Mega Man Megathread

Good rant.

I don't like the zoom-in either. Really distracting.

Also, you probably meant "red flag" instead of "Red Cross."
My brain wires got crossed and used really vague terminology to mean the same thing. “Cross” is the British way of saying “X” instead of the letter. At least from what I seen. I was trying to convey the idea that “this is a big no-no for me” but fumbled the phrasing. Appreciate pointing it out! I was gonna say something else about Bass in 10, unfortunately I have a hard time recalling what I was gonna say.
I'm going to pick a favorite and least favorite Robot Master from each game in the original series, and probably do MMX Mavericks later.

MM1 Best: Elec Man. Man looks like a damn superhero. Iceman is honorable mention because he's just doin' his best.
MM1 Worst: Fire Man. Man does exactly the opposite of his job title. Looks cool, though.

MM2 Best: Air Man. This dude was like "Yeah, you all have strong powers. I'mma be a menace with a FAN." Then he ended up looking the coolest, too.
MM2 Worst: Flash Man. This even suppose to be? He's just Jay Leno in a robot suit. What's "flash" about this? Terrible.

MM3 Best: Needle Man. The man is horrifying. He specializes in NEEDLES. That's some sick shit, I love it. Gemini Man has the coolest fighting, though... and like Snake Man is awesome. Respect to Top Man for representing a damn top of all things and actually dressing that way
MM3 Worst: Hard Man. Bruh. Dude specializes in... hardness. All he does is fist people and look like a barrel. Dishonorable mention is Top Man because... look at him. He's Top Man.

MM4 Best: Dust Man. Not only is he the coolest looking ventilation shaft I have EVER seen, the man might be the most unhinged of all the robot masters. He is specializes for torturing humans. The man uses DUST. That's not... that isn't going to beat robots! He's attacking peoples' ALLERGIES! Honorable mentions are Ring Man, Pharaoh Man, Toad Man, and Skull Man... because I like them.
MM4 Worst: Bright Man... Look at him.

MM5 Best: Napalm Man. Do I need to explain this? LOOK AT-... LISTEN TO HIS NAME! Honorable mentions to Wave Man for looking super cool and Star Man for being the dude who was like "My power's gonna be throwing STARS at people." Like... come on.

MM6 Best: Knight Man. He looks cool and he's a neat idea. Honorable mention is Yamato Man because he's basically just Knight Man's eastern cousin. Oh, and Blizzard Man. Like... he's stupid, but I like the kind of stupid he is.
MM6 Worst: The rest of them. They're... they're all just so bad. Look at them. LOOK.AT.THEM.! Like there's just no inspiration here, they're all so stupid or generic. Wind Man is JUST AIR MAN AGAIN! Flame Man and Tomahawk Man are hate crimes. Plant Man.

MM7 Best: Freeze Man is cool looking and Junk Man is pretty unique. Turbo Man gets points for being a literal transformer.
MM7 Worst: Bass. Also Spring Man, but I like him anyway. Oh, and Turbo Man. BECAUSE THAT IS NOT TURBO MAN!

MM8 Best: This is going to be a hot take, but I love almost all of them. Clown Man is PEAK design and so fucking unhinged. Sword Man is SWORD.MAN.! Tengu Man has a super stupid voice but such a cool design and fighting style. Astro Man because... I like him. Also, that man is a grenade.
MM8 Worst: Fake Aqua Man, Search "Random as Fuck" Man, and "JUMP JUMP! SLIDE SLIDE!" No, but big snowy gets a pass for being a big lovable goofball.

MM9 Best: Galaxy Man. He is the best robot master. He is perfect. LOVE HIM!
MM9 Worst: As stupid as Tornado Man looks... it's Plug Man..... HIS NAME IS PLUG MAN!

MM10 Best: Sheep Man. Yes, he's incredibly stupid... but he's a sheep that's a storm cloud, and he looks like THAT, and I love him. Also Solar Man, because he's awesome.
MM10 Worst: Toss up. Strike Man might be the DUMBEST Robot Master design ever, but I kind of love how unapologetically stupid he is. Chill Man might be the laziest design ever with absolutely NO interesting qualities. Nitro Man isn't bad but he's kind of a boring rehash of Turbo Man. Wait, no... it's Pump Man. Look at him, he's a water pump. HE IS A WALKING WATER PUMP!
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I'm going to pick a favorite and least favorite Robot Master from each game in the original series, and probably do MMX Mavericks later.

MM1 Best: Elec Man. Man looks like a damn superhero. Iceman is honorable mention because he's just doin' his best.
MM1 Worst: Fire Man. Man does exactly the opposite of his job title. Looks cool, though.

