Mega Man Megathread

None of these games are spin-offs.
They feel like it.
To be pedantic, they’re more sub-series than spin-off. Spin-offs imply that they’re connected to the original thing’s story/setting, while sub-series just mean that they’re their own thing under the same brand.

Although if were even more pedantic, X is a sequel to Classic, Zero is a sequel to X and ZX is a sequel to ZX.

But who cares really. Play the ones you like.

Actual spin-offs of classic MM would be something like Battle & Chase or Megaman Soccer.
To be pedantic, they’re more sub-series than spin-off. Spin-offs imply that they’re connected to the original thing’s story/setting, while sub-series just mean that they’re their own thing under the same brand.

Although if were even more pedantic, X is a sequel to Classic, Zero is a sequel to X and ZX is a sequel to ZX.

But who cares really. Play the ones you like.

Actual spin-offs of classic MM would be something like Battle & Chase or Megaman Soccer.
I was going to put Megaman soccer on there.
I think I should've worded my post better.
Some Mega Man fans REALLY care about that, and you're hurting their feelings right now. /j
All the biggest Megaman fans HATE Megaman
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The more I think about that the more true that sounds lol
Because it’s one of those series that doesn’t really get games anymore, but the individual game series all very different, so everyone has their little tribe, but in those tribes everyone has played their series of choice a billion trillion times so they have a super trained critical eye on it.
Can you really call yourself a Mega Man fan unless you hate at least 80% of this godforsaken franchise?
Haha, it’s always good to be critical of the things you like indeed, I just prefer focusing on the aspects I like personally. I don’t really care about something like X6 or Starforce (or Legends even, I just love how they look, don’t send me to the gallows) because I don’t care for the games, but I have plenty of fun with from from Classic, X and Zero, so it’s no matter :)

There aren’t a lot of game brands that have this sort of subseries thing going now that I think about it, where it’s easy to play all of it if you really like the brand, but also really easy to ignore uninteresting stuff because there are whole series of games that are super different.
Haha, it’s always good to be critical of the things you like indeed, I just prefer focusing on the aspects I like personally. I don’t really care about something like X6 or Starforce (or Legends even, I just love how they look, don’t send me to the gallows) because I don’t care for the games, but I have plenty of fun with from from Classic, X and Zero, so it’s no matter :)

There aren’t a lot of game brands that have this sort of subseries thing going now that I think about it, where it’s easy to play all of it if you really like the brand, but also really easy to ignore uninteresting stuff because there are whole series of games that are super different.

That's true. I wnet out of my way to experience every series of the franchise, but I'm weird like that.
Topic apart...

My favorite game in the entire series, is Megaman Network Transmission, because I find it a good overall, between being a platformer (mixing retro and modern mechanics), the simplified battlechip system, exploring every corner with Double Jump...
The overall experience was worth it (and to wait 13 years to emulate it in Nintendo Gamecube, still)...
I wanted it the most, more than Super Smash Brothers Melee or any good Gamecube title.

However, one of the most enjoyable games, is Megaman X6.
Specifically, rescuing the 128 Reploids, scattered through the main 8 levels.
And with randomizer, it is even more addictive, lol...

Both games has its nerfs & perks. However, it has potential to even better experiences (if they explored it with new games to launch).
Topic apart...

My favorite game in the entire series, is Megaman Network Transmission, because I find it a good overall, between being a platformer, the simplified battlechip system, exploring every corner...
The overall experience was worth it (and to wait 13 years to emulate it in Nintendo Gamecube, still)...
I wanted it the most, more than Super Smash Brothers Melee or any good Gamecube title.

However, one of the most enjoyable games, is Megaman X6.
Specifically, rescuing the 128 Reploids, scattered through the main 8 levels.
And with randomizer, it is even more addictive, lol...
I regret buying a pre-owned Network Transmission for 10 bucks a billion years ago and then trading it in a few days later because I didn’t like it.

I could’ve sold it for the price of a small country today…
I regret buying a pre-owned Network Transmission for 10 bucks a billion years ago and then trading it in a few days later because I didn’t like it.

I could’ve sold it for the price of a small country today…
I can live with that :)
If you do think this bad, you could have experienced its more compact (and most difficult) version:
Rockman.EXE (for Wonderswan Color).
I can live with that :)
If you do think this bad, you could have experienced its more compact (and most difficult) version:
Rockman.EXE (for Wonderswan Color).
I do want to try Network Transmission again, thanks for reminding me that I can emulate it on Dolphin! ::megadancebaby
I do want to try Network Transmission again, thanks for reminding me that I can emulate it on Dolphin! ::megadancebaby
I know you will be fine this time, Tonberry.
The game offers some interesting perspective in a "if" situation, with, of course, some classic (and challenging) Megaman style ::thumbsupwario

...This is basically "(Classic) Megaman: Cyberspace".
It's really not that hard to be better than X7, so I wouldn't hold it up as a redeeming quality.
To me Mighty No. 9 has more redeeming qualities than just being better than X7. The gameplay is much snappier, it has an engaging scoring hook that reminds me of Sonic Adventure 2, the characters are endearing, the game doesn't drag itself through the with painful slow menus constantly, it's not butchering an established character's personality, it doesn't shoehorn nonsense RPG mechanics and item crafting elements in a run-and-gun action platformer (*cough*gunvolt*cough*), and it's gameplay is an interesting mix of classic Mega Man platforming with Mega Man X's faster and aggressive combat. Is there problems with the game? Yes. Could it have been better? Yes. But is the kind of game that really deserves the toxicity it gets on a daily basis? Hell no, not with me.
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Topic apart...

