Fox 64.
The controls weren't the only issue. The fact they re-rebooted the story was already a mistake, even Tomb Raider made the same error.

I consider that even if it had fixed controls it would be just a facsimile of what has already been done.

PS: I consider that Andross as an antagonist is pretty much a cliche cartoon villain with little to no depth (aside from him being a former scientist that got banished without even properly explaining what lead to that).

Imo Starfox could benefit if there are Gundam inspired themes of seeing two major factions where there are tensions (like how in Andross' army you see primates and reptiles, it could be a case of sci-fi speciesism where non mammalian people are less considered in Corneria and the Lylat System as a whole) instead of just having a Super Robot series plot like Grendizer (which Andross kinda is inspired by King Vega in some way).

Other series like Kirby, DK, Metroid and others also had many different antagonists.
An opinion isn't meant to be "correct" or not" to begin with.
You're right, opinions aren't meant to be "correct." You're the one who brought up the the rest of Star Fox fanbase liking Adventures and Assault as a talking point, for some reason.
And even if appeal to majority is sometimes used as a fallacy some things are rightfully popular like Ocarina of Time being considered to be one of the best game of all time.

I mean Lylat Wars is the most popular game in the franchise then it is also an appeal to majority fallacy to say it's the only good game, right?
It's only a fallacy if you use popularity of the game as an argument for it being good. I never did, so my argument isn't fallacious.
PS: I consider that Andross as an antagonist is pretty much a cliche cartoon villain with little to no depth (aside from him being a former scientist that got banished without even properly explaining what lead to that).

Imo Starfox could benefit if there are Gundam inspired themes of seeing two major factions where there are tensions (like how in Andross' army you see primates and reptiles, it could be a case of sci-fi speciesism where non mammalian people are less considered in Corneria and the Lylat System as a whole) instead of just having a Super Robot series plot like Grendizer (which Andross kinda is inspired by King Vega in some way).

Other series like Kirby, DK, Metroid and others also had many different antagonists.
Bruh, Star Fox is a series about cartoon animals fighting in space. It was never going to be serious.

Also, I don't know why you keep bringing up Andross. I never said I don't want any other antagonist other than him. I wouldn't mind seeing a new villain, provided they're as entertaining as he is.
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Kirby’s Dream Course was so fun and challenging. Those isometric mini-golfers are such a blast—it would be cool to see a new release of something like that, de-mobile-gamified. Bright and fun pixel art, no micro-transactions, just a solid puzzle experience. Of course I want it to still look like a retro game, look where I am lol

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