Emotional video game music

Arc the Lad 2 had one of the most tragic and depressing stories in a rpg, not that it wasn't amazing.
This is the ending theme.

This track i feel i HAVE to give spoilers for so spoiler tag if your interested.

So you beat "the dark one", the equivalent of the devil, however he still succeeded in causing a civilization ending apocalypse, killed 90%+ of humanity including most of your party's family members, the main character's father, mother and lover and the main character himself has to sacrifice his own life just to seal the dark one away again, literally the ending ends with the main character and his lover's souls flying away while the party over a now thuroughly ravaged and destroyed world, cue this song and credits.
I had to restrain myself here, there are so many beautiful video game compositions that make me feel melancholy. Here are some that I would like to share that made me feel that emotion as soon as it started playing 🥲


Final Fantasy VI


Final Fantasy IX

Shadow of the Colossus

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