MM2 Best: Air Man. This dude was like "Yeah, you all have strong powers. I'mma be a menace with a FAN." Then he ended up looking the coolest, too.
MM2 Worst: Flash Man. This even suppose to be? He's just Jay Leno in a robot suit. What's "flash" about this? Terrible.

MM3 Best: Needle Man. The man is horrifying. He specializes in NEEDLES. That's some sick shit, I love it. Gemini Man has the coolest fighting, though... and like Snake Man is awesome. Respect to Top Man for representing a damn top of all things and actually dressing that way
MM3 Worst: Hard Man. Bruh. Dude specializes in... hardness. All he does is fist people and look like a barrel. Dishonorable mention is Top Man because... look at him. He's Top Man.

MM4 Best: Dust Man. Not only is he the coolest looking ventilation shaft I have EVER seen, the man might be the most unhinged of all the robot masters. He is specializes for torturing humans. The man uses DUST. That's not... that isn't going to beat robots! He's attacking peoples' ALLERGIES! Honorable mentions are Ring Man, Pharaoh Man, and Skull Man... because I like them.
MM4 Worst: Bright Man... Look at him.

MM5 Best: Napalm Man. Do I need to explain this? LOOK AT-... LISTEN TO HIS NAME! Honorable mentions to Wave Man for looking super cool and Star Man for being the dude who was like "My power's gonna be throwing STARS at people." Like... come on.

MM6 Best: Knight Man. He looks cool and he's a neat idea. Honorable mention is Yamato Man because he's basically just Knight Man's eastern cousin. Oh, and Blizzard Man. Like... he's stupid, but I like the kind of stupid he is.
MM6 Worst: The rest of them. They're... they're all just so bad. Look at them. LOOK.AT.THEM.! Like there's just no inspiration here, they're all so stupid or generic. Wind Man is JUST AIR MAN AGAIN! Flame Man and Tomahawk Man are hate crimes. Plant Man.

MM7 Best: Freeze Man is cool looking and Junk Man is pretty unique. Turbo Man gets points for being a literal transformer.
MM7 Worst: Bass. Also Spring Man, but I like him anyway. Oh, and Turbo Man. BECAUSE THAT IS NOT TURBO MAN!

MM8 Best: This is going to be a hot take, but I love almost all of them. Clown Man is PEAK design and so fucking unhinged. Sword Man is SWORD.MAN.! Tengu Man has a super stupid voice but such a cool design and fighting style. Astro Man because... I like him. Also, that man is a grenade.
MM8 Worst: Fake Aqua Man, Search "Random as Fuck" Man, and "JUMP JUMP! SLIDE SLIDE!" No, but big snowy gets a pass for being a big lovable goofball.

MM9 Best: Galaxy Man. He is the best robot master. He is perfect. LOVE HIM!
MM9 Worst: As stupid as Tornado Man looks... it's Plug Man..... HIS NAME IS PLUG MAN!

MM10 Best: Sheep Man. Yes, he's incredibly stupid... but he's a sheep that's a storm cloud, and he looks like THAT, and I love him. Also Solar Man, because he's awesome.
MM10 Worst: Toss up. Strike Man might be the DUMBEST Robot Master design ever, but I kind of love how unapologetically stupid he is. Chill Man might be the laziest design ever with absolutely NO interesting qualities. Nitro Man isn't bad but he's kind of a boring rehash of Turbo Man. Wait, no... it's Pump Man. Look at him, he's a water pump. HE IS A WALKING WATER PUMP!
Okay but the real best is TOADMAN
MM7 Worst: Bass. Also Spring Man, but I like him anyway. Oh, and Turbo Man. BECAUSE THAT IS NOT TURBO MAN!

How fucking dare you insult my boy like this. Bass is objectively the best Mega Man character ever created.

Also, this entire post is one giant bad take.
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View attachment 30317

I present to you my take on the Mega Man timeline(s), summarized in this chart. It's not pretty, I know, but hopefully it's still understandable.
"Dr. Wily slips on a banana peel and dies"
Wily plays Mario Kart?

On a more serious note, I remember Inafune saying something about Wily being a component of the Sigma virus, though I don't remember him explaining how or if that's even canon. Would that shift Wily's expiration event to the line between Classic and Power Battle?
"Dr. Wily slips on a banana peel and dies"
Wily plays Mario Kart?

On a more serious note, I remember Inafune saying something about Wily being a component of the Sigma virus, though I don't remember him explaining how or if that's even canon. Would that shift Wily's expiration event to the line between Classic and Power Battle?