My favorite game in the entire series, is Megaman Network Transmission, because I find it a good overall, between being a platformer (mixing retro and modern mechanics), the simplified battlechip system, exploring every corner with Double Jump...
The overall experience was worth it (and to wait 13 years to emulate it in Nintendo Gamecube, still)...
I wanted it the most, more than Super Smash Brothers Melee or any good Gamecube title.

However, one of the most enjoyable games, is Megaman X6.
Specifically, rescuing the 128 Reploids, scattered through the main 8 levels.
And with randomizer, it is even more addictive, lol...

Both games has its nerfs & perks. However, it has potential to even better experiences (if they explored it with new games to launch).
I'm glad to see more appreciation for Network Transmission. What I also liked about it is how some of the stages take advantage of slide jumps into the level design and some parts of it kinda reminds me of Aria of Sorrow in how you use Chips off enemies you beat. I also felt a large sense of accomplishment back when I played the X Collection to 100% that game and rescuing all of the reploids. Thankfully there is also a ROM hack for those who found the game a rushed mess that does it justice by fixing a lot of its problems while giving the option of customizing how the hack mods the game.
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fake-kun, I'm not a Power Ranger `_`;
Just a Megaman fan...
(Good morming, by the way ~_~/ )
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I'm glad to see more appreciation for Network Transmission. What I also liked about it is how some of the stages take advantage of slide jumps into the level design and some parts of it kinda reminds me of Aria of Sorrow in how you use Chips off enemies you beat. I also felt a large sense of accomplishment back when I played the X Collection to 100% that game and rescuing all of the reploids. Thankfully there is also a ROM hack for those who found the game a rushed mess that does it justice by fixing a lot of its problems while giving the option of customizing how the hack mods the game.

Truly grateful for knowing this :)
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I despise Bass's official 8-bit sprite.

Seriously, look at this piece of shit.


This is literally just Mega Man sprite edit. Did nobody told the devs that Mega Man sprite edits NEVER look good?
you post read like the devs have made other edits of mega man's sprite and have used it elsewhere. i don't have much familiarity of the mega man classic games; i've seen some gameplay of mm2, i tried playing mm8, and i watched egoraptor's vid on mega man and mmx. i'm fairly certain at this point i've seen more of bass than the blue bomber himself.
you post read like the devs have made other edits of mega man's sprite and have used it elsewhere. i don't have much familiarity of the mega man classic games; i've seen some gameplay of mm2, i tried playing mm8, and i watched egoraptor's vid on mega man and mmx. i'm fairly certain at this point i've seen more of bass than the blue bomber himself.

I have no idea how you managed to interpret my post that way. But for the record, no, they never did anything like that before MM10. I was speaking generally.
I have no idea how you managed to interpret my post that way. But for the record, no, they never did anything like that before MM10. I was speaking generally.
i figured that since you know about mega man classic than i do, you would be more aware of any attempts by the devs to save time and money on development of a mega man game. it's pretty common for enemies to have color pallet swaps in a lot of rpgs. i wouldn't be too surprised of a company just making minor edits to a sprite to make some more filler characters or something like that.
To avoid repeating a rant I already posted, I kinda despise Megaman 9 and 10 conceptually. Feels like a regression in every possible aspect. It was the first instance classic Megaman essentially canablizing itself. You can actually even feel the level designers of 10 already betraying 9’s uncomfortable commitment to being a terrible Megaman 2 clone. Almost like they had an “oh-shit” moment and backpedaled. 9 is a hate-letter to all Megaman games except 2 which it worships like a cult and 10 is the devs essentially… not caring or just not knowing what to do anymore. Bass was obviously barely playtested because he breaks the levels like butter. What a disrespectful continuation of his legacy from Rockman & Forte.
To avoid repeating a rant I already posted, I kinda despise Megaman 9 and 10 conceptually. Feels like a regression in every possible aspect. It was the first instance classic Megaman essentially canablizing itself. You can actually even feel the level designers of 10 already betraying 9’s uncomfortable commitment to being a terrible Megaman 2 clone. Almost like they had an “oh-shit” moment and backpedaled. 9 is a hate-letter to all Megaman games except 2 which it worships like a cult and 10 is the devs essentially… not caring or just not knowing what to do anymore. Bass was obviously barely playtested because he breaks the levels like butter. What a disrespectful continuation of his legacy from Rockman & Forte.

