Your top 5 games and WHY

In no particular order, but certainly my favorite five games:

-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Extremely satisfying highly polished combat, interesting characters, bonkers plot and peak music make for an unforgettable game

-The World Ends With You (Original DS version): One of the best ds games. Great, stylish art direction that makes Shibuya look like the coolest place in the world, Unique, although hard to get used to combat system where you control two characters at the same time, a main character who although annoying at first goes through great development, a unique story that you have not heard a hundred times before, with lots of twists and turns, great soundtrack fitting the urban setting, and great replay value, in fact I'd say you have to replay it fully 3 times before you completely understand everything that happened, since you'll need the hindsight of having playing the game before and of having read the secret reports to know everything.

-Disco Elysium: A deep, one-in-a-kind RPG with lots and lots of possibilities. Failure is not the end and can sometimes lead to better things than success, absolutely hilarious, pretty sad and depressing, very heartwarming at times, and even scary at a few points. Great characters, amazing world-building. This one is best going in blind. Bonus points for avoiding "It gets fun after five hours", 15 minutes in at most you should already getting well into it.

-Deus Ex: Human Revolution: A lot of people say the original Deus Ex is better. Is certainly more open, but the extra polish of Human Revolution makes for an overall more fun game, with abilities that feel great to use, and combat that can actually be fun if a bit generic.

-Fallout: New Vegas: one of the best Western RPGS of all time.

Honorable mentions:
Solatorobo: Red the hunter.
Devil Survivor 2.
PREY (2016).
Resident Evil 4.
Seems like a good list wanted to do honorable mentions but character limit got in the way impressive that new vegas despite its buggy nature from what I heard is loved like that

You should give the others a try, 2 and 3 are incredible as I'm sure you've heard but honestly I don't think there's really a bad mainline MGS game, I even have Peace Walker up there in my top 3 MGS games of all time personally
Yeah playing all MGS games is something I want to do.

1- Dark souls 3, I played every souls game including sekiro and Bloodborne except for dark souls 2, still didn't have the chance to play shadow tower abyss too, anyway ds3 was my first and it was really great it made feel alive again it wasn't easy nor forgiving but it was fair, f*ck those swamps tho

2- half life 1, peak literal peak idk wth valve were doing but they did good environmental story telling, great gameplay great lore great world building especially for a 1998 pc game and an amazing amazing online play

3- a little hard to say really but probably downhill domination, a very underrated PS2 game idk what else to say it's funny it's fun it can be hard at times but honestly showing off to your friends was the best in that game

4- is, it's probably a tie between cs1.6 and TF2, when I was younger I loved TF2 more but the older I got the more I loved cs1.6 great games really TF2 somehow outlived overwatch and cs1.6 is still alive 20 something years later

5- hard hard choice but between the many games I played, Assassin's creed 4/IV, man Black flag is possibly the best AC game I would say it's on par with 2/II ships can be a lil annoying but it's very smooth, the story is great, gameplay is amazing aesthetics are cool and you character is pretty much a blonde jack sparrow, overall 10/10

This list made me think a lil too hard lol I simply played a bunch of good games that I enjoyed, honourable mentions: legend of Zelda OOT, resident evil (most of the series honestly), sekiro and elden ring (and almost everything fromsoft makes including armored core), prince of Persia trilogy especially sands of time, cod mw2,rayman origins and legends and a bunch of others like fallout, red dead GTA etc etc
Half life deserves to be on top held up pretty well , the HECU are badass.

This is honestly SO hard for me to answer.
There's a lot more than 5 that would probably make the list or just miss the list and it would change from week to week or just depending on my mood.
You can post a list weekly sounds like a good solution.
Alright listen up RGT you hear this question quite often "whats your favorite game?" And "what are your top 10 games?" Usually you list them and never elaborate much.
Too many games for me to list and there would too much text (hell, replying to your comment in it's entirety left me with like half a line left of characters ? )

Here's 5 I don't think I mention much

Mega Man 10: this has the most content in any (non RPG) Mega Man game. You have 3 characters with different stories, shops and even some music, 3 special stages repping the GameBoy games that also each give you a special weapon also repping the GameBoy games, 3 difficulty options including a Hard Mode that changes level geometry, creative bosses and special weapons (though a lot kinda suck), an endless stage, and challenges. There's a lot here, makes 11 look Mega underwhelming. Huh? Huh?

Alternatively, there's Mega Man Rock Force. A lot of content, creative level design, 8 extra playable Robot Masters, fusion bosses, and some really cool set pieces. Also 10/10 music, as expected from a soundtrack that mainly uses the SymfoniKev tracks that's meant for any fangame to use

Neon White: singlehandedly might be one of if not my favourite indie game of all time. An FPS that doubles as a precision platformer with paths made to speed run? Count me in. brain completely wiped out, I only got 3
Post automatically merged:

Doom: Self explanatory honestly, what else do I need to say other than
Destroy Animal Crossing GIF by Mashed
Guessing you mean 2016 specifically, though the quote's from Eternal. Never got why they gave up and just named it Doom, could've had a cool subtitle like Doom: Bloody Vengeance

