One complaint I often hear about the Classic and X series is that they overuse Dr. Wily and Sigma as the main villains.
I both agree and disagree with this, depending on which series we're talking about. In the Classic series, because of barebones stories, it doesn't really matter who's the villain, so I don't mind Dr. Wily's constant presence.
The X series, however, is a different matter. In the beginning, Sigma was presented as a much more nuanced villain than Dr. Wily, wanting to "evolve" Reploids, even if it meant great sacrifices. Starting with X4, however, Sigma lost those qualities and became a crazed lunatic who wanted to kill everyone just 'cause. This would be a problem all on its own, but the X series also tried to sell itself on being mature and story-based. Having some genocidal wacko appear just to serve as the final boss,
while also hijacking other antagonists, doesn't really mesh with this premise. This is compounded by the series's refusal to advance the plot in any meaningful way until the literal end.
But what do you guys think?
Never heard of it.