That's not even talking about how the game gives him no real motivation to fighting Dr. Wily beyond "he's really mad and has daddy issues idk."

Also, I love paying money for the content that should've been in the game from the start! /j
Well, now I want to hear that rant.

Megaman fangames, the good, the mega and the ugly​

Megaman games are something I have an astronomical amount of respect and amount of hate for like no other fanmadd media I can think of.

Fangames are cool​

I think it should be very obvious I hold a lot of respect for the craft and passion behind something as ambitious and gigantic as a full blown fan game. Those things don’t make themselves. I’d go as far as to say that even an “ok” fangame is something you must be proud of and hold your head high about because that is simply how hard it is to make a game period. I’ve a lot of respect for Rockman 7 Famicom and other non-Megaman fangames. I’ve never played Rockman X8 demake so no comment there.

But some fangames are not even “okay”​

My rants about Megaman fans not understanding Megaman is a bit redundant so I’ll keep this brief. ANY fangame that tries to emulate “I wanna be the guy” is an instant Red Cross from me. Not even gonna give it the time of day. Emphasis on difficulty in fangames is a huge red flag, one I feel fangame makers feel to understand the inherent bias of. Of course challenges you know inside and out will seem “natural” to the creator. That’s an unavoidable bias, but it’s one you can at least keep controlled.

I believe tight mechanics MUST be the bigger priority for fangames. It is actual foundation. Then you create levels around the mechanics, then you hate challenge. I get the impression this order is often reversed in Megaman fangames are the level design can feel like a clusterfuck or just messy and unfocused. Almost like it wasn’t made on a clean slate, almost likd the devs had an agenda where they wanna make their game seem so hardcore and difficult. It’s why I’ll never take Megaman Unlimited seriously,

But is SFxM anything like this? Can you fuck up a official unofficial, sure-you-can!​

I think SFxM is neat. It’s nothing crazy, but it’s neat. I don’t consider it a proper Megaman game. It feels too much like a proof of concept. First of all, Ronelo…? That’s… a bit random. I’d prefer Ibuki, but whatever.

Dhalsim is a bizarre pick too. Feels like a wasted slot when Guile was literally right there. Blanka being a pick makes this worse, why did you feel the need to have not one, but TWO “oddballs” from the same game? At least have Dee Jay over Dhalsim. Sure, he’s from the same game, but it’s a different version so that’s slightly less bad.

It’s been a decade but I found level design and weapons to be pretty ok. Bosses follow a pattern I hate so not much more I can say. I actually also really dislike the zoom-in when they power up. Feels really out of place.

Megaman fangames, the good, the mega and the ugly​

Megaman games are something I have an astronomical amount of respect and amount of hate for like no other fanmadd media I can think of.

Fangames are cool​

I think it should be very obvious I hold a lot of respect for the craft and passion behind something as ambitious and gigantic as a full blown fan game. Those things don’t make themselves. I’d go as far as to say that even an “ok” fangame is something you must be proud of and hold your head high about because that is simply how hard it is to make a game period. I’ve a lot of respect for Rockman 7 Famicom and other non-Megaman fangames. I’ve never played Rockman X8 demake so no comment there.

But some fangames are not even “okay”​

My rants about Megaman fans not understanding Megaman is a bit redundant so I’ll keep this brief. ANY fangame that tries to emulate “I wanna be the guy” is an instant Red Cross from me. Not even gonna give it the time of day. Emphasis on difficulty in fangames is a huge red flag, one I feel fangame makers feel to understand the inherent bias of. Of course challenges you know inside and out will seem “natural” to the creator. That’s an unavoidable bias, but it’s one you can at least keep controlled.

I believe tight mechanics MUST be the bigger priority for fangames. It is actual foundation. Then you create levels around the mechanics, then you hate challenge. I get the impression this order is often reversed in Megaman fangames are the level design can feel like a clusterfuck or just messy and unfocused. Almost like it wasn’t made on a clean slate, almost likd the devs had an agenda where they wanna make their game seem so hardcore and difficult. It’s why I’ll never take Megaman Unlimited seriously,

But is SFxM anything like this? Can you fuck up a official unofficial, sure-you-can!​

I think SFxM is neat. It’s nothing crazy, but it’s neat. I don’t consider it a proper Megaman game. It feels too much like a proof of concept. First of all, Ronelo…? That’s… a bit random. I’d prefer Ibuki, but whatever.

Dhalsim is a bizarre pick too. Feels like a wasted slot when Guile was literally right there. Blanka being a pick makes this worse, why did you feel the need to have not one, but TWO “oddballs” from the same game? At least have Dee Jay over Dhalsim. Sure, he’s from the same game, but it’s a different version so that’s slightly less bad.

It’s been a decade but I found level design and weapons to be pretty ok. Bosses follow a pattern I hate so not much more I can say. I actually also really dislike the zoom-in when they power up. Feels really out of place.

Good rant.

I don't like the zoom-in either. Really distracting.

Also, you probably meant "red flag" instead of "Red Cross."
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