No. In my headcanon, the arcade games split from the rest of the classic series after Mega Man 8, but before Mega Man & Bass. At that point, Dr. Wily would still be alive, and he would die between The Power Fighters and the Mega Man X series.
LOVE-LOVE-LOVE (most of) the Mega Man games.

I've not tried ZX yet.

IMO, MM 1 & 2 are unplayable. 😊

MM Powered Up should have had sequels! ::angrygenjin

I'll forever love the Saturn ports of 8 and X4 better than the PSX because you can set the controller up to comfortably have a special equipped the the whole game and still use the default buster (set B to jump, Y for buster, and A for special)

Don't care what anyone says, the 8-bit Xtreme GBC games are RAD!

I once tried to lead a project to hack together a "special edition" rom hack that compiled the Original NES games into one rom ala Mario All-Stars and alternate select-able character sprites... It failed (working with peeps on the net, man... 🤦‍♂️)
Is there any Mega Man media (other than Mega Man Legends 3) you're sad got canceled?
I’ve decided to include X. Not only would this be a nice way to state my position on both given that I love both (and they also belong in the same conversation due to similar structure that zero doesn’t have because his games are more exploration and lite rpg based) but it will also make some games that will rank low look better considering I love nearly all classic games, but I bet the bottom one will seem like I hate it which I don’t. Anyways here goes.
1- Megaman & Bass
2- Megaman 4
3- Megaman 3
4- Megaman 10
5- Megaman 1
6- Megaman 2
7- Megaman X1
8- Megaman X4
9- Megaman 5
10- Megaman 6
11- Megaman X2
12- Megaman 11
13- Megaman 7
14- Megaman X3
15- Megaman X8
16- Megaman 8
17- Megaman X5
18- Megaman 9
19- Megaman X6
20- Megaman X7
dunno if I ever wrote one for myself and I'm NOT going through 24 pages just to check so least to best:

Mega Man Eternal
X3 (I don't know if PS1 was different)
Mega Man World 3
Mega Man World 2
ZX Advent
Mega Man 8
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 2
Mega Man World
Mega Man 5
Mega Man: The Power Fighters
Mega Man: The Power Fighters 2
Mega Man: Battle and Chase
Mega Man
Mega Man Arena
Mega Man Powered Up
Mega Man Sunrise
Mega Man Rock & Roll
Mega Man 4
Command Mission
Mega Man World 5
Mega Man World 4
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 9
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Azure Striker Gunvolt
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
Mega Man Revolution
Rokko Chan
Mega Man Unlimited
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch
Mega Man Super Fighting Robot
Mega Man Rock Force
Mega Man Maker
Udongein X
Mega Man X8 FC
Gravity Circuit
Mega Man X Corrupted (lmao)

If something isn't listed I have not played it. Yes this means I have not played Perfect Blue or the games with the best soundtracks (DOS)
dunno if I ever wrote one for myself and I'm NOT going through 24 pages just to check so least to best:

Mega Man Eternal
X3 (I don't know if PS1 was different)
Mega Man World 3
Mega Man World 2
ZX Advent
Mega Man 8
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 2
Mega Man World
Mega Man 5
Mega Man: The Power Fighters
Mega Man: The Power Fighters 2
Mega Man: Battle and Chase
Mega Man
Mega Man Arena
Mega Man Powered Up
Mega Man Sunrise
Mega Man Rock & Roll
Mega Man 4
Command Mission
Mega Man World 5
Mega Man World 4
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 9
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Azure Striker Gunvolt
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
Mega Man Revolution
Rokko Chan
Mega Man Unlimited
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch
Mega Man Super Fighting Robot
Mega Man Rock Force
Mega Man Maker
Udongein X
Mega Man X8 FC
Gravity Circuit
Mega Man X Corrupted (lmao)

If something isn't listed I have not played it. Yes this means I have not played Perfect Blue or the games with the best soundtracks (DOS)

I'm not sure if you're serious about MMXC or just joking.
I'm not sure if you're serious about MMXC or just joking.
Joking ofc, can't play it after all
Post automatically merged:

Is there any Mega Man media (other than Mega Man Legends 3) you're sad got canceled?
Mega Man Starforce 4. I don't care that it was unnecessary, I liked the concept and wanted to see it happen. Least there's Endwave though.

Also ZX III, that cliffhanger still burns all these years later. I wanted to hear Trap Factory for the 3rd time and see what else they would've done
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Well Anyways, a big rant I was gonna post here will take a while since I’m also writing an article.

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