Bass Propagandist
Speak for yourself, I'm more than fine with eating the same foods I happened to like.Megaman is a platformer, you can excuse recycling more than most other genres (with RPGs maybe?).
On the other hand I'd also argue that Capcom were the king of recycling (for the best and the worst) which is also their modus operandi in gaming.
Also Megaman still did original concepts and sub genres like metroidvanias because a franchise cannot live with only platformers. Even the franchise itself evolved with time (like with X). I just wish Sigma and Willy weren't milked to death as well.
Mario is a prime example of how beneficial it was to tackle other genres (which made him the king of mascots in a way).
Also as a consumer aren't you tired to spend money for the same thing? Humans aren't made to eat the same food all the time so I'm always for spicing things up and making sequels that are more than just a number. Football games are also heavily criticised for that.
Anyway back to Nintendo, the N64 era was also a great change and Zelda Ocarina of Time changed how games were made. Skyward Sword has proven that the formula had its limits and that in the 2010's we couldn't have what's basically 90's game design in Zelda.
Mainstream media have become samey because of people not wanting to go out of their comfort zone.
Nintendo are able to make new things but they want more sales so they stay sadly in their lane.
But seriously, I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding going on here. I don't dislike post-Star Fox 64 games because they're different, I dislike them because they're bad. Hell, one of my favorite Mega Man games is Mega Man & Bass, and it's generally considered to be somewhat of an "odd duck" in the series.