games that every one hate's but you don't hate.

A video game that gets lots of hate and not so good reviews while it's objectively great is Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash. The most common complain is that "it's nothing like the the previous games". Yet they never have same complain when other famous games change a lot to the worse. Also let's face it: All the previous Chibi Robo games sold poorly despite the praise they got, so it was only natural to try something different from gameplay aspect. The atmosphere is still the same, which is why I don't understand the hate.

Reminds me the hate that Super Paper Mario gets from Paper Mario fanboys while personally I prefer SPM over the previous games. And mostly because it's a platform game unlike the previous ones that are turn based/action jrpgs. And while the previous two game are great and memorable they're repetitive as hell from battles aspect. Also from sales aspect SPM is the best selling one.
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I really enjoyed Mario Bros 2 (US). In fact I don't recall anyone hating it.

I mean, sure, it wasn't a "true" Mario game (beneath the surface), but it was still a really fun platformer. And the fact that it was Mario-fied just made it even better. :)
Also it introduced new characters that later end up being standard ones at Mario universe and even at the main games.
Hear me out

As a survival horror game, Resident Evil 6 sucks ass, and it's understandable that people are upset with it considering the expectations that come with mainline Resident Evil.

If you play it as a coop action game, it's an absolute blast. Tons of melee attack and movement options that can flow seamlessly into and out of gun fire make the moment to moment combat exhilarating! It can be pretty easily found for under $10, and it's well worth it at that price.
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour

It's not a good game. They somehow couldn't licence any well known Disney characters with the exception of Chip 'n' Dale & Jiminy Cricket.

And yet, I enjoy the power ups, the unhinged music, the race courses and the sheer oddness of it all.

Hear me out
View attachment 28629
As a survival horror game, Resident Evil 6 sucks ass, and it's understandable that people are upset with it considering the expectations that come with mainline Resident Evil.

If you play it as a coop action game, it's an absolute blast. Tons of melee attack and movement options that can flow seamlessly into and out of gun fire make the moment to moment combat exhilarating! It can be pretty easily found for under $10, and it's well worth it at that price.
Resident Evil 6 is like the Army of Darkness of the franchise, if you come to see it with a horror mindset, you will be very disappointed, BUT if you experience it with an action/horror comedy mindset, then oh boy you are in for a blast!, also co op is VERY MUCH mandatory for the real experience, because the combat is basically The Matrix/Equilibrium levels of absurd but freaking awesome action.
Also people might not like it, but this is what peak card system in a game looks like:

People gave this game such a harsh time when it released, only to come back decades later and praise it as it should be, same with the next one, i mean, come on, what makes Snake Eater so great came from this one:

People forget that the enemy damage system, even the "i shoot at the enemy radio and it goes off" and all those little details came from this one, and people have a bias towards Big Shell, honestly i love it, and the conveyor belt system that let´s you travel through the facility with more efficiency, a thing that games nowadays even bother with in the most lazy ways possible.
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People forget that the enemy damage system, even the "i shoot at the enemy radio and it goes off" and all those little details came from this one, and people have a bias towards Big Shell, honestly i love it, and the conveyor belt system that let´s you travel through the facility with more efficiency, a thing that games nowadays even bother with in the most lazy ways possible.
MGS2 is among the best games ever made. The inclusion of cover aiming, first-person, ledge climbing, all brilliant.
The guard AI logic was without equal at time of release. The narrative which was decades ahead of its time. A true masterwork.


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Pssst hey kid listen.....I didn't try either FF7 rebirth or twin snakes but I think hating on them is stupid cuz its literally bringing 2 masterpieces with better graphics quite frankly I dont give a shit if they added anything new I don't hate them especially twin snakes like bro its MGS with good graphics WHATS WRONG ABOUT IT? You know don't tell me I would like to figure myself
Im not sure i'd call it hated but Super Mario Bros 2 is considered a black sheep often but I consider it the second best Mario ever game behind SMB 3.