I am stupid, the quote is from 2016
In no particular order:
5. Travis Strikes Again: It's literally just Suda51's manifesto in game form. If i had to explain why i love it as much as i do i would end up spoiling the entire game and other Suda games so i'll stop myself here.
4. Metal Gear Solid 3: This game is just the ultimate stealth game and Kojima game in my opinion, it has Kojima's strongest character's and plot, the game has the refinements of MGS2 without the obnoxious level design and enemey placements of that game, and it also has best girl Paramedic (it's a shame MGS4 ruined everything about the MGS3 support team)
3. Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil: In my personal opinion it's the most fun 2D platformer ever made besides maybe Mega Man X. I'm not very good at giving my opinion about 2D platformers because those are the sort of games you have to play yourself to get why they are so praised, so i'll just say that the 2.5D perspective allows the game designers to do so many creatives things with this game it's unreal.
2. Devil May Cry 3: It has a fun story, it's extremely stylish and has one of the deepest combat systems ever made. It's just great.
1. Deus Ex: This is definitively my favourite game of all time. Deus Ex has so many flaws but i just can't help but love it with every single ounce of my heart, it's like that game was made specifically for me. I love the plot, i love the hammy voice acting and I love all of levels even the Ocean Lab. I unironically can't describe just what makes this game so special to me, and it isn't nostalgia since i first played it 2 years ago.
I'm sorry i couldn't go into any more depth but if i tried talking about everything i love about these games it would just be a huge wall of incoherent ESL babble.
This is going to be really tough for me.

1. When the Seagulls Cry*
2. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
3. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
4. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
5. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

*To be fair for a Visual Novel it doesn't really have branching routes or whatever, but I still feel that it practically begs you to "play" with it in a sense, as a mystery VN.
Okay... I have spent some time thinking about this. here is my list

5. Assassins Creed Unity - HEAR ME OUT!! This game is on my top 5 because of its uniqueness in the franchise, an alternate reality. The good side of history that could have been. Not to say that I don't enjoy some of the newer AC Games, because I do. But Assassins Creed Unity is a game that is entirely unique in the AC line of games in the way you move throughout the world, the realism and when it worked completely fluid motion, and the way the entire world felt it had a sole purpose for existing. The story was not necessarily worth playing through again, but I found myself coming back day after day just to roam around the world, and when the parkour system worked extremely well. The game really brought me into the French revolution, and I loved the game for that. This AC game really hit a note with me because for the first time and quite frankly the last time... I felt like a true Assassin.

4. Super Mario Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy is the first game that I was acutely conscious of and actually cared about to any degree. It was the first game that made me care about the characters and what happened to them. I believe this game sparked my interest in story telling in games. The shining moment in the game for me was reading through Rosalina's Storybook.

3. Mafia 1 - The version I'm referring to is the Definitive edition. The first Mafia game I played was Mafia 2 on the Xbox 360 YEARS before I played mafia 1. I will bring up mafia 2 later which is why I'm mentioning it now. Mafia one is the only game that I know of that truly thrusts you into the world of the early 20th century. Betrayal is what I really like about the story and how fast things can go completely sour between you and someone you once thought of as family. Without spoiling anything, the way the ending of the story plays out ties in SO PERFECTLY into a single nonchalant mission of Mafia 2 it kicked me in the face before I could even react. The story is a masterpiece through and through.

2. No Mans Sky - This game stands out to me because there is quite simply... no other game like it. when the game first launched it fell short of expectations. but over the course of its life, it has been turned into one of the coolest experiences. the main story is actually a very cool quest of self-discovery, and the side stories are just as interesting to me. Pair the awesome story with cool little random side events and an effectively infinite universe of solar systems and planets, to me it is one of the coolest gaming you play for long enough the planets and animals dooooo kind of get a little repetitive.......BUT THE PREMISE! for what it's trying to do it does it extremely well. Far better than any game that has tried since.

1. Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 - These two games must share a spot as one is not better than the other. my number 1 spot for this list was a tie between the two TITANS. Red Dead Redemption and Ghost of Tsushima. I am a SUCKER for story games that really do everything in its power to immerse you into the game. I appreciate a story that has a sense of realism, has boundaries and operates between them in a way that isn't unrealistic to the universe it has created. what I mean by this is I don't care for a story that uses cheap "The hero saves the day at the last second against all odds because they are the good guys, and they always win no matter what" or "This character obviously fucking died but actually SIKE they instead came back to life to save our hero from doom at the last second and everything is okay"..... I hate that. I deeply hate those two things and I'm probably going to post a thread about it to see what others think on the subject... I want to feel a sense of danger for EVERYONE involved within the story. The Red Dead Redemption Games from the very beginning has the tone that anything CAN and WILL go wrong. and of course it does. There really isn't any comparison for the absolute masterclass of storytelling that took place at rockstar games during the creation of Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 At the end of the day... no one survives... no heroes... no victors... Just a hopeless fight to the end. The gameplay of RDR 2 is unlike any other game I have ever played. The Immersion RDR 2 brings to the table as a fully open world, non-RPG game has not really been matched by any other game of the genre I have played. I could go on and on about these games and the intricate story arcs of all characters, main, side, or plain NPC but I'd be here forever. For almost endless reasons Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are at the number 1 spot on this list.
1. Sid Meier's Pirates! (Commodore 64) - I like pirate and boat stuff, and this game really captured my imagination back when it came out. A giant area to sail around in, and open-ended gameplay that would affect your overall rating at the end. Want to massacre everyone? You can do that, but then you're an enemy of the people. Want to simply play as a merchant and never fight? You can do that, but then you complete no missions and gain no influence, so you'll be a guy with a lot of money but no other measure of success. And so on. A cool foldout map and a really great manual completed a solid package. It was later ported and remade, but the other versions all had stuff I didn't care for as much, though I still found them fun. But the C64 version is the one.

2. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus (GC) - my ultimate relaxation game, because I don't play with anyone, I'm just slowly working my way to a level 200 character just to say I did it. Mellow pacing and basic enough gameplay that it's great for just zoning out at the end of a long day and running a stage or two. Great soundtrack, I love how it looks even though it's dated, and it's just a fun world to be in. I play this in dolphin and there's a bunch of action replay codes for quality of life stuff like increased draw distance and enemy HP bars, so it's fun finding ways to improve the experience without just outright cheating. Blue Burst isn't the same to me, it feels a step too far for some reason, and I bounced off of PSO 2 pretty hard. Only thing I'd really change in this is the drop charts and percentages, where the characters in your name determines the color of your section ID, which then determines which items will drop for you. Ideally I'd have access to potentially earning everything in the game on my own, and not with drop rates of like 1/20000 in some cases.

3-5 could probably be in any order depending on how I'm feeling that day-
- Test Drive Unlimited (360) - open world driving on Oahu. Win races to buy houses with bigger garages, unlock fast travel points by actually driving to them, and it keeps track of which parts of the road you've driven on. I would get off work and just set a GPS point like 45 minutes away and drive. Which is weird, because I dislike driving in real life, but I like it here, and even though other games have a better driving feel, this game has the best overall vibe to it. In this version and the PC version, you can unlock motorcycles and that's also very fun. The top moment is a race that is one lap around the island, so it takes like an hour, and iirc it's a no-restrictions race. Really great. The PS2 version lacks motorcycles and looks how you think an open world PS2 game looks, the PSP version actually doesn't look too bad but also lacks motorcycles. The PC version might be better but I haven't done the work to actually try it, so for now I go with the 360 version as the best.

- The Witness (PC) - I don't think the platform matters on this one but I played it on PC. It's an island you can freely explore, with the goal being to complete enough mazes to activate a laser in each section. Each section has a different ruleset to finish the mazes, but it's done in such a way that you are taught by the early puzzles and then really challenged up until you reach a section's laser and activate it. Activate enough of them and you can go inside the mountain, where the last set of puzzles exists and then you can finish the game. But there's a hidden aspect of this game that you can completely miss and still see the ending, and discovering that was one of my favorite game moments ever. It changes how you look at the game itself and essentially doubles the size of the game. There's a pond that's a map, but it's possible to miss this as well. Just a lot of really nice touches and smartly designed stuff here, and it feels rewarding when you figure out a tough maze. I will say that I wish the color-specific puzzles had alternate solutions, or maybe even a colorblind mode to help folks with that issue, but other than that, I love this one. Even when you're watching a 30-minute video of this weird little man sitting on a stool talking about the duality of man and thinking, "what the hell am I watching this for? how is this relevant to the game???" Good times.

- vib-ribbon (PS1) - music game that simulates vector graphics as best as a PS1 on a TV can, Vibri hops along the ribbon (a straight line) and the game generates levels based on the music, which consist of four different shapes that require one of four button presses, then later you get hyrids that require two presses simultaneously. Do well consistently, and you evolve to have wings and a crown. Make enough mistakes and you'll turn into a little frog, then to a worm with a TV as a head, then game over. The in-game soundtrack consists of only six songs, two for each difficulty, but serves more as a tutorial than anything. The real meat of the game came from putting in your own music CDs and seeing what it would generate. You'd think a crazy song would generate a crazy level but this isn't always the case; a slow song can pump out a level that has the ribbon frequently switching perspectives while the obstacles come in at varying speeds and also start out upside down before flipping over in a different order than you'd originally thought. It's a really cool thing that took far too long to get a US release, and was the first thing I ever imported as a result. When I explained it to my coworkers in 2000, with no phone or whatever to show them what I meant, I must've looked like a maniac, but that's ok.

Honorable mentions: Symphony of the Night, Dead Cells, Fallout 3, Disaster Report, Raw Danger!, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Phantasy Star 2, Fez, Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
- vib-ribbon (PS1) - music game that simulates vector graphics as best as a PS1 on a TV can, Vibri hops along the ribbon (a straight line) and the game generates levels based on the music, which consist of four different shapes that require one of four button presses, then later you get hyrids that require two presses simultaneously. Do well consistently, and you evolve to have wings and a crown. Make enough mistakes and you'll turn into a little frog, then to a worm with a TV as a head, then game over. The in-game soundtrack consists of only six songs, two for each difficulty, but serves more as a tutorial than anything. The real meat of the game came from putting in your own music CDs and seeing what it would generate. You'd think a crazy song would generate a crazy level but this isn't always the case; a slow song can pump out a level that has the ribbon frequently switching perspectives while the obstacles come in at varying speeds and also start out upside down before flipping over in a different order than you'd originally thought. It's a really cool thing that took far too long to get a US release, and was the first thing I ever imported as a result. When I explained it to my coworkers in 2000, with no phone or whatever to show them what I meant, I must've looked like a maniac, but that's ok.
The 4th game sounded pretty cool but the 5th damn....didn't know such technology was possible using PS1 what a creative device that brought out the best of devs capabilities tnis makes me wonder if anyone placed an opera song to see what level is created.

