Well, now I want to hear that rant.
Megaman fangames, the good, the mega and the ugly
Megaman games are something I have an astronomical amount of respect and amount of hate for like no other fanmadd media I can think of.
Fangames are cool
I think it should be very obvious I hold a lot of respect for the craft and passion behind something as ambitious and gigantic as a full blown fan game. Those things don’t make themselves. I’d go as far as to say that even an “ok” fangame is something you must be proud of and hold your head high about because that is simply how hard it is to make a game period. I’ve a lot of respect for Rockman 7 Famicom and other non-Megaman fangames. I’ve never played Rockman X8 demake so no comment there.
But some fangames are not even “okay”
My rants about Megaman fans not understanding Megaman is a bit redundant so I’ll keep this brief. ANY fangame that tries to emulate “I wanna be the guy” is an instant Red Cross from me. Not even gonna give it the time of day. Emphasis on difficulty in fangames is a huge red flag, one I feel fangame makers feel to understand the inherent bias of. Of course challenges you know inside and out will seem “natural” to the creator. That’s an unavoidable bias, but it’s one you can at least keep controlled.
I believe tight mechanics MUST be the bigger priority for fangames. It is actual foundation. Then you create levels around the mechanics, then you hate challenge. I get the impression this order is often reversed in Megaman fangames are the level design can feel like a clusterfuck or just messy and unfocused. Almost like it wasn’t made on a clean slate, almost likd the devs had an agenda where they wanna make their game seem so hardcore and difficult. It’s why I’ll never take Megaman Unlimited seriously,
But is SFxM anything like this? Can you fuck up a official unofficial, sure-you-can!
I think SFxM is neat. It’s nothing crazy, but it’s neat. I don’t consider it a proper Megaman game. It feels too much like a proof of concept. First of all, Ronelo…? That’s… a bit random. I’d prefer Ibuki, but whatever.
Dhalsim is a bizarre pick too. Feels like a wasted slot when Guile was literally right there. Blanka being a pick makes this worse, why did you feel the need to have not one, but TWO “oddballs” from the same game? At least have Dee Jay over Dhalsim. Sure, he’s from the same game, but it’s a different version so that’s slightly less bad.
It’s been a decade but I found level design and weapons to be pretty ok. Bosses follow a pattern I hate so not much more I can say. I actually also really dislike the zoom-in when they power up. Feels really out of place.