I would not recommend it tbh .hack//link is a good game but it will be more appreciated if you played the other games. Why?in terms of narrative, would you recommend it as a first .hack? i was curious about the series but it has so many entries and i imagined the psp one being like a spin off or too much of a side story.
Well because .hack//link basically tells the story of a dude that traverse through time
And you go through the story of every other .hack//game Soo it kinda spoilery
If you wanna get into .hack I think the best way (according to the timeline by link)
Would be .hack//sign => the 4(3?) games of .hack (where the protagonist is a dude wearing orange) => .hack//G.U games => link
Although you can play link and enjoy it anyways
You don't need to play the others before link
But playing link first could have it's disadvantages