This is going to be really tough for me.

1. When the Seagulls Cry*
2. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
3. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
4. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
5. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

*To be fair for a Visual Novel it doesn't really have branching routes or whatever, but I still feel that it practically begs you to "play" with it in a sense, as a mystery VN.
Quite honestly I can't tell 3 games out of 5 :loldog im confused...

Okay... I have spent some time thinking about this. here is my list

5. Assassins Creed Unity - HEAR ME OUT!! This game is on my top 5 because of its uniqueness in the franchise, an alternate reality. The good side of history that could have been. Not to say that I don't enjoy some of the newer AC Games, because I do. But Assassins Creed Unity is a game that is entirely unique in the AC line of games in the way you move throughout the world, the realism and when it worked completely fluid motion, and the way the entire world felt it had a sole purpose for existing. The story was not necessarily worth playing through again, but I found myself coming back day after day just to roam around the world, and when the parkour system worked extremely well. The game really brought me into the French revolution, and I loved the game for that. This AC game really hit a note with me because for the first time and quite frankly the last time... I felt like a true Assassin.

4. Super Mario Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy is the first game that I was acutely conscious of and actually cared about to any degree. It was the first game that made me care about the characters and what happened to them. I believe this game sparked my interest in story telling in games. The shining moment in the game for me was reading through Rosalina's Storybook.

3. Mafia 1 - The version I'm referring to is the Definitive edition. The first Mafia game I played was Mafia 2 on the Xbox 360 YEARS before I played mafia 1. I will bring up mafia 2 later which is why I'm mentioning it now. Mafia one is the only game that I know of that truly thrusts you into the world of the early 20th century. Betrayal is what I really like about the story and how fast things can go completely sour between you and someone you once thought of as family. Without spoiling anything, the way the ending of the story plays out ties in SO PERFECTLY into a single nonchalant mission of Mafia 2 it kicked me in the face before I could even react. The story is a masterpiece through and through.

2. No Mans Sky - This game stands out to me because there is quite simply... no other game like it. when the game first launched it fell short of expectations. but over the course of its life, it has been turned into one of the coolest experiences. the main story is actually a very cool quest of self-discovery, and the side stories are just as interesting to me. Pair the awesome story with cool little random side events and an effectively infinite universe of solar systems and planets, to me it is one of the coolest gaming you play for long enough the planets and animals dooooo kind of get a little repetitive.......BUT THE PREMISE! for what it's trying to do it does it extremely well. Far better than any game that has tried since.

1. Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 - These two games must share a spot as one is not better than the other. my number 1 spot for this list was a tie between the two TITANS. Red Dead Redemption and Ghost of Tsushima. I am a SUCKER for story games that really do everything in its power to immerse you into the game. I appreciate a story that has a sense of realism, has boundaries and operates between them in a way that isn't unrealistic to the universe it has created. what I mean by this is I don't care for a story that uses cheap "The hero saves the day at the last second against all odds because they are the good guys, and they always win no matter what" or "This character obviously fucking died but actually SIKE they instead came back to life to save our hero from doom at the last second and everything is okay"..... I hate that. I deeply hate those two things and I'm probably going to post a thread about it to see what others think on the subject... I want to feel a sense of danger for EVERYONE involved within the story. The Red Dead Redemption Games from the very beginning has the tone that anything CAN and WILL go wrong. and of course it does. There really isn't any comparison for the absolute masterclass of storytelling that took place at rockstar games during the creation of Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 At the end of the day... no one survives... no heroes... no victors... Just a hopeless fight to the end. The gameplay of RDR 2 is unlike any other game I have ever played. The Immersion RDR 2 brings to the table as a fully open world, non-RPG game has not really been matched by any other game of the genre I have played. I could go on and on about these games and the intricate story arcs of all characters, main, side, or plain NPC but I'd be here forever. For almost endless reasons Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are at the number 1 spot on this list.
First time I see someone's favorite AC being unity usually its one of ezio trilogy or oddessy or blackflag , and yeah RDR isn't the sunshine and rainbows games first game ends with protagonist death...
I can narrow it down to ten, but I can't get it smaller without just going with a top two. Also, beyond those top two these are not in order.

Chrono Cross: Basically everything about it. I love the world, characters, story, music, visuals, enemy designs, etc.

I love how unique the combat feels and how well it works. I love that there's so much content and you can play it a little differently every time. I love the little touches that show how much they cared, like the custom frames, characters having unique accents in their dialogue text, etc.

The only thing I'd change is I would make the New Game+ cycles increase in difficulty.

