as I mentioned, I did
NOT complete this game, because there's a bloody bug in it where you can sell off a plot-critical item for 1 gold. Great! For the record, the collection I bought also has a bug where in-game saving doesn't work, so I had to use a save state whenever I wanted to stop playing and come back. Aside from that, I didn't use any of the other cheats – honest, guv! In complete fairness, I did have some fun with the game until it locked me into a dead playthrough, but it wasn't really anything special. I'll never beat one of these stupid NES JRPGs. I hate them, and everything. HARRUMPH!!!
Instead, I've now been playing a lot of
Fatal Labyrinth on the Genesis. (Ooh, can you say NTR? Suck it, Nintendo!) I've had a weird affection for this game – it's a horribly bare-bones roguelike, but it always pops up on Genesis collections as filler, so I guess I've kind of stockholmed myself into liking it over the years. It's very, very difficult, as you'd expect of the genre, about 5 floors too long for my taste, and bland (in every aspect) to a fault, but I'm still having fun with it. Turn-based roguelikes are probably my favourite genre, and playing one on a SEGA console of all things is neat.
I also really like the plinky, ominous
title screen music. The whole game has some great Genesis-twangy sound effects.