The Worst Game you ever played

Silver Surfer on NES.


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I feel like games before the PS1 are cheating. There are just too many really bad ones especially on the Atari 2600 or NES. So for mine I shall put this.

I have a distinct resistance to "bad" games. I've played a lot of games that are considered bad but to me are fun. Games like Crash Twinsanity (the best one) or Final Fight Streetwise (saving is the major issue for me.) But this one just upset me, like really bad. The worst part is that I was playing through it with one of my homies and I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. We have the Ada campaign left. We played on No Hope (We've beat the majority of the rest on the hardest settings) and the amount of useless Skill Points the game drops you combined with the melee combat being stamina based just killed any enjoyment for me. Resi 5 is considered the death of the series for a while but I think that one was good. 6 and maybe Operation Raccoon City are the worst of the series by a long mile (at least ORC is funny at times.)
Resident Evil 6 is the biggest example of wasted potential I've touched. Especially learning that Claire and Jill were supposed to be in the game but got cut because of the Revelations series or something like that. I think if the combat wasn't so reliant on the slow clunky CQC and useless skills that don't even really help it would've been better. It could've also used some slower moments to draw the horror out better, this one went back to zombies for some parts in the game, they should be as horrifying and creepy as past titles.
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I feel like games before the PS1 are cheating. There are just too many really bad ones especially on the Atari 2600 or NES. So for mine I shall put this.

I have a distinct resistance to "bad" games. I've played a lot of games that are considered bad but to me are fun. Games like Crash Twinsanity (the best one) or Final Fight Streetwise (saving is the major issue for me.) But this one just upset me, like really bad. The worst part is that I was playing through it with one of my homies and I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. We have the Ada campaign left. We played on No Hope (We've beat the majority of the rest on the hardest settings) and the amount of useless Skill Points the game drops you combined with the melee combat being stamina based just killed any enjoyment for me. Resi 5 is considered the death of the series for a while but I think that one was good. 6 and maybe Operation Raccoon City are the worst of the series by a long mile (at least ORC is funny at times.)
Resident Evil 6 is the biggest example of wasted potential I've touched. Especially learning that Claire and Jill were supposed to be in the game but got cut because of the Revelations series or something like that. I think if the combat wasn't so reliant on the slow clunky CQC and useless skills that don't even really help it would've been better. It could've also used some slower moments to draw the horror out better, this one went back to zombies for some parts in the game, they should be as horrifying and creepy as past titles.
Oh, not to mention that Jake and the other hoe (can't remember her name) are some of the most shallow, boring characters Capcom has ever written. Jake especially should've been threatening and mysterious, but instead is the classic edgelord with daddy issues.

So, I've played objectively shittier games than this, but this game gets my vote. For one, it's licensed slop. Two, it's based off the Michael Bay trash movies with their stupid modern designs. Finally, it was just... bland. I could say as bland as white bread, but I've had some absolutely delicious white bread that you don't even need to put anything on. The blandness is legit shocking. It's just so nothing. I didn't detect even the slightest hint of a soul in it. Ultimately, I tend to find bland games worse than bad games. Same with other forms of media. Something bad at least makes me feel emotions while playing it. Negative ones, sure, but it's something! I rented it and played it for maybe two hours before returning it and getting something else. I don't have much more to say. This kind of game is true suffering for me.
View attachment 24338This game is absolute dogshit, by far one of the worst 2D platform games ever made. But the cutscenes are funny as fuck.
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Also the Music is Fucking Amazing.
I wonder if this guy's first name is Morning.
View attachment 24338This game is absolute dogshit, by far one of the worst 2D platform games ever made. But the cutscenes are funny as fuck.
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Also the Music is Fucking Amazing.
I saw someone playing this not too long ago. I did like the animations during gameplay, but yeah it looked pretty smelly honestly.
Hard Drivin on Commodore 64 is very high on the list. It's a port of a 1989 3D arcade racer on hardware from 1982 running off of a floppy disk, with visuals taken from (I think?) the ZX Spectrum port. Not that arcade Hard Drivin looks great by today's standards, but it at least had... colors and kind of a framerate? I mean, what is this...?
The Quiet Man is the one bad game I remember the most as a genuine waste of time.


Sure, the story is not memorable in the slightest (I would be incapable to tell you what it is about) and the "deaf protagonist" gimmick isn't interesting, but that's not my problem with it, I didn't really mind that.

What really soured me on this game is how boring the gameplay is. It's a really bad Arkham-style brawler where you feel like you're punching foam, going through linear corridors to punch the same view enemies with no bite to them, until the end of the fortunately short game.
Well, I had a bit of fun fighting the final boss, but it was because of everything bad about the gameplay added to a big spongy bastard made it look even more ridiculous than usual. So I was entertained for the first minute, then back to bored.

I think it would have benefited from being an FMV game instead. Maybe focusing on the story and the whole "deaf protagonist" stuff, they could have made it good.
The combat is so not-even-half-baked-downright-raw that I feel even a bad and very short FMV game would have had a better reception.
Maybe Super Alfred Chicken? I don't remember why I had it, a relative maybe, but I'd fire it up occasionally - my optimistic brain thinking I just "didn't get it" - and then just immediately hit the floor and remember this is pure ass.

Oh, wait no...Space Ace on the SNES, it's *fucking* unplayable. The absolute worst.

Just an amazing game, with all the joy of a tetanus shot. The Don Bluth cinematic and Dragon Lair connection make you think you're showing up for a killer party, until the game starts; turns out the orgy wrapped up an hour ago and they just need someone to mop.
View attachment 24369Maybe Super Alfred Chicken? I don't remember why I had it, a relative maybe, but I'd fire it up occasionally - my optimistic brain thinking I just "didn't get it" - and then just immediately hit the floor and remember this is pure ass.

Oh, wait no...Space Ace on the SNES, it's *fucking* unplayable. The absolute worst.
View attachment 24371

Just an amazing game, with all the joy of a tetanus shot. The Don Bluth cinematic and Dragon Lair connection make you think you're showing up for a killer party, until the game starts; turns out the orgy wrapped up an hour ago and they just need someone to mop.
What do you got going on with your profile? That looks cool as hell man.
It's some new visual stuff Spike is cooking up, it's just us mods testing it out right now but you'll hear more soon.

(The picture I'm using is a cover to DIE by Kieron Gillen though, a phenomenal fantasy comic. Can't recommend it more highly. The artwork in particular is an amazing piece by Stephanie Hans, who also does the interiors of the book.)
It's some new visual stuff Spike is cooking up, it's just us mods testing it out right now but you'll hear more soon.

(The picture I'm using is a cover to DIE by Kieron Gillen though, a phenomenal fantasy comic. Can't recommend it more highly. The artwork in particular is an amazing piece by Stephanie Hans, who also does the interiors of the book.)
View attachment 24379
Sick nasty. I dig it.

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