Least favorite game on a franchise you love.

Ff13 didn't like the battle system at all.
FF13 is one of the worst 2 final fantasy games. 7 is the other, but at least in that one, you do have to pay attention and focus on the screen. i got to a point in 13 where i was just tapping the a button and flipping the channel over to watch the simpsons and other shows while grinding up exp. if i want a game to lay itself, i have disgaea 6. and it still requires me to keep a check on it from time to time.
Yes it took 3 entries for them to figure out 13was unlucky it took us 3 entries to say they are correct .

I don't hate remakes per se, though Id generally only play them if something is keeping me from enjoying the original. In a lot of cases my reading of them is a creative cop out disguised as a bid to bring a game to a newer audience.
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It's a merry go round ..if you don't have any brand new you take the old slap some clear coat wax on it shine it up for who didnt get to see it new originally get to see it new the second time around 10years later or longer.

Yakuza for the PS2 was always the least for me. 2 was a drastic improvement over this one and the fighting mechanics felt better there instead of this one. Story was meh for a Yakuza game and it's age very much shows even at the start.

The best praise I can give this game is that it at least didn't let me punch a hole in my room.
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Yakuza for the PS2 was always the least for me. 2 was a drastic improvement over this one and the fighting mechanics felt better there instead of this one. Story was meh for a Yakuza game and it's age very much shows even at the start.

The best praise I can give this game is that it at least didn't let me punch a hole in my room.
that's typical of the first installment of a series. stumbling and unsure of how to walk forward. Pikmin 2 is a drastic step up from pikmin 1. smoother controls, more enemies, better pikmin ai and pathing.

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