I mean the American 2. Still need to properly play the original 2.
Pssst hey kid listen.....I didn't try either FF7 rebirth or twin snakes but I think hating on them is stupid cuz its literally bringing 2 masterpieces with better graphics quite frankly I dont give a shit if they added anything new I don't hate them especially twin snakes like bro its MGS with good graphics WHATS WRONG ABOUT IT? You know don't tell me I would like to figure myself
I always said about remakes that people should play the game fully and then make a solid critic about it, and i did just that with both ff7 remakes and twin snakes, and here´s my opinion:
- The 2/3 remakes of ff7 that we have are DMC games with rpg elements put on them (not even coop option which could have been cool, sadly), core characters turned into npcs (Cid and Vincent, yeah maybe they will be playable in part 3 but in the OG you get them more early), and crucial scenes butchered (Aerith´s death, Barret´s duel, etc), honestly i will always preffer OG ff7.
- Twin Snakes is MGS1 with matrix action, and not i a good way, and he original is always leagues better if i dare to say.
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I'm a card carrying member of the Dark Souls 2 club.
Reading things like these bring me hope.


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I always said about remakes that people should play the game fully and then make a solid critic about it, and i did just that with both ff7 remakes and twin snakes, and here´s my opinion:
- The 2/3 remakes of ff7 that we have are DMC games with rpg elements put on them (not even coop option which could have been cool, sadly), core characters turned into npcs (Cid and Vincent, yeah maybe they will be playable in part 3 but in the OG you get them more early), and crucial scenes butchered (Aerith´s death, Barret´s duel, etc), honestly i will always preffer OG ff7.
- Twin Snakes is MGS1 with matrix action, and not i a good way, and he original is always leagues better if i dare to say.
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Reading things like these bring me hope.
Sry I said I won't listen to anybody regarding these 2 games ain't reading all that ::unhappy
i like nightmare on elm street. but i do love the Angry Video Game Nerd Spoof On It. it's the first 4 player co-op game on NES a game that break's friendship's if you don't know how to play.


The more I grow up, the more I realise Sonic fans kinda deserved Sonic Team making ultra samey games that bank on nostalgia because anytime Sonic Team tries something new, Sonic fans hate it
Ive seen people crapping all over Tarzan on the ps1, but it's a nice game! Looks good, sounds nice, it's not Klonoa but it's a good enough simple platformer to breeze through

Chaos Legion on ps2 is also good I dont know whats up with youtubers trashing it; the only problem is that capcom USA screwed up the difficulty so jap hard is normal, making the game super grindy for no good reason
As long as you pick easy first it's a nice mosuo-style game with a very unique puppet mechanic and nice music and atmosphere

The same goes for Nanobreaker, yeah it's no devil may cry but it's still good in its own right and it's very technically advanced

Fire Emblem Fates does have a crummy story and terrible translation but once you install fan english patches + undub it's got pretty fun mechanics, its got a ton of variety and it's fun to mod and mess around with cheats, lots of unique maps, very well animated, good music, good dlc maps..
You can do a lot worst

Sonic CD is amazing if you dont play it like sonic 2 and play it like a 2d exploration game
That last bit needs to be said more often: Sonic 1 and Sonic CD are made to be played differently from 2, where the world doesn’t necessarily CONFORM to your character, so you need to actually look for opportunities to gain speed as they aren’t in abundance. They want you to explore their levels, which often go vertical. Both games definitely could be better, but I love them both and find them more rewarding to play than 2 for the reasons listed above.
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I genuinely like hong kong 97.
You absolute legend.
Mega Man X7

Just kidding, no exaggeration, that is the worst piece of media I have ever payed for and one of the only games I entirely gave up on. There is no defending it.

I quite like AC Origins, it's one of the only 3 games in the series that I would genuinely call good.
Uhhhhhh… not universally maligned at all, but MegaMan X5 is my favorite X game? I love the scenario, art design, and the gameplay when you’re X. Don’t play as Zero, know you’ll have to spend a bunch of time in Duff McWhalen’s funhouse of pain, and clench your butt for the worst bike segment in the 2D series, and you’ll actually have a good time. Crescent Grizzly, Burn Dinorex, Spike Rosered, and Izzy Glow all have really fun stages. The game is fun for me, even though I know it has problems the other games don’t have. I love its highs. And those highs carry me through the lows.
Hear me out
As a survival horror game, Resident Evil 6 sucks ass, and it's understandable that people are upset with it considering the expectations that come with mainline Resident Evil.

