Hot takes

Hot take: I dislike the 3DS. Very uncomfortable, the 3D gimmick just sucks headache simulator tier, resolution and performance was still very low, few games I actually like, many are remakes that would have been better to have in an actual console and also my 3DS bricked for no reason. Still had a better library than the vita at the end, but the vita is so much more comfortable.
Hot take: I dislike the 3DS. Very uncomfortable, the 3D gimmick just sucks headache simulator tier, resolution and performance was still very low, few games I actually like, many are remakes that would have been better to have in an actual console and also my 3DS bricked for no reason. Still had a better library than the vita at the end, but the vita is so much more comfortable.

The first model I despise, the 3d feels like someone sticking sand in your eyes if you move the screen a single mm, I still remember the way the it gave me cramps after liken 40 minutes
And those pointy corners always dug into my hands and fingers, alson it looks ugly and it's too heavy for how small it is

Now the new3ds, aside from the terrible name is not bad at all
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I think it has to do with the lack of screen real-estate in relation to the game's speed. Less visibility and more speed means more blind jumps which means more deaths.
This is true and modern ports being widescreen often alleviates the reaction issue, but I also think alot of the issues people take with Sonic stages being unfair in general comes from the fact that, playing them now, you don't really realize how much of it was deliberately designed with repeat playthroughs in mind.
It could be considered bad design, but I don't think it does most of the time because the games constantly reward you for knowing the best routes, since the "high routes" are always the fastest, yet with the most risk. It's sort of built-in difficulty.
I didn't get into Sonic games until I was in high school (2012) but me and a friend used to compete for speedrun times in Generations.
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Hot take: I dislike the 3DS. Very uncomfortable, the 3D gimmick just sucks headache simulator tier
My favourite model is easily the expertly named New Nintendo 2DS XL. Perfect size, perfect weight, most powerful, and no 3D gimmick.
This is true and modern ports being widescreen often alleviates the reaction issue, but I also think alot of the issues people take with Sonic stages being unfair in general comes from the fact that, playing them now, you don't really realize how much of it was deliberately designed with repeat playthroughs in mind.
I could be considered bad design, but I don't think it does most of the time because the games constantly reward you for knowing the best routes, since the "high routes" are always the fastest, yet with the most risk. It's sort of built-in difficulty.

I don't get people thinking it's bad design, you're supposed to fail and try again until you've mastered it right? It's bad if said process is unfun because the game isnt fun to control and explore
This is true and modern ports being widescreen often alleviates the reaction issue, but I also think alot of the issues people take with Sonic stages being unfair in general comes from the fact that, playing them now, you don't really realize how much of it was deliberately designed with repeat playthroughs in mind.
I could be considered bad design, but I don't think it does most of the time because the games constantly reward you for knowing the best routes, since the "high routes" are always the fastest, yet with the most risk. It's sort of built-in difficulty.
I didn't get into Sonic games until I was in high school (2012) but me and a friend used to compete for speedrun times in Generations.
That's a fair and true assessment really. Some specific obstacle/enemy placements are designed specifically to kill your momentum and make you lose rings. That said, it's hardly a "Sonic problem" and is something every platformer shares to an extent.
The first model I despise, the 3d feels like someone sticking sand in your eyes if you move the screen a single mm, I still remember the way the it gave me cramps after liken 40 minutes
And those pointy corners always dug into my hands and fingers, alson it looks ugly and it's too heavy for how small it is

Now the new3ds, aside from the terrible name its not bad at all
I had the first model. Though I borrowed a XL just to play majora's and didn't had a good experience either tbh
That's a fair and true assessment really. Some specific obstacle/enemy placements are designed specifically to kill your momentum and make you lose rings. That said, it's hardly a "Sonic problem" and is something every platformer shares to an extent.

