I’ll use this review is his as sample. A lot of my points will be directed but vids as a whole but I’ll fixate on his MM5 review for a sec (and just his thoughts on classic).
First of all, scripting sucks. J’s does not know how to annunciate anything. In fact, I’d go as far to say he might be aware of the concept at all. He does pause, yet he still sounds like he’s saying everything in one breath. All his sentences and points blend into one another and it makes really tough to remember anything he said as it often sounds too neutral. It makes come off as either trying not to annoy anyone or just not really sure what he’s talking.
For the most, I tend to also dislike his approach with Mega man, where it seems like he wants the games to be as action heavy as possible with no room to stop and think. He consistently frames the X games as being inherently superior to Classic, and makes it sound like classic is just baby steps towards the X games as a whole which is a false premise for a Megaman discussion since they both do their own thing. I dislike how all Megaman YouTubers consistently set up X as being the evolution of Classic, and classic is just a downgrade to them.
His Mega man 5 reviews shows how unaware he is. Constantly pointing at the charge shot as being a great thing which proves my point he just wants a brainless action game. 5’d charge shot absolutely destroys 5’s already piss-poor level design. I think he also genuinely doesn’t understand boss patterns either. He points at the ease of bosses in 5 as being a net-positive, not realizing how braindead the bosses are.
Easy isn’t bad. Braindead is. Action games aren’t bad. Braindead action is. Mega man 5 is just a really terrible example of both. He’s way too lenient on the Protoman/wily castle too, calling them the best which is frankly really silly.