What is your views related to Pirating?

Some games are absolutely not available in any other way, so they'd simply be forgotten otherwise.
This video is a public service:

The title and the thumb are trash but he showed very well the issue. They go all digital, then close the eshop and fuck the access to all that library. So if you decided to do the impossible task of buying all those games to preserve it somewhere, what would you need? Well, A LOT, and not only money.
I'd say:

Morally correct if you are unable to access that work without it jeopardizing your economic survival, it doesn't matter where or who that work comes from.

Bad* if you are using it to generate profit at the expense of other people's work (*depending on your socialeconomic conditions and the one from the "damaged" part, since most big companies make their profit from the exploitation of underpaid employees).
Crunchyroll just announced they're locking certain arcs behind higher tier subscriptions. Hopefully the backlash convinced them that it's a bad idea. Either way poopy company.

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