Alright listen up RGT you hear this question quite often "whats your favorite game?" And "what are your top 10 games?" Usually you list them and never elaborate much.
Well NOT today , I'm NOT satisfied with just names I want to know WHY you hold this game dearly why this game is your favorite? What makes it stand out from the rest? Names mean nothing even if they sound cool without substance and reason behind them.
I will start with myself:
-5 Counter strike: introduced to the world of shooting through counter strike its the first ever FPS I owned but that's not the entire reason with CS whether its Source or 1.6 or even condition zero I had very good time from defending the house in italy to hiding in the bed room in estate to camping the A site in dust with a sniper as CTs to intense fire fights on doors in aztec and the sinister and cunning ways of killing the VIP in oilrig CS is my first go to shooter game with headphones on the game turns from action to pure thriller movie as you walk slowly your finger on the left click on the edge of your seat as you take a turn near the corner the thrill that counter strike encompasses is unmatched when compared to call of duty or battlefield the methodical planning and the awesome server browser with deathmatch being the best mode to bots whom communication just gets me locked in.
4- Age of mythology: Well AOM does a lot of things right and more I went through the story in span 2-3 weeks an epic adventure going from the countryside in greece to the hot desert in egypt to the cold and harsh north an energetic adventure like this with its vibrant waters and relaxing soundtrack AOM quickly became a favorite proceeding to play as the Atleanteans in a depiction I deem the best depiction of atlantis ever in media with rich lore through information about units and structures to unit design I latched onto the atties , tridents lances and swordsmen inspired by roman gladiators the atties were so fun to play after months of constantly playing AOM started feeling burned out issues of the game were surfacing such as population being too low and some bad balancing made me quit the game got the game files extracted did a little test and IT worked an excited me worked nonstop to bring my mod true starting a modding journey that will effect my perception of games from that point on great water combat , best of the best art depiction of norse , greek and Egyptian deities , overpowered god powers and of course my dear and lovely destroyers whom I adjusted my posture and walking inspired by them.
3-Final Fantasy 7: my story with FF games started in a more of a despise relationship from my side FF14 blew up when WOW was losing relevance I looked at it and said "this only played by dumb weebs it looke silly" one day I was watching a stream of a WC influencer when he was watching a video related to FF I ask about what entry to try one fella suggests FF7 that stuck with me for 2-3 years until late july 2024 I finish metal gear solid looking for more games to try I remember FF7 taking a look at it Im turned away by the artstyle and the game having many versions completely made me ditch it in favor of WC2 one month later and im regretting ever playing WC2 and out of desperation I install FF7 boot it up the intro plays and the names of devs pop up "huh must be some sort of bullshit iconic song the fans of this thing love" I say after being done with the intro im greeted by the most simple of menus with a background of a sword so far not impressed I click on new game that click would take me into an amazing adventure that would influence me in many ways I didn't latch into the game that much early on but it grew slowly the first time I actually was invested was the market event when you wear a dress made me laugh so much and felt quite weird walking "gracefully" from going into shin ra to hiding in a ship and of course my favorite zone cosmo canyon to know red 13 or I called him kargath had a backstory that you discover about more....with that music and the disaster that was the run through the dungeon I went a boys only quest cloud , barret and nanaki I forgot to equip healing materia and was low on potions by sheer luck I go through the dungeon in what ends up being an emotional moment with nanaki father crying even when he is completely turned to stone how powerful that scene felt followed with the howling so now im more and more emotionally invested into the game days I would sleep happily days I be sleeping waiting to wake up and see what's next one day specifically the day I got the Black stone after 3 days of searching I went angry and felt betrayed by cait sith the next day I stripped him of all materia , the strange feeling I had when I handed the blackstone to sephirtoh and the moment of aerith death holy I had watery eyes then sephrioth spoke "oh do you feel?" Prior to this someone made light of me hardly ever feeling stress or sadness in general I wasn't seen as a somebody with feels that line by sephorith didn't feel directed towards me in-game it felt directed towards me in rea life FF7 showed me an interesting perspective about girls too my demeanor with them became more gentle and respectful FF7 from music to gameplay to story got me hyped all the time.