Bomberman 64: It's probably the most charming game I've ever played. It's a super unique take on a 3D platformer with a lot of variety in the way to play it and solve puzzles. I also just really love the character designs and the boss fights.

Resident Evil 4: It's so insanely fun with tons of replay value and plenty of gameplay variety to keep it interesting. It's so bizarre thematically, taking you from a run down village to an old castle, it's almost like every main area shifts genre a little bit. The gameplay is super fun, especially on Wii, and the mood is just the right mix of horror and humor. Yeah, it's a pretty notable departure from previous games, and I love the classic entries, but this is just too likable to give up.

Also, the little things. The merchant, the shooting galleries, the Mercenaries mode... there's just so much to this to love.

Symphony of the Night: This one's weird, because objectively I think at least a good number of Castlevania games are objectively better... but between nostalgia and just the way Symphony specifically feels and plays... it'll always be my favorite in the series.

But this game is a blast to explore. There's so many little secrets and tricks to it. It's always enjoyable to explore the castle; even the backtracking is interesting because you're regularly unlocking new paths. The RPG elements are a really great touch to keep the gameplay interesting, and there's so many rare drop items that it gives a ton of replay value. Then the SECOND castle. Like... when I saw this game was 'near the end', only to find out there's an entire second castle secretly hidden behind cryptic riddles? Still one of the coolest moments in gaming for me. I also always loved "upside down" topsy-turvy style areas in games, and this entire castle is that.

Banjo-Kazooie: Insanely charming and just so much fun to play, I really can't think of anything wrong with it. It's like... a perfect game. It's genuinely hilarious, too. So many memorable and fun levels to explore, so many interesting characters to meet, and always something new to the gameplay. The final boss is a board game! Also, Game Over Gruntilda... c'mon.

Final Fantasy IX: This game has Vivi in it. I could write out a paragraph or two about how much I love the characters, the story, the world, the gameplay, the humor, how insanely dark it is, etc... but all I really need to say to get my point across is; Vivi's in it.

Soulsborne series: I can't... choose. Excluding Demons' Souls and Elden Ring, which I enjoy but are definitively my least favorites... I cannot pick between the rest. Each one has SOMETHING that I love it for enough to put it at the top...

~Dark Souls 1 has an amazingly well designed world with very well thought out level design, the lore is really interesting and fun to piece together, it has spectacular atmosphere, and I love its sense of methodical combat. It also has some of my favorite areas in the series.

~Dark Souls 2 lacks the quality of the previous games, but it just has such a massive variety of playstyles and replay value. There's so much content here, the DLC's are a huge step-up in quality from the base game, and it has some realy, really good later game bosses.

~Dark Souls 3 has some of the best bosses in any game I have ever played. Yeah, most of the earlier bosses are pretty weak offerings, but when you get a bit further in...

~Bloodborne has such a cool theme and concept behind the world, with really interesting lore and some of the most memorable characters in the series. It brings back the world design quality of the first Dark Souls, but also started the trend of amazing bosses that DS3 would inherit. Trick weapons are such an interesting idea that make so many weapons genuinely fun to use, and several of my all-time favorite weapons in gaming are here. It also does atmosphere exceedingly well. Shame about the Chalice Dungeons...
Silhouette Mirage; it was a culmination of small changes in the classic 2D platform formula that took it to the next level at a time video games were drastically moving towards full 3D realms. The overall quirky design, improved system mechanics, unique attributes of switching sides/colors quickly won me over.

Bulk Slash; has everything I love in video games running on my favorite 32-bit home console- overall aesthetics, colorful detailed graphics, piloting large mecha/robot, tight controls, large bosses, various missions objectives, unlockable content, memorable story, I'll stop now.

Guardian Heroes; my favorite beat'em up for any system, that happen to be originally released on Sega Saturn. Fond memories playing this the most with my friend back in the late 90s. Unlocking enemies to play as in battle area mode that allows 6-player mayhem. Another Treasure dev. masterpiece that happens to one of my all-time favorite games.

Puyo Puyo Tsuu; my favorite competitive puzzle game, was difficult to choose between MD Puyo Puyo and Sun on Saturn honestly could be a three-way tie. Adore the chain system and increased difficulty.

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike; easily my most replayed fighting game from arcade, consoles, to pc. another game I spent hundred of hours playing leveling up my techniques for various characters my main in order from 1999 to present- Necro, Twelve, and Remy. and secondaries Q, Oro, Alex, Ibuki, and Elena.

Honorable Mention; Radiant Silvergun, Mega Man X2, Bangai-O, Kirby Super Star, Rakugaki Showtime.
Silhouette Mirage; it was a culmination of small changes in the classic 2D platform formula that took it to the next level at a time video games were drastically moving towards full 3D realms. The overall quirky design, improved system mechanics, unique attributes of switching sides/colors quickly won me over.

Bulk Slash; has everything I love in video games running on my favorite 32-bit home console- overall aesthetics, colorful detailed graphics, piloting large mecha/robot, tight controls, large bosses, various missions objectives, unlockable content, memorable story, I'll stop now.

