The Worst Game you ever played

Popping back in to add Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen. MandaloreGaming has a fantastic essay on it if you need a formal introduction. The following is an informal intro:
I couldn't find a version without the meme music; all the other weirdness is purely the game
Assassins Creed Unity

To release this as the sequel to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag was the most disappointing experience I've had with gaming. From clunky mechanics to a story that doesn't bear remembering, it was the first missed step on the flight of stairs Ubisoft pushed the Assassin's Creed franchise down.

Honorable mention goes to Cyberpunk 2077 on release. Paid full price and was hyped only to be horribly disappointed by the performance. It was completely unplayable at that time. Went on to become one of my favorite games of all time though.
Bound by Flame

I listened to some guy talking on YouTube about how more B level games need to be given a chance and he recommended this one to fans of Fantasy or games like Fable.
I still agree that cheaper and lower quality games are often just as good as triple AA or more often than not far better for even exploring new ideas that they don't.
This game is not that. It is a very mindless slog where what choices you make don't matter and all combat is the same boring combat.
I even wasted time trying the PS$ re-release to see if it was better, the naivety was bad.
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I only played the demo on 360 but it was an experience.
View attachment 24403
Is basically what happens if Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid made the Fusion dance but they made it wrong and the result is a stealth game that punishes you a lot for little errors, the Vampires basically kills you in one hit when they discover you.
Does that say Rain Vampire or Vampire Rain? either way not a great title
Assassins Creed Unity
View attachment 25068
To release this as the sequel to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag was the most disappointing experience I've had with gaming. From clunky mechanics to a story that doesn't bear remembering, it was the first missed step on the flight of stairs Ubisoft pushed the Assassin's Creed franchise down.

Honorable mention goes to Cyberpunk 2077 on release. Paid full price and was hyped only to be horribly disappointed by the performance. It was completely unplayable at that time. Went on to become one of my favorite games of all time though.
Do you remember the online PvP play for an earlier AC game? I don't quite remember which game. The one where players picked an assassin character, entered a map populated with NPC clones of the players, and tried finding other players to assassinate while not blowing their own cover. At the time, that was the most creative mode I'd seen out of an AC game in a while, so Ubisoft did fuck all with it
Normally, the games considered "the worst ever" have some redeeming humor factor to them that I find enjoyable. Action 52's psychedelic graphics and games that don't work and Bubsy 3D's charming Primitive 3 Dimensional Graphics prevent me from calling them the "worst of all time".

So instead I raise this; No More Heroes. A game that I genuinely hated from the minute I started it. The "jokes" are terrible and I genuinely hate Travis as a character and an MC. Not cause he's a loser or nothing (I like "loser" characters FYI) but because he is, for lack of a better word, a REDDITOR. He acts exactly like every annoying redditor from the early 2010s. I half expected this guy to tell me that the Narwhal Bacons at Midnight.

And the gameplay... good heavens... perhaps the worst shit ever. I already dislike Character Action games but this spins it in a way to specifically make me feel like shit while playing it. The way the blade controls feels so damn flimsy and constantly recharging feels more like an annoyance rather than a mechanic that makes you play wisely. Now granted, I was playing the PC version which I heard is inferior to the original version for the Wii, but I doubt I would have enjoyed it anyways. I quit at the Shinobu boss fight, I was fed up with that game already but this battle in particular was like pouring molten sewage on my face. From that moment on I just realized I didn't like Suda Goichi's games... Killer7 wasn't too bad though.

But hey, it inspired that one Hi-C song, so everything has a bright side to it lol.
I absolutely loathe Inscryption. There is no game dev I think needs to be slapped until they understand what they make and what they write is nothing, but vapid dogshit than Daniel Mullins. Every single word that this rancid creature writes is like nails on chalkboard, like dirt in the eyes. Ever game he makes is just "oooOOOooo the game is possessed!!!", but Inscryption just takes this vile and redundant premise to the next level by having a community do some dogshit arg to find out that HITLER is a villain within Inscryption. It doesn't help that the part that people love (the card game) is the most limp-wristed card game known to man
I absolutely loathe Inscryption. There is no game dev I think needs to be slapped until they understand what they make and what they write is nothing, but vapid dogshit than Daniel Mullins. Every single word that this rancid creature writes is like nails on chalkboard, like dirt in the eyes. Ever game he makes is just "oooOOOooo the game is possessed!!!", but Inscryption just takes this vile and redundant premise to the next level by having a community do some dogshit arg to find out that HITLER is a villain within Inscryption. It doesn't help that the part that people love (the card game) is the most limp-wristed card game known to man
you said Adolf?
As far as major releases are concerned, it really might be Pokemon Sword & Shield. Like... it's really that inexcusable. Far from the worst game at all, though.

That title... probably goes to...

It just kind of fails on every possible level. It's ugly to look at, the sound effects are annoying, and the music is repetitive. The gameplay is incredibly clunk and super sluggish, with really awkward physics paired with one-hit deaths and a character model that's waaay too big for the type of game it is. Even if you're perfect at it (I cannot imagine how many deaths that would take) it still takes an eternity to even get through each screen.
Hugo 2 (PSX) for poor controls.
Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) at launch for releasing in a buggy unplayable state.
And I'm sure there're many other games I'm forgetting that I've played which were released in an unwinnable state.
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Also, any modern pay to win game, and any game designed to extract money from vulnerable players by offering the "incentive" of reducing the time it takes to play. That ethos is pretty antithetical to how I enjoy games
I suppose I should Finally answer my own question now. There are a few candidates.

