Seeing a lot of Banned users, is that normal?

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At the risk of starting another massive flame war... (I'm posting this because I want an answer that can be referred back to, not to troll.)
This is really tough to unpack, having been demodded for off-topic opinions before (i.e. unrelated to retro gaming if it were here), but in the end I have to side with the ambiguous approach. Any community that would remove a long-time and respected user without warning isn't a community they should want to be a part of. I'll continue with the assumption this isn't one of those communities, but if we both get banned for this next year, I'm honestly fine with that too. Communities are always evolving and are as complex as the people in them; overly precise rules are a denial of this, which can either lead to destruction by way of an unwelcoming environment or acceptance by way of relaxed rules. From what I've seen, RGT is decisively in the latter camp.
What's often lost in the shuffle is that moderating is an unpaid, volunteer job, and a lot of things happen every day on a forum of this size and magnitude (you wouldn't believe how many reports and DMs I check every day!).
I really don't know how to say this without coming across as a snarky asshole but it's not like Spike put a gun to your head and forced you to accept the job.
sad piece of shit noises.jpg
Imma pretty sure they're referring to plain old racism, Jewish hate and n*azi like propaganda rather than I dunno nihilism.
Then we got sexism, heteroism (because let's be real; these people aren't  scared of gay people, as much as they'd  like to believe they are), transphobia, and all the ones I'm not willing to get into because like I said; people are not ready for this discussion yet.

True neutrality comes at a cost.
Then we got sexism, heteroism (because let's be real; these people aren't  scared of gay people, as much as they'd  like to believe they are), transphobia, and all the ones I'm not willing to get into because like I said; people are not ready for this discussion yet.

True neutrality comes at a cost.
Or you could look at it like this: Noone needs to know who you want to fuck, or if you want to wear womens clothing. Just don't make it my problem and leave kids out of it.
I really don't know how to say this without coming across as a snarky asshole but it's not like Spike put a gun to your head and forced you to accept the job.
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He didn't. And I enjoy the job.

What I meant by that is that I'm still 1 dude. You are *checks* 123,362.

Some stuff is gonna get lost in the middle.
Imma pretty sure they're referring to plain old racism, Jewish hate and n*azi like propaganda rather than I dunno nihilism.
And if they want to keep that stuff off the forum, that's fine. But there's a big difference between legitimate hate and a nuanced discussion about a video game's controversial politics that may upset someone who isn't willing to entertain an opposing viewpoint. The latter – at the time of writing – isn't against the rules on this forum. Let's keep it that way.

Any community that would remove a long-time and respected user without warning isn't a community they should want to be a part of.
That's my point. I'm someone who's written several encyclopedias worth of material for this forum, made several cool friends, and generally enjoys participating in the conversation. (If I didn't, I wouldn't be here.) If that all were to get taken away by some dipshit mod who's angry about what he saw on Twitter that day and decided to take it out on me – which I have on good authority that some members of this forum already do, mod or not – it's my time that would have been wasted, and I'd rather it wasn't.

That's what we should have in writing: Strict confirmation that moderators cannot ban someone for discussing an otherwise controversial topic in good faith. Even if that conversation contains the word "woke", or "DEI", or a discussion on how left-leaning politics are ruining video games. If your blood is boiling after reading that, you're who I'm talking about. (I'm not referring to you, Zemus, I'm using "you" generally for whoever's reading this.)
He didn't. And I enjoy the job.

What I meant by that is that I'm still 1 dude. You are *checks* 123,362.

Some stuff is gonna get lost in the middle.
And I enjoy you having it. I'm not particularly expressive on that front but if you ever felt the need to have a badge of approval this post is it.
this is good civilization.jpg
That's what we should have in writing: Strict confirmation that moderators cannot ban someone for discussing an otherwise controversial topic in good faith.
I literally told you that I banned three guys for being racist (and that that's where I draw the line), yet you think we are looking to enforce and pursue some sort of hidden agenda against free speech. We aren't, and I honestly don't know how to make it clear.
And if they want to keep that stuff off the forum, that's fine. But there's a big difference between legitimate hate and a nuanced discussion about a video game's controversial politics that may upset someone who isn't willing to entertain an opposing viewpoint. The latter – at the time of writing – isn't against the rules on this forum. Let's keep it that way.

That's my point. I'm someone who's written several encyclopedias worth of material for this forum, made several cool friends, and generally enjoys participating in the conversation. (If I didn't, I wouldn't be here.) If that all were to get taken away by some dipshit mod who's angry about what he saw on Twitter that day and decided to take it out on me – which I have on good authority that some members of this forum already do, mod or not – it's my time that would have been wasted, and I'd rather it wasn't.

