I wonder about that, too.
I don't actually think any of the mods are going to address my issue
or ban me – I must be a thorn in their side, because, aside from Yousef (whom I love), I'm the most popular non-mod member, and I disagree with a lot of what they have to say. Frankly, I consider it my duty to stand up for people who actually want to have some meaningful discussion that they couldn't anywhere else. Like... Jesus. I'm RGT's Jesus.
(That was a joke, obviously.)
Me and Spike are TIGHT, YO!!!!!! (Not actually, I've just been here a long time and I'm pretty sure he realizes I'm not a troll or bad actor.)
I've posted my detailed arguments again and again in this thread, and the only response you've given me is "get over it". You'll continue making catty, passive-aggressive, content-free insults, because you have no legitimate arguments against me besides "I disagree with you, and I'm a mod". That's exactly the issue I'm talking about, and you've done a great job proving me right.
They have, repeatedly – read the thread back, or see any of my trillions of interactions with my friends right here on RGT. And here's some quantifiable,
hard-data numbers to go along with those claims. I say it because... it's true. I know
you don't like me, but I'm not really concerned with that – I've got loads of friends, and I'm looking forward to making many more. It's pretty easy to do that when you encourage open discussion and not catty, smug, passive-aggressive snipes.