Guardian Heroes; my favorite beat'em up for any system, that happen to be originally released on Sega Saturn. Fond memories playing this the most with my friend back in the late 90s. Unlocking enemies to play as in battle area mode that allows 6-player mayhem. Another Treasure dev. masterpiece that happens to one of my all-time favorite games.

Puyo Puyo Tsuu; my favorite competitive puzzle game, was difficult to choose between MD Puyo Puyo and Sun on Saturn honestly could be a three-way tie. Adore the chain system and increased difficulty.

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike; easily my most replayed fighting game from arcade, consoles, to pc. another game I spent hundred of hours playing leveling up my techniques for various characters my main in order from 1999 to present- Necro, Twelve, and Remy. and secondaries Q, Oro, Alex, Ibuki, and Elena.

Honorable Mention; Radiant Silvergun, Mega Man X2, Bangai-O, Kirby Super Star, Rakugaki Showtime.
Suffice to say I have no clue about any games you listed ::eggmanlaugh
1. Metal Gear Solid 3
I think it's the best example of a stealth action game, and Subsistence is the best gaming experience ever made. You really only need to learn how to sneak around and shoot to get to the end, but the sheer depth of the mechanics make it so fun to learn new ways to get through each section. This playthrough I wanna use melee only, next playthrough I refuse to stop throwing spiders and snakes at dudes, next I wanna do European Extreme. The skill ceiling just isn't there, and the skill floor is comfortably reachable. Oodles of game, I replay it every year.

2. Deus Ex (2000)

Like MGS3 but I don't have to take it seriously. It's a great sandbox to do whatever you want with a stealth system that's tuned in a way that makes experimentation really feel rewarding, but it also knows when to lay off and let you explore each setting and talk to the characters. Good npc writing goes a long way in terms of world building, and they do that perfectly.

3. Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder

When I was in high school, one summer night, I took a few puffs off the penjamin, put on L'Univers De La Mer, and decided to immerse myself in an old dungeon crawler. This was the best choice for that in my opinion. I was never there for that 80s and 90s geek culture, so I wanted to put myself in that mindset and play one of the classics like I would at the time: with pen and paper notes. I got through a good chunk of it like that before giving up and looking at a guide occasionally, but I still had a great time.

4. System Shock

This game made me hate Shodan, it really felt like Shodan was messing with me personally. I had a real personal grudge against her. THAT is how you write a villain.

5. Project Zomboid

It's a hardcore, balls to the wall zombie simulator. Emphasis on simulation, which is exactly what I want out of a zombie game.

Edit for honorable mentions: Way of the Samurai series, Bully, Shenmue, Silent Hill 2, Yakuza: Like a Dragon
1. Metal Gear Solid 3
I think it's the best example of a stealth action game, and Subsistence is the best gaming experience ever made. You really only need to learn how to sneak around and shoot to get to the end, but the sheer depth of the mechanics make it so fun to learn new ways to get through each section. This playthrough I wanna use melee only, next playthrough I refuse to stop throwing spiders and snakes at dudes, next I wanna do European Extreme. The skill ceiling just isn't there, and the skill floor is comfortably reachable. Oodles of game, I replay it every year.

2. Deus Ex (2000)

Like MGS3 but I don't have to take it seriously. It's a great sandbox to do whatever you want with a stealth system that's tuned in a way that makes experimentation really feel rewarding, but it also knows when to lay off and let you explore each setting and talk to the characters. Good npc writing goes a long way in terms of world building, and they do that perfectly.

3. Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder

When I was in high school, one summer night, I took a few puffs off the penjamin, put on L'Univers De La Mer, and decided to immerse myself in an old dungeon crawler. This was the best choice for that in my opinion. I was never there for that 80s and 90s geek culture, so I wanted to put myself in that mindset and play one of the classics like I would at the time: with pen and paper notes. I got through a good chunk of it like that before giving up and looking at a guide occasionally, but I still had a great time.

4. System Shock

This game made me hate Shodan, it really felt like Shodan was messing with me personally. I had a real personal grudge against her. THAT is how you write a villain.

5. Project Zomboid

It's a hardcore, balls to the wall zombie simulator. Emphasis on simulation, which is exactly what I want out of a zombie game.

Edit for honorable mentions: Way of the Samurai series, Bully, Shenmue, Silent Hill 2, Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Don't have much to comment on MGS3 all I know the series is highly regarded and beloved.

I heard good things about deus ex maybe will try it one day.

The only sort of dungeon crawler I tried was diablo 2 I think it fits in that genre just how many video games are made for D&D?

If its system shock 2 then yeah shodan is a good villain calling you iinsect and just flexing her powers and saying her creation is better than you 10/10
Don't have much to comment on MGS3 all I know the series is highly regarded and beloved.

I heard good things about deus ex maybe will try it one day.

The only sort of dungeon crawler I tried was diablo 2 I think it fits in that genre just how many video games are made for D&D?

If its system shock 2 then yeah shodan is a good villain calling you iinsect and just flexing her powers and saying her creation is better than you 10/10
If you ever get the chance, I absolutely recommend MGS3 and Deus Ex. Also there are TONS of DnD games, it's a pretty deep rabbit hole if you're unfamiliar.
If you ever get the chance, I absolutely recommend MGS3 and Deus Ex. Also there are TONS of DnD games, it's a pretty deep rabbit hole if you're unfamiliar.
Metal gear solid series is on my list of games to play all of metal gear games shall be played by me.

