Emotional video game music

Arc the Lad 2 had one of the most tragic and depressing stories in a rpg, not that it wasn't amazing.
This is the ending theme.

This track i feel i HAVE to give spoilers for so spoiler tag if your interested.

So you beat "the dark one", the equivalent of the devil, however he still succeeded in causing a civilization ending apocalypse, killed 90%+ of humanity including most of your party's family members, the main character's father, mother and lover and the main character himself has to sacrifice his own life just to seal the dark one away again, literally the ending ends with the main character and his lover's souls flying away while the party over a now thuroughly ravaged and destroyed world, cue this song and credits.
I had to restrain myself here, there are so many beautiful video game compositions that make me feel melancholy. Here are some that I would like to share that made me feel that emotion as soon as it started playing 🥲


Final Fantasy VI


Final Fantasy IX

Shadow of the Colossus
Xenogears ending song felt like the closure of such an adventure, I said this somewhere on the internet but I say it again: this is the only ending that made me feel the same unique emotion of listening into the west - Annie Lennox song at the end of LOTR: The Return of the King.

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core.

"Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero you need to have dreams... and honor."

"How are you? I wish I knew where you were... It's already been four years now. This is the eighty-ninth letter that I've sent to you, but I don't even know where to send them anymore..."

"Hey, would you say I became a hero?"

Guild Wars 2(An mmorpg that I stopped playing years ago) This plays, IIRC, at the end of your personal character story. The lyrics can relate to those who do the hard fight.
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Ar Tonelico 1. Aurica sings this to bring back to life an important character.


"Don't leave me all by myself..."

Der Mond, das Meer... The moon and the sea... Tsugumi.
kingdom hearts has a few but these character themes are prime examples
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, Sanctuary always makes me want to tear up, both because the song is beautiful on itself but also it reminds me of my childhood
I remembered this thanks to another thread; I think no one post it here yet. Probably the only moment in the 3 games of FFVII that made me tear up, and it's a very special moment of my favorite character Nanaki.
These two:
Lots of Nobuo Uematsu in this thread, rightfully so.
Final Fantasy "II" was my first JRPG and I spent many many hours daydreaming of adventures to this soundtrack.

Arabian Nights' final boss theme was a big surprise of this sort.

And a more recent one, because I love the moon and nobody ever mentions it:

Most emotional impact overall probably goes to Chivalry and Savagery:

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So this game has 4 endings, this song plays in all 4, 3 of them are tragic endings, only the 2 player ending is somewhat sane.

This is a song that plays in 2 very emotional scenes in the game, can't really explain it without spoiling some major events in the game.

Again another emotional piece.
SiivaGunner! Here's one that absolutely HONORS both of its sources, with sound design tricks that make my jaw drop every time when I'm done waving my arms and shouting along:

Lost Odyssey: Parting Forever

ICO: You Were There

Lufia 2: Peace of Mind

Final Fantasy IX: Melodies of Life
Spoilers Ahead
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My favorite game of all time is Silent Hill 2 and it has an infamous soundtrack (and in my opinion the best video game soundtrack of all time) I've listened to the soundtrack dozens of times and I've listened to this song specifically on loop for hours before. The art class theme from Bully is an honorable mention as well
This song is hard to describe, as it has emotions of wonder, amazement, resolve and courage, a time to do what you need to do, fitting for a final dungeon theme, but surprisingly not action packed, but hauntingly beautiful, song's name is "the tree at the farthest end".

This is the opening of trails to the sky SC, the second game in the trails in the sky trilogy, the song is "silver will, golden wings", honestly this one speaks for itself so i have nothing i can input here that hasn't already been said.

Here is a amazingly well done english cover of silver will, golden wings that i'm adding so you can understand the lyrics.

Now listening to that and then listening to this, you'll notice that silver will, golden wings was a remix of this song, which this song is in itself referring to a very specific and extremely important song in the sequel, "Hamel", which in itself is a MASSIVE emotional roller coaster of a song and a massive spoiler for the entire series that even 20 years on is still sometimes brought up, while being arguably the composers magnum opus (sadly he passed away a few years after completing it).
This song plays in the ending of the first game, and speaks for itself.
"Hoshi no Arika/The Whereabouts of Light"

There is a english cover for hoshi no arika, however because it contains spoilers i won't post that, i will however post it's super arrange version (basically official remixes), this one is far more upbeat but still quite enjoyable.
This song is hard to describe, as it has emotions of wonder, amazement, resolve and courage, a time to do what you need to do, fitting for a final dungeon theme, but surprisingly not action packed, but hauntingly beautiful, song's name is "the tree at the farthest end".
I love Falcom's ost, really good.

Ys is known for rock osts but I also love the more mellow/ambient ones.

My favorite song from my favorite video game. Final Fantasy Tactics has such an amazing soundtrack, Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata are super underrated composers and make excellent music either together or on their own.


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