Confession, it's really hard for me to finish RPGs even tho they're my favorite genre of game. Mainly being a grown ass adult with responsibilities, jobs, kids, it makes it really hard to play games in general. I've grown attached the very linear experiences in recent years. Last game I actually beat was Ratchet and Clank A Rift in Time. Before that it was resident evil village. I did recently beat Spiderman on ps5, which I feel like I was able to do cause the side content is exactly too difficult and mainly was able to focus on the story, and even though it has RPG elements and has an open world, action games like that have a sneaky way on just making you focus on story.
Another one for me is I never beat Skyrim. I had 150 hours in the 360 version of the game. Never made it past the Grey Beards part of the game. Went and seen them, got my first shout. Then fucked around for 150 hours. I've never seen the ending, not sure if I want to either.
Very first Fallout game I ever beat was 4. Lost my job and spent damn near 300 hours playing the game. I'm also in that boat that New vegas is better than 3.
Assassins Creed, only ever almost completed 2 and every other game has been boring to me. It's a sin cause everyone loves assassins creed lmfao.