That's what we should have in writing: Strict confirmation that moderators cannot ban someone for discussing an otherwise controversial topic in good faith. Even if that conversation contains the word "woke", or "DEI", or a discussion how left-leaning politics are ruining video games. If your blood is boiling after reading that, you're who I'm talking about. (I'm not referring to you, Zemus, I'm using "you" generally for whoever's reading this.)
This forum is for talking about Retro Games, but other topics can raise from that conversation. But for what i've seen yeah you can't get banned for having a political opinion different to another person and i think that is awesome.
This a cool forum about cool games at the end of the day and not something pursuing any type of agenda. We can leave that for the other sites many of us are escaping from ;).
Well, at the end of the day it is the internet at the end of the day. Is our virtual space in this tiny rocky world in the universe. We all came from different background, places and even if we are all adults, some are older and some are younger. I think the rule is pretty simple, just don’t be an asshole or hassle to the forum. That’s all, we are all trying to have a good time.
rena is gonna take you home.png
I literally told you that I banned three guys for being racist (and that that's where I draw the line), yet you think we are looking to enforce and pursue some sort of hidden agenda against free speech. We aren't, and I honestly don't know how to make it clear.
Waffles, again, I am not singling you out. You're fine! You're a nice guy. I didn't see those users' posts, so I have no ideas how much those guys deserved it. Maybe they did! You don't seem like an insane left-wing internet ideologue. I hope you aren't, because you're nice and I like you.

But not everyone is like you, and there are, indeed, insane internet ideologues on this website. I've DMed some of them! I know that, if they had the chance, they'd love nothing more than to ban me in an instant for saying "left-leaning politics are ruining video games". (And, of course, they'll immediately ignore the context and nuance of that statement as I've used it here.) They'd love to ban anyone for saying that, and they'd love to make sure that no one can say it on this website again, because they think (incorrectly) that if they do, the world will somehow become a better place. To that, I can only laugh.

Again, I don't think this website's moderation team is guilty of shutting down conversation based on personal, idealogical agreements... yet. I'd like to make sure none of you ever have the opportunity, in the same way that you know I'll never have the opportunity to say a slur, because it's against the rules. As I've stated, I want written confirmation that moderators cannot ban someone for discussing an otherwise controversial topic in good faith. (Once made, I'll be keeping a permalink to that confirmation for future reference and, if necessary, deployment.)

If you or any other mod is threatened by that statement, then we have a big problem – and, again, you might as well ban me now, because it'll happen eventually. This isn't about free speech, because we have to abide by your rules – I'd like you to abide by just one of mine.

He strikes me as the type who wouldn't want the responsibility.
More than banned people I've seen a lot of closed threads. Lately there is this cycle whenever people start talking about shitty modern games(one of the most natural topics!!) and then why are the games shitty my dude?? so DEI is like one of the usual suspects and some people will point it out but then others will get mad and the war starts... and then u ask me what is the solution. should ppl just not point that out (there are many more reasons for modern games sucking other than DEI ofc but still) silently disagreeing with disney guidelines for all eternity???????? well idk
That's my point. I'm someone who's written several encyclopedias worth of material for this forum, made several cool friends, and generally enjoys participating in the conversation. (If I didn't, I wouldn't be here.) If that all were to get taken away by some dipshit mod who's angry about what he saw on Twitter that day and decided to take it out on me – which I have on good authority that some members of this forum already do, mod or not – it's my time that would have been wasted, and I'd rather it wasn't.
I would only consider it wasted if the messages were never read. It would be "somewhat wasted" if they were removed, but being in the context of a discussion by default, they already served their original purpose. Important threads can and should be archived as well, both publicly and privately.

There are undoubtedly users that wouldn't make effective mods, but that's why they're not. The selection process is up to those currently in charge, so the way things have gone with them so far bodes well.

That's what we should have in writing: Strict confirmation that moderators cannot ban someone for discussing an otherwise controversial topic in good faith.
Is it good faith to require this, though? To me it's clearly implied. I could get behind adding as a footnote to the rules, either way, but it wouldn't make a difference to me.

I doubt we'll change each other's minds, but for what it's worth, this is why I'm satisfied with the moderation I've seen. (Also, the lack of it where it wouldn't belong.)
More than banned people I've seen a lot of closed threads. Lately there is this cycle whenever people start talking about shitty modern games(one of the most natural topics!!) and then why are the games shitty my dude?? so DEI is like one of the usual suspects and some people will point it out but then others will get mad and the war starts... and then u ask me what is the solution. should ppl just not point that out (there are many more reasons for modern games sucking other than DEI ofc but still) silently disagreeing with disney guidelines for all eternity???????? well idk
This is kind of what I'm talking about. If people keep bringing up the topic of DEI as a negative to video games, it's probably because... DEI is a clearly-identifiable, easily-replicable, immediately-understandable negative to video games (to those users). It's a topic worth discussing, clearly, and if people want to discuss it in a mature, reasonable, nuanced way that doesn't break any of the site's rules, then why shouldn't they? (Aside from the whims of an angry mod, which is my entire point.)

And, for the record: I'm just using DEI as an example of a controversial topic that we're all already familiar with. I'd say the very same thing about, like, economic conditions or war or trade embargos or whatever.

I would only consider it wasted if the messages were never read.
I could not disagree more strongly, because I actually like going back to threads and re-reading what others have posted. I also like being able to join in a discussion even when it's not active, which is one of the best parts of a non-instantaneous platform like a forum.

I'd rather talk about games than engage in some fucking culture war manufactured by rich anglo dudes who don't believe a single thing they claim to be fighting for.
Then... do that! That's allowed, too. Just don't force us all to do what you want to do, because if a discussion is happening (and it doesn't break the rules), then clearly it's worth having.
Just don't force us all to do what you want to do
I never did that to you, and never will.
I will only say my piece on the matter, which you can choose to listen to and think about it or not.
This culture war nonsense only serves the purpose of destruction. That is all.
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