Are all DND games made by the same people? The original creators of the DND ? Or what?
Metal gear solid series is on my list of games to play all of metal gear games shall be played by me.

Are all DND games made by the same people? The original creators of the DND ? Or what?
There were a few developers over like decades of games since the late 80s. SSI, Obsidian, Bioware, Interplay, Larian, etc.
1: Deadly Premonition
Because fuck everyone who says it's so bad it's good I hate that phrase because this game is actually good. Fantastic plot, lovable characters, tons of attention to detail on how every single character lives their life. It may look like dogshit, it may control like trying to play RE4 with a stick of butter, and the PC version may be buggier than {insert most recent AAA game here} but I still think it's just wonderful.

2: Chrono Trigger
It's Chrono Trigger. What else do you want me to say. This is the To Pimp A Butterfly of video games. I think everyone and their mother has already made a dissertation on why this game is perfect, I don't think you need me to do the same.

3: Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Again with my previous pick, it's Resident Evil 4, what do you want me to say. It's incredibly fun and fantastically paced and is on as many platforms as Skyrim. I have been playing the remake recently though, and that one is fantastic too. Lemme give it more time to see if I would consider it on par with the original.

4: Silent Hill 3
This game made me fall in love with the horror genre. It's so fantastic, with some of the best ambiance I've ever seen. Playing this makes me wanna get a tetanus shot. I know a lot of people would place Silent Hill 2 above 3, but if I'm being honest, as incredible as Silent Hill 2 is, it's not really that scary. Silent Hill 3 however, is.

5: Umurangi Generations
I love games with camera modes. It's been one of my favourite trends in recent games, just being able to act like a photographer and try and take cool looking shots. This game is just a whole game of that. You are given a camera with every single feature a camera snob would be looking for, and you are dropped into a dystopia cyberpunk esque world and you can just take awesome pictures. I love just taking every kind of shot imaginable, and I love the amount of variation I can mess with when taking a photo, from background blur, to tons of toggle over saturation, contrast, brightness. It's so much fun and also the soundtrack is stellar, probably my favourite video game soundtrack.
1: Deadly Premonition
Because fuck everyone who says it's so bad it's good I hate that phrase because this game is actually good. Fantastic plot, lovable characters, tons of attention to detail on how every single character lives their life. It may look like dogshit, it may control like trying to play RE4 with a stick of butter, and the PC version may be buggier than {insert most recent AAA game here} but I still think it's just wonderful.

2: Chrono Trigger
It's Chrono Trigger. What else do you want me to say. This is the To Pimp A Butterfly of video games. I think everyone and their mother has already made a dissertation on why this game is perfect, I don't think you need me to do the same.

3: Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Again with my previous pick, it's Resident Evil 4, what do you want me to say. It's incredibly fun and fantastically paced and is on as many platforms as Skyrim. I have been playing the remake recently though, and that one is fantastic too. Lemme give it more time to see if I would consider it on par with the original.

4: Silent Hill 3
This game made me fall in love with the horror genre. It's so fantastic, with some of the best ambiance I've ever seen. Playing this makes me wanna get a tetanus shot. I know a lot of people would place Silent Hill 2 above 3, but if I'm being honest, as incredible as Silent Hill 2 is, it's not really that scary. Silent Hill 3 however, is.

5: Umurangi Generations
I love games with camera modes. It's been one of my favourite trends in recent games, just being able to act like a photographer and try and take cool looking shots. This game is just a whole game of that. You are given a camera with every single feature a camera snob would be looking for, and you are dropped into a dystopia cyberpunk esque world and you can just take awesome pictures. I love just taking every kind of shot imaginable, and I love the amount of variation I can mess with when taking a photo, from background blur, to tons of toggle over saturation, contrast, brightness. It's so much fun and also the soundtrack is stellar, probably my favourite video game soundtrack.
*me trying to avoid anything related to silent hill games so I don't spoil parts of the story like I did with SH1 "this is impossible their numbers are limitless!"*

You know I didn't try Chrono trigger ey idk why its good probably a SQUARESOFT (with deep manly voice must be pronounced that way) product so it must be good.

Having finished first 3 RE games 4 would be an interesting play I'm used to RE being tank controls and more mysterious (RE1)/horror vibe (2/3) like any other cool game its impossible to avoid the limitless spoilers ::unhappy

Honestly idk what's the first game is but the last one being photographer game sounds new to me.
1. FF VII-All of the summon monsters, the Chocobo breeding, Golden Saucer and too many other cool things to mention.

2. Battle Of Olympus-I love the Greek mythology theme.

3. Mafia 3-Everything about it.

4. Breath Of Fire 3-I just love the music, the fishing, Manillo and the Master system.

5. Kung Fu (NES)-The arcade version was one of my favorites. The NES one wasn't as good, but still not bad imo.
1. FF VII-All of the summon monsters, the Chocobo breeding, Golden Saucer and too many other cool things to mention.

