Weird, unsuccessful franchise reboots

I beat the PS2 Altered Beast a couple years ago, it could have been good. It just wasn't polished at all, to the point of really hurting the action (and the final boss was trash). Probably because it was the first Sega of China game and they didn't have enough experience.
This game is so fucking disappointment

Good game in its own right. But it didn't feel like a Lufia game. And the setting and certain gameplay elements had more in common with the Super Famicom spinoff Energy Breaker. That part I actually enjoyed. But it would have been lost on most players the same way it was for The Legend Returns.

Too many changes to characters. Although I liked the fact that Tia stood up for herself in the face of Maxim being so oblivious and insensitive to her feelings. Her character was definitely handled better here. Her weapon is a suitcase full of weird gadgets and junk, yet she's one of the most overpowered characters. If Maxim wasn't required to actually beat Gades she could wipe the floor with him herself.

This game has a lot of cool elements. But it would have been better off being its own thing or an Energy Breaker sequel. As a Lufia game it just feels too off.
REMEMBER, FOLKS: This thread is about reboots – i.e. full on-relaunches of a franchise, usually including a redone art style – not sequels you disliked or spiritual successors. If anyone posts a game that isn't a reboot, why, I'll just BLOW MY STACK.
Guitar Hero Live. Technically a reboot! What the fuck were they cooking with that one? The FMV backgrounds are genuinely such a bizarre choice for trying to "innovate" circa 2015. That's like, a full 20 years too late! Felt a weird pit in my gut whenever I looked at it, one of those games where you just know its gonna be a franchise-killer the moment you hear about it. Grim!
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I believe Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly did unrepairable damage to the platformer genre. Imagine making a half-assed and a shitty sequel to two of the most successful platformer franchises and go like "Are we out of touch? No, it's platformers that are wrong"
Platformers did super well critically and commercially on the GameCube and especially the PS2 though. It’s more the eventual overexposure of the genre and developers’ shift to more "mature" games (read that as piss filter shooters) that hurt the platformer genre rather than two bad games that came very early in their hardware generation.

The attempted Fear Effect reboot was plain baffling. The original games were janky but they had heart, humor and style. This was just a sad quiet fart by comparison.
One that was somewhat close to me, other than the Donté DMC reboot, was Ace Combat Assault Horizon. They tried to appeal more to Western audiences, and in doing so, they got rid of most of the things people loved about the series, and introduced the awful dogfighting on rails mechanic instead.

Turok (2008) was such an extremly letdown.

Its playable and had really cool ideas for its time but replaying this vomit-inducing CoD-wannabe-disaster wasnt only dreadful but boring beyond believe too .

Turok : Evolution was a bad game too but it has the mainpoints what makes Turok great and with cheats it was a silly fun time atleast but Turok (2008) was absolutly dissapointing .
Platformers did super well critically and commercially on the GameCube and especially the PS2 though. It’s more the eventual overexposure of the genre and developers’ shift to more "mature" games (read that as piss filter shooters)
I'm more of a traditional mascot platformer kind of person and the ones that came in the next gen were much more combat oriented or had some other subversion to it, and often relied more on egdyness. I understand there's people who's into those but they're not for me.
(Not that all platformers were like this, the best counter-example I can think of being Super Mario Sunshine)

Crash 4 and Spyro 4 failing sent the message that it wasn't good enough to keep making platfomers the old fashioned way, even though these games never had a chance being rushed and mishandled the way they were.

What you say is true and probably was inevitable either way, but I think it could have went a little better had the circumstances been different.
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I'm more of a traditional mascot platformer kind of person and the ones that came in the next gen were much more combat oriented or had some other subversion to it, and often relied more on egdyness. I understand there's people who's into those but they're not for me.
(Not that all platformers were like this, the best counter-example I can think of being Super Mario Sunshine)

Crash 4 and Spyro 4 failing sent the message that it wasn't good enough to keep making platfomers the old fashioned way, even though these games never had a chance being rushed and mishandled the way they were.

What you say is true and probably was inevitable either way, but I think it could have went a little better had the circumstances been different.
When bottom line becomes the sole concern, any weak entry might doom the whole franchise. It's the basis of the decision handbook for many companies, sadly.
I heard that the two recent Castlevania weren't succeful, but the first one imho was pretty good, even though different from the other old Castlevania.
And as someone olready said, the Saints Row reboot. It has everything that is wrong about modern society. Nothing to do with the old ones.

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