With sonic what I specifically like about it is getting good at the stages after many tries and seeing how many different routes I can take and explore; since I never really touched the 3d ones it's really weird to see many people like a version of sonic that doesnt exist in my mind
I've tried Colors many times and Generations and they're nothing like the MD games
This is true and modern ports being widescreen often alleviates the reaction issue, but I also think alot of the issues people take with Sonic stages being unfair in general comes from the fact that, playing them now, you don't really realize how much of it was deliberately designed with repeat playthroughs in mind.
It could be considered bad design, but I don't think it does most of the time because the games constantly reward you for knowing the best routes, since the "high routes" are always the fastest, yet with the most risk. It's sort of built-in difficulty.
I didn't get into Sonic games until I was in high school (2012) but me and a friend used to compete for speedrun times in Generations.
I never liked 2d sonic because of this kind of design, I don't think its inherently bad, but I just don't enjoy it that much
With sonic what I specifically like about it is getting good at the stages after many tries and seeing how many different routes I can take and explore; since I never really touhed the 3d ones it's really weird to see many people like a version of sonic that doesnt exist in my mind
I've tried Colors many times and Generations and they're nothing like the MD games
That's true, most attempts are pale imitations. Generations got the closest as far as blending 2D and 3D into a decent co-existence managed, but it's still a far cry from the excellence Mania managed to establish.
I’ll start I don’t enjoy the any of the elder scrolls series especially oblivion and Skyrim they are both very boring games to me. I feel like they were cool for the time but didn’t age well imo Bethesda is ass to but that’s not a hot take I feel like that’s kinda lukewarm
There is no such thing as a bad game. Every game is someone's favorite
Mmmmm this is a good one I’m so on the fence cause some games are like actual shit but some people enjoy them I have games like that people see are shit but I love
I think the indie gaming space is fundamentally broken – just as much, if not more so, than the modern AAA space. And there's one big reason for it: lack of originality.
Isn't it funny how about 95% of them are based on an older game?
Can you mention Undertale without also mentioning Earthbound in the same breath?
what yobs me off is the fact that both gamers and developers seem to reject originality outright. The people making these games don't want to "break the rules", and there's really no demand from consumers to do so, so the entire indie space becomes an ouroboros, constantly devouring itself only to defecate its own head in perpetuity.
: a lot of gamers are too soft on indie developers.

I had NEVER found someone that had the balls to say this. I THOUGHT I TWAS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAD THIS PROBLEM!!!!
Meh, I never play indie games so I just never noticed :p

I have a biased taste towards Indies. I know the person I quoted mentioned all indie games, but my opinion with them agrees more to one that were made as of 2020. Ones back then *did* stem off the roots of the insspired games, but you then have Summitphere, the company with Anton Blast (and ANY of Tony Grayson's games) and Annalyn.
Dude, don't worry at all – I'm loving this, and your replies are excellently thought-out and phrased! I really appreciate the good faith you're putting in me, because contrary to popular belief, I actually don't hate everything for no reason. I just have high standards and give zero slack to people selling me things. To wit:

Again, I'm not saying that taking influence from games is in itself a bad thing, but I do think that celebrating repetition, nostalgia, and previously-tread ground to the extent that the indie space does is absolutely stifling the medium's potential – especially when that indie space so eagerly touts itself as being somehow more "forward-thinking" than AAA games. I don't need every game to appeal to me specifically, but I also don't need yet another indie Metroidvania clogging up digital storefronts. I want something different – something new. (I'll get back to this point later in this post.)

dropsmegamega gave a great explanation for this, but I'd like to add my own, as well. Sonic is a game that, despite also being a 2D platformer like Mario, has:
  • Completely different visuals (in terms of both art direction and colour palette)
  • Completely different music (in both style and complexity)
  • Completely different gameplay mechanics (from movement to power-ups to the "health" system)
  • Completely different level design philosophy
  • Completely different gameplay structure
  • A completely different setting, aesthetics, and premise
  • Completely different supplemental mechanics (through Sonic's bonus stages)
Sonic is a game that took inspiration the right way – it was directly inspired by Mario (the creator admitted as such), but it defined it's own unique, individual identity in every single aspect of itself. Lethal League did the opposite – it was designed specifically to remind people of Jet Set Radio, or to capitalize on people who didn't know that Jet Set Radio was an existing game. That's the difference.

Compare this screenshot and this screenshot, then this screenshot and this screenshot. Doesn't the latter entry in the two pairs look more creative alongside the former, and more original? You don't even need to hear the music or see the gameplay in motion – you already know that one pair is more of a copy than the other.

I know, I know, I was being slightly snarky and overly-reductive in that thread for the sake of hilarious internet comedy. But isn't the fact that I could name not two, not three, but ten different games that could all be described as "quirky indie Earthbound-inspired pixel art JRPGs" somewhat telling of how tedious these games are from a conceptual level alone?

Is "Earthbound-like" a genre? It might as well be, these days. If it isn't, though, I can't think of how it's anything but fair to criticize these games for unoriginality. (And that's putting aside the fact that some of those games absolutely do share gameplay mechanics, visual styles, and music – Toby Fox alone composed songs for at least four of 'em.)

Certainly not at all, but there are ways to make quirky RPGs that don't immediately identify them as being derivative of Earthbound. If Undertale were a full-3D game set in Yugoslavia that didn't use chiptune music at all and had the player character move around in first-person, I wouldn't be deriding it for unoriginality. (I would be deriding it for other things, but that's beside the point.) Good iterations on a genre define themselves as utterly distinct in all aspects, even when they take influence from previous titles.