2- Silent hill 1: when I decided to install the PS1 emulator I wanted to play Resident evil well I kept finding HD remake roms instead of the original so I looked up SH as an alternative that unintentionally was a wise decision , prior to SH the only horror game I played was system shock not that scary I didn't consume horror media and hardly felt fear up till that point in my life I mean real fear add on this the only memory of SH was 6 year old me crying cuz SH so a bad memory and my perception of SH is built off that memory the intro plays its artstyle speaks of horror to me greeted by a silent blueish screen im already feeling a bit spooked new game and hard that will get me into a unforgettable experience where I cling to any human I see the barrier of virtual and real was no more I felt worried for cybil the whole time I feared I would find her horrifically disfigured knowing what I seen first that froze me , when I was in school I walk in a bathroom to hear a girl crying knowing horror media doesn't bode well with bathrooms my heart pounded fast and at that moment I felt the need to recite some Quran NEVER did I need to do that when playing a video game , one time my heart actually hurt and I had to take a break from this game , I reached a point where I heard the prayer outside as radio signal from SH probably a hallucination I didn't dare to look at the mirror and even doubted exiting the bathroom I slept with lights on one day and on the couch facing the door to watch for any rombers , I reached a point where I considered deleting this game but then a question popped into my head "if you can't save your virtual daughter in a virtual world because you are scared of virtual monsters then do you have the courage to do the same thing in real life?" After this question I pushed on despite being scared cheryl needed me and im not forsaking her , by the end of silent hill the intro played again and for the first time in 4 years I actually had genuine tears in my eyes I actually felt something other than laughter I actually could feel empathy , sympathy , fear , sadness and more I knew at last that I indeed can feel emotion all thanks to silent hill never had I experienced something like this in a video game or in my life , SH started me a journey of becoming a better person
1-WarCraft 3: you probably saw it coming WC3 is my favorite game of all times I got to know about it when someone asked on a arabic video gaming group about whether the remaster dropped out of curiosity I looked into the game and was sold , I download WC3 so I try expansion first and it works I press play get into the first campaign in the list skip the intro and WOW just WOW vibrant colors unit portraits , snake men , burning buildings , and I controlled what I thought is night witches I didn't even realize I was a maieve a warden hero didn't even know the concept of a hero in this game until mission 3 where I found out you have an inventory , I wasn't big in RPG scene but WC3 will remedy that its graphics immediately caught my attention the music got me locked in pretty quick , after the amazing experience up until mission 7 I knew nothing about the story then I decide to open up YT and by mistake spoil the story a mistake I still regret to this day however one thing I didn't spoil was the death of grom hellscream that cutscene was the first time ever I felt not only sad but on verge of tears back in 2020 followed by the ending of the frozen throne another cutscene that gets me emotional as the camera zooms out slowly away from the lich king with the background music for a lengthy game to have it end in this very climatic ending summing up a great story never felt more complete this is the end of WC that's what I felt when I saw that scene , unique gameplay that emphasising skill over unit spam , hero system and vibrant colors that keep my attention at all times add on it the amazing editor and my first ever proper gaming project the mod I made for WC3 made me understand a lot about game design and a little bit of code the feeling of creating something and brainstorming sessions on how to do that or that WC3 got my mind working pretty well it also served as motivation for my working out routine inspired by the massive muscular orcs WC3 occupies space In my head even if it doesn't occupy space on my hard disk most if not all online interactions started with WC3 for me even my English improved a lot after communicating with people because of this gameb , WC3 played big part of my life.
So these were my top 5 games with a lengthy explanation on why I hold them dearly what are yours? Did you have similar experiences
Well NOT today , I'm NOT satisfied with just names I want to know WHY you hold this game dearly why this game is your favorite? What makes it stand out from the rest? Names mean nothing even if they sound cool without substance and reason behind them.
I will start with myself:
-5 Counter strike: introduced to the world of shooting through counter strike its the first ever FPS I owned but that's not the entire reason with CS whether its Source or 1.6 or even condition zero I had very good time from defending the house in italy to hiding in the bed room in estate to camping the A site in dust with a sniper as CTs to intense fire fights on doors in aztec and the sinister and cunning ways of killing the VIP in oilrig CS is my first go to shooter game with headphones on the game turns from action to pure thriller movie as you walk slowly your finger on the left click on the edge of your seat as you take a turn near the corner the thrill that counter strike encompasses is unmatched when compared to call of duty or battlefield the methodical planning and the awesome server browser with deathmatch being the best mode to bots whom communication just gets me locked in.
4- Age of mythology: Well AOM does a lot of things right and more I went through the story in span 2-3 weeks an epic adventure going from the countryside in greece to the hot desert in egypt to the cold and harsh north an energetic adventure like this with its vibrant waters and relaxing soundtrack AOM quickly became a favorite proceeding to play as the Atleanteans in a depiction I deem the best depiction of atlantis ever in media with rich lore through information about units and structures to unit design I latched onto the atties , tridents lances and swordsmen inspired by roman gladiators the atties were so fun to play after months of constantly playing AOM started feeling burned out issues of the game were surfacing such as population being too low and some bad balancing made me quit the game got the game files extracted did a little test and IT worked an excited me worked nonstop to bring my mod true starting a modding journey that will effect my perception of games from that point on great water combat , best of the best art depiction of norse , greek and Egyptian deities , overpowered god powers and of course my dear and lovely destroyers whom I adjusted my posture and walking inspired by them.