If you play it as a coop action game, it's an absolute blast. Tons of melee attack and movement options that can flow seamlessly into and out of gun fire make the moment to moment combat exhilarating! It can be pretty easily found for under $10, and it's well worth it at that price.
I'm a lifelong Resident Evil Fan and I agree. I think this game might have one of the most fun 3d combat systems of all time, on par with God Hand. Me and my GF have played this on all difficulty levels and sometimes throw down on some mercs mode for few rounds at least once every couple of weeks or so

The story is incomprehensible. Seriously, good luck trying to figure out why anyone is doing anything lol... but I can't really say it's bad because there's actually a lot of great, memorable moments and all 7 characters shine. I like the story A LOT more than RE5, which I find to be boilerplate and unmemorable until you get to Wesker. RE5 is the one I think is a lot more deserving of the derision.
Mortal Kombat 4.

It's a bit meme'd due to the endings (which I think are indeed really funny) and the new MK Gold characters sure didn't do it any favors (Sektor being an absolute zoning god and Baraka killing you in two hits, just to name a few), but I think it's a good addition to the series overall. It eased new players in seeing as the combo system was now universal, so now you didn't need a whole damn book every time you wanted to learn a new character, and the weapons were a neat little addition. Yeah, it's broken, but what MK isn't? xD

Overall, I think it doesn't deserve all the hate that it gets. It's a fun time, and you can even style on it a bit.
I was starting to enjoy open world games like GTA Vice City, and then I got this one...


It has an amazing start where you get involved in a street fight with bets, similar to the "Fight Club" movie (1999). But you still don't realize what does this have to do with the Final Fight universe, and then the usual main characters begin to appear slowly, somehow involved into the main plot: a very deep conspiracy to control all Metro City and more... However now your character is the real protagonist.
Right now I can understand why it was so regrettable in its time, because back then there were many better open world games, wider, funnier, with better graphics, secondary missions, mini-games, mechanics, etc. And also now you are just the forgotten bro of an old hero in this given aside spin-off of the glorious Final Fight franchise, in a legendary Metro City that could have looked muuuuuch better.
As a curiosity, it has a classic beat-em-up arcade game in 3D within, which can be playable in coop mode, although the quality is quite low. But in a poor attempt to play devil's advocate I can only say that less is nothing.... It is said too that an emulation of the arcade version of the original Final Fight is also featured as an unlockable extra, but I never played it.

Despite everything said, the truth is that I really enjoyed this title quite a bit, maybe because of my lack of experience in the genre, maybe because I really liked that "Fight Club" feel, or maybe because I liked to smash some villains... I prefer to remember the fun moments I had playing this videogame instead of focusing in its lacks and failures, but I wouldn't recomend Final Fight Streetwise to be played currently, because technically speaking it hasn't aged very well.
Maybe nowadays it could have a total remake, because Capcom really knows how to make good remakes, Kyle is a good character and it could be a great way to expand the Final Fight universe. I have very little hope in this (less and less as the years go by), but who knows...
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Hear me out
View attachment 28629
As a survival horror game, Resident Evil 6 sucks ass, and it's understandable that people are upset with it considering the expectations that come with mainline Resident Evil.

If you play it as a coop action game, it's an absolute blast. Tons of melee attack and movement options that can flow seamlessly into and out of gun fire make the moment to moment combat exhilarating! It can be pretty easily found for under $10, and it's well worth it at that price.
id like to hear from the perspective of someone whos experienced RE6 coop and still sees it as absolute sewer gravy. feels like all of this games defenders have played it coop
Despite the hate it got, I quite enjoyed Metroid other M. One of my favourite Wii games. I Never understood why it got so much hate. I had already played super Metroid and Metroid fusion before it and wasn't disappointed. It's been a while since but I remember enjoying the combat and the visual presentation was pretty good.
I've never seen anyone say anything good about this game and to be fair, it kinda sucks but it was a childhood game for me and that automatically makes it an underrated classic if all those youtube videos defending games like Quest 64 are anything to go by.


(The anime it's based on is genuinely good)

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