This is the crux of my argument – I don't think innovation should be the sole goal of art, but I do think that:
  • Originality and creativity should be encouraged, nurtured, and celebrated, even when it's taking place in previously-established genres, and
  • Yes, sometimes the wheel should be reinvented, because some level of continuous innovation is necessary for the growth and quality of the medium.
If we keep praising nostalgia and discouraging originality, the video game industry as a whole is going to stagnate, and games are – despite becoming more numerous – going to get worse. Many would argue that's exactly what's happening right now.

I think we can all agree that the most recent incarnation of the indie gaming scene – the scene that brought us Undertale, Stardew Valley, Metroidvania #71892, and many more indie games that draw excessively from older Japanese console games – is at least a decade old. And where has that gotten us? The 2020s are half-over – what's the big innovation from this decade? Have new video games really gotten better – was 2024 a better year for games than, say, 2004? What's been improved? If these modern indie games are really so progressive and influential, then I have to ask: What's gotten better?

A game that came out in 2004 was Katamari Damacy, which was a game that quite literally no other game was even remotely similar to in any aspect of gameplay or presentation. Katamari Damacy is such an iconic game that, when you type it in on Google, you can literally play it on the results page. What's the 2020s equivalent to that? Where's the modern cultural equivalent to Katamari Damacy? Or Echochrome? Or Scribblenauts? Or Rez? Or Flower...?

Is there even one example? I certainly can't name one. But there are lots and lots of Earthbound-likes, and Metroidvanias, and farming simulators. That's my issue with indie games.

Wonderfully put, RageBurner, and I fully agree with you. I know that, really – in my secret heart – indie games copy other games because that's what sells. BUT IT WON'T SELL TO ME
I'm not good with words, but after reading all of this I have to say. I don't agree but I understand. Too many indie devs read "Steal like an artist".
I think a lot of modern fighting games like SF6, GG Strive, and maybe Tekken 8 are too over-reliant on these "forced reaction" mechanics which basically turn every fight into a game of Simon says. I'm not saying that they don't require skill (I suck at fighters anyway), but it's kind of boring to watch, because it turns every interaction into "guess what this is or I skip neutral and delete 60% of your health."

I think DLC characters are by and large bad, mostly because they tend to be deliberately overtuned in order to make people buy them. I also don't think "more" always equals "better" in fighting games. I understand it when it comes to "pure fanservice" games like Smash, though.

Speaking of, I think Smash 64 is a better-feeling fighting game than every subsequent Smash, except for Melee. And I'm not even a Melee purist or anything.

Moving on from fighting games, I hate parry systems and I'm tired of them. Dodge-rolls, too. Enough with the Souls plagiarism. Not every single action game needs a dodge-and-parry function. Turning action games into, again, games of Simon says is not good.
The best Pokémon generation is the one you like the most (but the worst one is 7). ::biggrin
Mario 64 isn't the best platformer game in the n64, Rare's games are better
conkers bad fur day n64 GIF

Hmm? this is a hot take? from where I'm standing it's objective fact, haha.
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And here's a few of my hot takes:

- PS2 Castlevanias are good.

- Crossover fighting games like MVC2 and 3 are all flash and no substance.

- Sonic 3 is better than Sonic 2 despite the latter being more famous.

- Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight.

- Top Gear/Racer 1 is the only good one.

- The Megadrive/Genesis fightpad is much better than the SNES controller.

- Mainline SMT is better than Persona. (I'm getting flamed for this but I'll never change my mind).

- The 3D push during the 5th console generation was a mistake.

- Very few 3D Mario games are actually fun.

- 3D Sonic games never got it right, some just fail slightly less hard.

- Without Rare, the N64 would be nowhere as beloved as it ended up becoming.

- Character action games like Bayonetta are formulaic and boring, and lease their life on wow factor, protagonist charisma or both.
I didn't know a single person who considered Sonic 2 better than Sonic 3
Final fantasy 7 ps1 is overrated, not bad, but definitely not the best rpg of all time and imo not even the best final fantasy (i give that to 4), that being said, i also consider final fantasy as a overrated rpg series when compared to the likes of dragon quest, the legend of heroes or even older phantasy star games, heck even wild arms is imo a better series than final fantasy.
I also don't think "more" always equals "better" in fighting games.

I hate when the roster size is used as an argument when variety and balance are more important.

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 was marketed around the amount of characters yet was really bad.

I even think that the Budokai Tenkaichi games have too many variants of the same characters just to fill the roster as well.

Speaking of, I think Smash 64 is a better-feeling fighting game than every subsequent Smash, except for Melee. And I'm not even a Melee purist or anything.
That's a bit surprising considering how "stiffer" this game felt (especially regarding aerial dodges).

Moving on from fighting games, I hate parry systems and I'm tired of them. Dodge-rolls, too. Enough with the Souls plagiarism. Not every single action game needs a dodge-and-parry function. Turning action games into, again, games of Simon says is not good.
Also add stagger mechanics to them.

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