3-Final Fantasy 7: my story with FF games started in a more of a despise relationship from my side FF14 blew up when WOW was losing relevance I looked at it and said "this only played by dumb weebs it looke silly" one day I was watching a stream of a WC influencer when he was watching a video related to FF I ask about what entry to try one fella suggests FF7 that stuck with me for 2-3 years until late july 2024 I finish metal gear solid looking for more games to try I remember FF7 taking a look at it Im turned away by the artstyle and the game having many versions completely made me ditch it in favor of WC2 one month later and im regretting ever playing WC2 and out of desperation I install FF7 boot it up the intro plays and the names of devs pop up "huh must be some sort of bullshit iconic song the fans of this thing love" I say after being done with the intro im greeted by the most simple of menus with a background of a sword so far not impressed I click on new game that click would take me into an amazing adventure that would influence me in many ways I didn't latch into the game that much early on but it grew slowly the first time I actually was invested was the market event when you wear a dress made me laugh so much and felt quite weird walking "gracefully" from going into shin ra to hiding in a ship and of course my favorite zone cosmo canyon to know red 13 or I called him kargath had a backstory that you discover about more....with that music and the disaster that was the run through the dungeon I went a boys only quest cloud , barret and nanaki I forgot to equip healing materia and was low on potions by sheer luck I go through the dungeon in what ends up being an emotional moment with nanaki father crying even when he is completely turned to stone how powerful that scene felt followed with the howling so now im more and more emotionally invested into the game days I would sleep happily days I be sleeping waiting to wake up and see what's next one day specifically the day I got the Black stone after 3 days of searching I went angry and felt betrayed by cait sith the next day I stripped him of all materia , the strange feeling I had when I handed the blackstone to sephirtoh and the moment of aerith death holy I had watery eyes then sephrioth spoke "oh do you feel?" Prior to this someone made light of me hardly ever feeling stress or sadness in general I wasn't seen as a somebody with feels that line by sephorith didn't feel directed towards me in-game it felt directed towards me in rea life FF7 showed me an interesting perspective about girls too my demeanor with them became more gentle and respectful FF7 from music to gameplay to story got me hyped all the time.
2- Silent hill 1: when I decided to install the PS1 emulator I wanted to play Resident evil well I kept finding HD remake roms instead of the original so I looked up SH as an alternative that unintentionally was a wise decision , prior to SH the only horror game I played was system shock not that scary I didn't consume horror media and hardly felt fear up till that point in my life I mean real fear add on this the only memory of SH was 6 year old me crying cuz SH so a bad memory and my perception of SH is built off that memory the intro plays its artstyle speaks of horror to me greeted by a silent blueish screen im already feeling a bit spooked new game and hard that will get me into a unforgettable experience where I cling to any human I see the barrier of virtual and real was no more I felt worried for cybil the whole time I feared I would find her horrifically disfigured knowing what I seen first that froze me , when I was in school I walk in a bathroom to hear a girl crying knowing horror media doesn't bode well with bathrooms my heart pounded fast and at that moment I felt the need to recite some Quran NEVER did I need to do that when playing a video game , one time my heart actually hurt and I had to take a break from this game , I reached a point where I heard the prayer outside as radio signal from SH probably a hallucination I didn't dare to look at the mirror and even doubted exiting the bathroom I slept with lights on one day and on the couch facing the door to watch for any rombers , I reached a point where I considered deleting this game but then a question popped into my head "if you can't save your virtual daughter in a virtual world because you are scared of virtual monsters then do you have the courage to do the same thing in real life?" After this question I pushed on despite being scared cheryl needed me and im not forsaking her , by the end of silent hill the intro played again and for the first time in 4 years I actually had genuine tears in my eyes I actually felt something other than laughter I actually could feel empathy , sympathy , fear , sadness and more I knew at last that I indeed can feel emotion all thanks to silent hill never had I experienced something like this in a video game or in my life , SH started me a journey of becoming a better person
1-WarCraft 3: you probably saw it coming WC3 is my favorite game of all times I got to know about it when someone asked on a arabic video gaming group about whether the remaster dropped out of curiosity I looked into the game and was sold , I download WC3 so I try expansion first and it works I press play get into the first campaign in the list skip the intro and WOW just WOW vibrant colors unit portraits , snake men , burning buildings , and I controlled what I thought is night witches I didn't even realize I was a maieve a warden hero didn't even know the concept of a hero in this game until mission 3 where I found out you have an inventory , I wasn't big in RPG scene but WC3 will remedy that its graphics immediately caught my attention the music got me locked in pretty quick , after the amazing experience up until mission 7 I knew nothing about the story then I decide to open up YT and by mistake spoil the story a mistake I still regret to this day however one thing I didn't spoil was the death of grom hellscream that cutscene was the first time ever I felt not only sad but on verge of tears back in 2020 followed by the ending of the frozen throne another cutscene that gets me emotional as the camera zooms out slowly away from the lich king with the background music for a lengthy game to have it end in this very climatic ending summing up a great story never felt more complete this is the end of WC that's what I felt when I saw that scene , unique gameplay that emphasising skill over unit spam , hero system and vibrant colors that keep my attention at all times add on it the amazing editor and my first ever proper gaming project the mod I made for WC3 made me understand a lot about game design and a little bit of code the feeling of creating something and brainstorming sessions on how to do that or that WC3 got my mind working pretty well it also served as motivation for my working out routine inspired by the massive muscular orcs WC3 occupies space In my head even if it doesn't occupy space on my hard disk most if not all online interactions started with WC3 for me even my English improved a lot after communicating with people because of this gameb , WC3 played big part of my life.
So these were my top 5 games with a lengthy explanation on why I hold them dearly what are yours? Did you have similar experiences
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