I literally told you that I banned three guys for being racist (and that that's where I draw the line), yet you think we are looking to enforce and pursue some sort of hidden agenda against free speech. We aren't, and I honestly don't know how to make it clear.
Waffles, again, I am not singling
you out. You're fine! You're a nice guy. I didn't see those users' posts, so I have no ideas how much those guys deserved it. Maybe they did! You don't
seem like an insane left-wing internet ideologue. I hope you aren't, because you're nice and I like you.
But not everyone is like you, and there
are, indeed, insane internet ideologues on this website. I've DMed some of them! I know that, if they had the chance, they'd love nothing more than to ban me in an instant for saying "left-leaning politics are ruining video games". (And, of course, they'll immediately ignore the context and nuance of that statement as I've used it here.) They'd love to ban
anyone for saying that, and they'd love to make sure that no one can say it on this website again, because they think (incorrectly) that if they do, the world will somehow become a better place. To that, I can
only laugh.
Again, I don't think this website's moderation team is guilty of shutting down conversation based on personal, idealogical agreements...
yet. I'd like to make sure none of you ever have the opportunity, in the same way that you know I'll never have the opportunity to say a slur, because it's
against the rules. As I've stated, I want written confirmation that
moderators cannot ban someone for discussing an otherwise controversial topic in good faith. (Once made, I'll be keeping a permalink to that confirmation for future reference and, if necessary, deployment.)
If you or any other mod is threatened by that statement, then we have a big problem – and, again, you might as well ban me now, because it'll happen eventually. This isn't about free speech, because we have to abide by your rules – I'd like
you to abide by just one of mine.
He strikes me as the type who wouldn't want the responsibility.