Infinite Dunamis: an rpgmaker rpg made by kemco, which the name alone should tell you enough, but if you don't know, they are a company that turns out crappy, tropey in a bad way, grindy, derivative rpg maker rpgs. And also really bad licensed games before that. I made the mistake of playing this as a teenager and it was pretty boring front to back, It did have one redeeming quality in that weapons got stronger the more you used them and also had an attack tied to them that you could use at any time once you mastered the weapon. Hope an actually good game does something like that.

Ice Age GBA Tie in game: Standard tie in game slop, what makes this stand out as bad is that it has both 2d platforming sections and top down exploration puzzle solving sections, and they both suck, I played this at a friends house as a kid and never got past the second exploration section because even as a naive child I could not be bothered, I'd rather be playing lego star wars, mx unleashed, larryboy and the bad apple, and crash bandicoot wrath of cortex with my childhood best friend on his ps2. or catching frogs in a nearby creek with him during the summer.


Young Justice Legacy: It was marketed as a canon tie in to the tv show and as a big fan when it was airing I got it to play with my brothers, it looked and played poorly, we kinda just stopped halfway and never picked it back up, it was a slapped together rush job. I don't even have anything "bad" to say about it since it was such a nothing burger of a game, i could say that it was a 1-3 player beat em up, but that just a descriptor of the gameplay than anything else. Actually there is one thing, there were these boxes in the levels that prompted you to open them but when you did nothing happened, what was up with that, were there supposed to be upgrades or pick ups in them that were never implemented. I genuinely have no idea. That game was just unfinished in full reflection. Still if you like superhero shows or just action in general, I would recommend the 1st season of the tv show, pretty entertaining.

Batman Arkham Origin: the game is a barely functional buggy glitch mess, My save data got randomly corrupted twice and I had to start all over, also the load times are atrocious, the people who say this game isn't that bad are blinded by nostalgia for the death stroke fight which is the best boss fight int the arkham series, the rest of the game is barely playable though, which is a shame, I wish it was good but it just isn't, it needed a lot more quality assurance time that it just didn't have for some reason.

And before I get to the actual worst game I've ever played, I'm gonna throw in a quick (dis)honorable mention to to LEGO Bionicle for GBA, its not terrible but it has pretty clunky movement controls and questionable collision but a halfway decent inventory system where each tool you have does something unique and useful. Its also pretty short and entertaining for what it is. It doesn't really deserve to be here but I've already wrote this much on it and don't want to delete what ive said

Now as for what I consider the actual worst game I have ever played I would say it is SMT: Devil Survivor. It is even more grindy than Infinite Dunamis and the time based system is poorly explained to the player, (Just imagine an infinitly worse version of Majora's Mask and Lightning Returns day cycles with no way for the player to record or review events they've seen or know about but missed.) The combat is a weird mix of a tactical and traditional rpg that tries to do both at the same time but is good at neither because of it. you go to fight an an enemy on the tactical battle map, and are taken to a separate battle screen where your character has to fight a squad of enemies, and you have a limited number of turns to beat them or the battle just ends and the entire enemy squad heals to full health (its been a while so im not sure if the part about them all healing is true for all enemies or just certain ones), as a result combat is super slow and tedious, this stretches what should be a couple hours of playtime into like 10 (that may or may not be an overexaggeration). It made me wish I was either playing fire emblem or pokemon past the first couple encounters of the game. The game also expects you to grind a lot and promotes gambling, too, basically the structure of the game is like this, do a main battle, grind for money, go to shop gamble for a better demon than the ones you have now, then fuse those demons and hope the resulting one has good stats, then grind some more to get it up to level, then do the next major events until the next battle, repeat. It is tedious and not fun at all.

AND finally to address the elephant in the room, you play as characters who partake in the practice of demonology. Now I understand that less religious forum members wont really care about that so to those people you can just skip to the end now. Those that do want to hear can read the spoiler tag below this

now as for more religious members of the forum: this game advocates for devil worship, I cannot say it enough. It is the single most heinous and wicked pieces of media I have interacted with. If you are a practicing Christian (or Muslim or Jew too), I implore all my fellow believers to destroy any copy of this game or any other smt game they come across. (You may be wondering, why did you play it if your faith is so important to you, the answer is I played it before I became a Christian). This thing is from hell and should be sent back there

Overall, this game just tries to be pokemon, and srpg, and a resource management game at the same time and fails on all fronts and just wastes your time on purpose

this game is pure evil and want to steal your time and life


Sorry for turning this into a mini article, guess I had a lot to say::cirnoshrug

This game needs no introduction. I remember renting this as a kid and it was the worst game and worst rental ever


I think I either rented this or borrowed from my cousin. The controls are really unresponsive that I honestly thought something was wrong with my PS2 controller. I gave up after the first mission.


Usually if a movie is terrible, the game is good or vice versa but I never heard of a game that the movie it's based on is terrible. The game is too repetitive both in gameplay and the dialogue. The first boss kept repeating himself every five seconds that I thought the disc was scratched.

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