I'm fine with this so long as they actually develop the character realistically. People like that exist, but they get them wrong so often. They often fail to properly show what Cluster B disorders look like, or what an ideologue actually thinks, or how opportunists "justify" their behavior. Instead, they're a cackling cartoon who just doesn't sell that there's something off about them.
On that note, I think they need to retire the "genius psychopath." Look, I like Joker❉ stories as much as the next DC Comics fan, and Anthony Hopkins has great acting skills, but 99% of all stories that try to hype up psychopaths are brainlords ignore the fact that near 0% of them IRL are even average. These writers are using half-understood myths about Zodiac, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy (all bumbling idiots who had advantages not related to intelligence if you've read up on them in depth) as reference for characters that are 100 times smarter than anyone who behaves like them ever could be. In reality, Cluster B PDs correlate with low intelligence. You have to be pretty dumb to not only think random killings is a great hobby for a smart person, but also that you can get away with random killings again and again even after the police are after you.
❉ Note: I think Joker stories that try to explain his mind as a massively messed up metahuman power do better than the ones that try to argue he has a real mental problem. He's already canonically metahuman in the comics (immune to all chemicals), anyways.
Yeah it's fantasy, the joker wouldnt exist in realt life