At the risk of starting another massive flame war... (I'm posting this because I want an answer that can be referred back to, not to troll.)
Since you haven't defined what this means, I can only expect you'll be granting a certain deal of leniency to members that can be presumed to be posting in good faith, right? Because if you mods are just going to swing your weight around and immediately sack people for vague, unclear reasons ranging from legitimate harassment to using the W- or DEI- words when describing a modern video game, you might as well just permaban me now – I don't want to waste my time in that environment.
Keep in mind that I'll be linking back to any answer you give here in the future, so think long and hard before you hit "Post Reply". I'm personally of the opinion that intentionally low-quality posts are far more of a problem than "incredibly outdated philosophies" (i.e. posting something that you disagree with on an ideological level after you've seen a news headline that made you upset). And if you think I'm going to suck up to anyone, even mods I like, to prevent my own account from being banned – honey, you've got a big storm coming.