Least favorite game on a franchise you love.

I hope you're not being ironic because it is always nice to meet someone else who appreciates Dragon Quarter on any level lol. Love that game!
Not even a trace of irony - easily in my top 3 PS2 games. I understand that some people do not enjoy a videogame with a time limit - be it Majora's Mask, Dead Rising, Septentrion... I'm simply better than those people.
The best thing i can say about megaman battle network 4 is that the idea of playing it is appealing because of the double souls, the emotion mechanic and the airhockey chip but that's it, the game is not good.

  • Sonic Heroes can give my king-sizer a massive sucking. Despite having some good atmosphere and music, it's a really ugly, garish, buggy, unfun pile of frustration. Even as a kid who gobbled up anything Sonic-related, I knew something was wrong with this one.

Tails just shut up, stop talking for 1 whole minute please, don't talk.
i think persona 4 is really quite bad. pokemon mystery dungeon gates to infinity was a big disappointment for me. the original version of shin megami tensei 5 wasn't to my taste at all, especially coming off 4 which was incredible. stalker 2 was a massive letdown.
not counting pachinko/slot-machine, mobile games...

Street Fighter: tough decision first game that comes to mind is 1987 debut aka Fighting Street, but Street Fighter II Movie also exists (the FMV game).

The King of Fighters: wasn't big on 2003 it felt like it wanted to be MVC then you have the incomplete XII.

Mega Man: Super Adventure Rockman yeah.

Kirby: another tough decision but going with Dream Land on Game Boy, then again I haven't played 3DS and Switch games yet.

Bomberman: I can't comment since I haven't played Act Zero which seems to be the general consensus.
*Deep Breath*

Etrian odyssey: The very first one, compared to 2's better balanced mechanics and 3's flatout Reinvention of the wheel, the first one is a slog to play

Megaman: 11, sue me, but it feels lukewarm compared to 10 that actually feels like a closure to the saga, the first iii also are dry remixes of the NES ones

Gradius: III (The IWBTG tier arcade, not the far polished SNES) Galaxies and IV, III Arcade and IV are hard for the wrong reasons while Galaxies feels like some sort of Shovelware or Bootleg of the saga

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, good in theory, awful in paper since your Ai companion feels lobotomized while carrying the Chalice, and i am also in the X/X-II is the las good one, sorry, but they didn't have the pizzazz i like fron an RPG

Super Mario Bros: Land 1, a cool concept to put a Mario game in GB, but better skip it to Land 2

Mother: 1, I LOVE that one's Eight melodies more than Earthbound's, but even with the 25 Anniversary patch it feels too rought

Dragon Quest: The first two games, kudos for being the beggining of one of the most beloved sagas AND genres in gaming, but coming bat to them feels so rudimentary, the GBC/SFC remakes alleviate it, but III it's my fav

Pokemon: R/Z/E, The most of the good on G/S/C is lost, some areas feel empty and overall the new Dex, while having winners like Seviper and Wai... Gardevoir felt lukewarm

Zelda: II even with Redux is kinda sluggish and harsh, Twilight Princess also i feel it loss lots of the quirks of the saga sacryfing it over realisic aestethic

Castlevania: The GB Trilogy minus Legends miss the point of the Classicvanias, while Harmony of Dissonance is sandwiched between the posthumously born Circle of the moon and the Hell Yeah of a game that is Aria of sorrow with dull graphics, music that deserve to be in a GBC, tedious dual castle mechanics and the lamest story the trilogy of GBA can offer, ALL HAIL KING SOMA CRUZ
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Now I'm curious to know who that character is.
There can only be one possibility.
The turnabout thickens.
who was the character in ace attorney that you were that smitten with?
He sure loves large bananas!

Silence, fools.

(<3 Franziska)
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i think persona 4 is really quite bad. pokemon mystery dungeon gates to infinity was a big disappointment for me. the original version of shin megami tensei 5 wasn't to my taste at all, especially coming off 4 which was incredible. stalker 2 was a massive letdown.
I remember being really excited for the original SMT 5, but I would just progressively lose interest in it. So many times I would just be like "I prefer 4 more". Even after playing a lot of Vengeance which I enjoyed. I still compare it to 4 and just overall liked 4 a lot more.
Crash Bandicoot 1: Not bad, but the worst of the original trilogy. While the other 2 often make me want to come back and replay then, I kinda don't care much about 1.

Wario Land: Shake It!. It just fails to capture the creativity of the original series and its slow pace and long levels ended up boring me to the point I dropped it.

Mario Sunshine: I wouldn't call it bad either, but feels kinda lazy and disappointing compared to both 64 and Galaxy, the movement feels too slippery and imprecise, the worlds are too few and not exactly great either, exploration is not as fun as in 64 as you can't just find the stars in any order and honestly I only enjoyed the more linear challenges like "secret of" stars. Oh and camera could be a mess too.
So... I wasn't the only one. Maybe I'm more normal than I thought (or there are more insane people like me than I estimated).
Franziska is one of those characters that grows on you as you go through the games. i didn't initially like her until the post credits scene of justice for all. she improves more throughout the series.
ace combat 1 was pretty bad overall.
special mention: i didnt enjoy raidou kuzunoha 2 all that much honestly it felt sluggish to get through but the dragon riding theme was so dope.
Every silent hill after 4, fuck em
The mid 00sn crash bandicoot reboots, the devil may cry reboot, pokemon after the ds...
All the new super mario bros games after the ds
Wario master of disguise, I hate most stylus only platformers
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Every silent hill after 4, fuck em
The mid 00sn crash bandicoot reboots, the devil may cry reboot, pokemon after the ds...
All the new super mario bors games after the ds
Wario master of disguise, I hate most stylus only platformers
Having any given gimmick as the sole control option is always a mistake. Look at Starfox Command, it could be a sort of cool remake of Starfox 2 if it didn't have those stupid mandatory stylus controls.
  • Classic Sonic: Knuckles Chaotix. That stupid band effect made it practically unplayable.
  • Street Fighter: The Movie The Game. Garbage MK wannabe that's the only game other than SF1 to make it painful to pull off moves. Only good thing about it is the dumb name.
  • King of Fighter 99. Weak hold-over entry that feels like an alpha version of KOF 2000. Barely any new characters, old characters get nerfed badly, and the multiple Kyo clones with 0.2% differences between makes it feel like a bad MUGEN release.
  • Xenoblade 2. The main plot is great. The main gameplay is good after you've figured out what in the world all the tutorials are getting at (said useless tutorials continue to pop up literally until the last chapter). But the side content, such as gatcha and sky diving, is garbage that feels like a waste of time yet also pushes FOMO to get you to suffer through it. And while the main plot is good (side plots range from dull to atrocious), the characterization is the worst I've seen in any RPG. Everyone is either an unrelatable anime cliche, a total scumbag that would have fit better in the Rance series (ya, that PC98 series), or a mix of the two. I almost quit the series after it.
  • Classic FF: Final Fantasy II. It's considered the black sheep of the series for a reason. Having an original idea for a level system doesn't save it from the inanity of having to beat up yourself repeatedly to make progress (at least in all versions prior to the Pixel Remaster).
  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Zelda doesn't need to be dark and edgy to be good. And it's not that interesting when it is. Gameplay felt like nothing special when playing Link, clunky when playing as the werehog.
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Having any given gimmick as the sole control option is always a mistake. Look at Starfox Command, it could be a sort of cool remake of Starfox 2 if it didn't have those stupid mandatory stylus controls.

I really like the ds, I rock my dslite with two everdrives and spare batteries often but man especially nowdays that touch controls are as novel as white bread you couldnt pay me to play phantom hourglass

If its something that works well with a stylus like kirby canvas curse sure I'll take it but pls why do platfomers need stylus only...
Im still waiting for a good new rainbow islands game and the ds one is so trash, the arcade og has such fast pasted fun to learn trick controls every new entry doesnt seem to get

Also those brief moments in newzeldand story ds where you have to stop mid game to do a stylus minigmae are SO annoying especially for someone like me with big mutant hairy hands, who looks at an arcade game and goes "this would be petter if I had to play spot the difference on a tiny piece of paper with a toothpick every 10 minutes"
I got a couple to pick from... Star Fox Zero, FF2, Metroid (NES), Crash Bash.

But I got a couple that were mostly disappointing at the best:

1. LittleBigPlanet PSP (LBP3 was a close second): The game felt very limited (thanks in part to the PSP) in the create mode and every where else in the game.
2. Sonic 06: For obvious reasons...
3. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Ended up becoming the buggest Pokemon game to date. I couldn't stand it. Other then that. I did enjoy the gen 9 pokemon.
4. Yakuza 3: Great game but the combat felt really slow
5. Sly 4: Game was good but the story was a complete let down. Here's hoping for Sly 5 or something this in the future.
6. Ratchet and Clank (2016 Remake or something): The whole game was a let down as well as the movie
7: Sackboy: A Big Adventure: Good game but it fails to capture what made LittleBigPlanet so unique. In addition, the story was bland at best, there wasn't any create mode to extend replay value, and speaking of which... Replayability is non existent, the game is mostly a one and done.
8. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly: Game is completely busted... Also you can beat the game in 1 minute.
Persona 5: Easily some of the most shallow social commentary I've ever seen in a piece of media, Persona 5 Gameplay and overall Mechanics are solid but the writing and story are awful.
I got a couple to pick from... Star Fox Zero, FF2, Metroid (NES), Crash Bash.

But I got a couple that were mostly disappointing at the best:

1. LittleBigPlanet PSP (LBP3 was a close second): The game felt very limited (thanks in part to the PSP) in the create mode and every where else in the game.
2. Sonic 06: For obvious reasons...
3. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Ended up becoming the buggest Pokemon game to date. I couldn't stand it. Other then that. I did enjoy the gen 9 pokemon.
4. Yakuza 3: Great game but the combat felt really slow
5. Sly 4: Game was good but the story was a complete let down. Here's hoping for Sly 5 or something this in the future.
6. Ratchet and Clank (2016 Remake or something): The whole game was a let down as well as the movie
7: Sackboy: A Big Adventure: Good game but it fails to capture what made LittleBigPlanet so unique. In addition, the story was bland at best, there wasn't any create mode to extend replay value, and speaking of which... Replayability is non existent, the game is mostly a one and done.
8. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly: Game is completely busted... Also you can beat the game in 1 minute.

Oh yeah, I shouldve mentioned Ratchet and Clank after the ps2, I talked at lenght about it in the "why playstation feels different thread" but they really took away everything I liked about it. Turning it from a raunchy and slightly edgy and funny series to kiddy stuff and ratchet went from an angry jock to a wholesome nerd.
Also completly did a 180 on the titular duo being cool because they're nobodies, just a tiny mechanic fox and a tin can robot; now its the last one of a brilliant inventor race that an emperor exterminated and the chosen one of a mystical alien species
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  • Classic FF: Final Fantasy II. It's considered the black sheep of the series for a reason. Having an original idea for a level system doesn't save it from the inanity of having to beat up yourself repeatedly to make progress (at least in all versions prior to the Pixel Remaster).
The stat gain formula methodology has been corrected since the GBA port as far as I recall, so one doesn't need to go PR to enjoy FF2 (I actually consider it inferior for lacking Soul of Rebirth).

Other than that, agree with all your points.
I got a couple to pick from... Star Fox Zero, FF2, Metroid (NES), Crash Bash.

But I got a couple that were mostly disappointing at the best:

1. LittleBigPlanet PSP (LBP3 was a close second): The game felt very limited (thanks in part to the PSP) in the create mode and every where else in the game.
2. Sonic 06: For obvious reasons...
3. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Ended up becoming the buggest Pokemon game to date. I couldn't stand it. Other then that. I did enjoy the gen 9 pokemon.
4. Yakuza 3: Great game but the combat felt really slow
5. Sly 4: Game was good but the story was a complete let down. Here's hoping for Sly 5 or something this in the future.
6. Ratchet and Clank (2016 Remake or something): The whole game was a let down as well as the movie
7: Sackboy: A Big Adventure: Good game but it fails to capture what made LittleBigPlanet so unique. In addition, the story was bland at best, there wasn't any create mode to extend replay value, and speaking of which... Replayability is non existent, the game is mostly a one and done.
8. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly: Game is completely busted... Also you can beat the game in 1 minute.

As someone who adored the atmosphere of lbp1 Sackboy adventures looked heartbreakingly shallow, it seems like I wasnt wrong

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