2. Battle Of Olympus-I love the Greek mythology theme.

3. Mafia 3-Everything about it.

4. Breath Of Fire 3-I just love the music, the fishing, Manillo and the Master system.

5. Kung Fu (NES)-The arcade version was one of my favorites. The NES one wasn't as good, but still not bad imo.
I tried mafia 1 heard it has best story

I also heard mafia 2 is great but not so positive things about mafia 3.

Oh of course FF7 is good everything about it is square just creates amazing places with their pre render graphics and even way before in 2d graphics.

I didn't do much with chocobo breeding its EXPENSIVE
I tried mafia 1 heard it has best story

I also heard mafia 2 is great but not so positive things about mafia 3.

Oh of course FF7 is good everything about it is square just creates amazing places with their pre render graphics and even way before in 2d graphics.

I didn't do much with chocobo breeding its EXPENSIVE
I found them all pretty good. Mafia 3 was a risky title considering it's storyline and the time it was set in. I just enjoyed the mechanics and storyline a lot. Chocobo breeding was indeed expensive, but that's why the good Lord invented 'All Magics' to sell for $1,000,000 each. ;)
1. Super Metroid: It's the first game I ever felt lost and scared playing and ever since I've tried to find a game that gave me the same feeling of being totally lost and alone in a strange alien place and nothing really has come close to that experience of playing through Super Metroid the first time. I've played through it a ton of times over the years and it's just such a solid and well made game. The atmosphere is still like nothing else.

2. Hollow Knight: Except for Hollow Knight which is the first game I'd played in all the years since that managed to recapture that feeling of playing through Super Metroid for the first time as a kid all those years ago. That sense of being lost and alone in a strange, hostile alien place.

3. Megaman X: I fucking love this game. It never gets old. I'll sit and 100% the whole game in one sitting then want to play through it again right after. Everything about it is great. It has one of the best videogame soundtracks ever made, the graphics are top tier, the gameplay's tight and just perfect. It's just one of the best action platformers out there.

4. Final Fantasy V: My favourite jrpg of all time. I've always been one of those weirdos that plays jrpgs for the gameplay rather than the story. FFV's job system is just so much fun to mess around with. I also don't care what anyone says I like the story better than FFVI and FFVII's. I grew up reading a lot of old fantasy and adventure books and FFV's story just resonated with me more. I thought what they did with the two worlds merging was actually pretty cool and I cared a lot more when Galuf died than when Aerith died. Galuf was my monk bro who'd been kicking ass. Aerith was that chick I kept in the back lines that was kinda useless and I just didn't care about any of FFVI's characters at all.

5. It's hard to narrow down a fifth game. It's a tossup between Metroid Prime, Link's Awakening, Diablo 2 and Dark Souls 1. Metroid Prime was amazing and I still remember how blown away I was the first time landing on Tallon IV but I find it a bit hard to replay. Link's Awakening is my favourite Zelda game, it's the one I've replayed the most but I find parts of it annoying. I was terribly addicted to Diablo 2 for a couple years as a teenager and it's still my favourite loot driven action rpg and none of the others I've tried have come close to Diablo 2 but I will never, ever play it again. Dark Souls was a lot of fun. The world was creepy, vague and mysterious, the characters were all kinds of fucked up, it has hands down the coolest, most innovative, most fucking awesome as hell multiplayer system I've ever played in a game and I wish more games would try something like it. The second half of the game kinda sucks though and it's a bit of a let down.
I found them all pretty good. Mafia 3 was a risky title considering it's storyline and the time it was set in. I just enjoyed the mechanics and storyline a lot. Chocobo breeding was indeed expensive, but that's why the good Lord invented 'All Magics' to sell for $1,000,000 each. ;)
Well I will try mafia 3 in future and see if its worth anything , oh and I didn't really breed chocobos much I placed one and fed it but that was really it.

1. Super Metroid: It's the first game I ever felt lost and scared playing and ever since I've tried to find a game that gave me the same feeling of being totally lost and alone in a strange alien place and nothing really has come close to that experience of playing through Super Metroid the first time. I've played through it a ton of times over the years and it's just such a solid and well made game. The atmosphere is still like nothing else.

2. Hollow Knight: Except for Hollow Knight which is the first game I'd played in all the years since that managed to recapture that feeling of playing through Super Metroid for the first time as a kid all those years ago. That sense of being lost and alone in a strange, hostile alien place.

3. Megaman X: I fucking love this game. It never gets old. I'll sit and 100% the whole game in one sitting then want to play through it again right after. Everything about it is great. It has one of the best videogame soundtracks ever made, the graphics are top tier, the gameplay's tight and just perfect. It's just one of the best action platformers out there.

4. Final Fantasy V: My favourite jrpg of all time. I've always been one of those weirdos that plays jrpgs for the gameplay rather than the story. FFV's job system is just so much fun to mess around with. I also don't care what anyone says I like the story better than FFVI and FFVII's. I grew up reading a lot of old fantasy and adventure books and FFV's story just resonated with me more. I thought what they did with the two worlds merging was actually pretty cool and I cared a lot more when Galuf died than when Aerith died. Galuf was my monk bro who'd been kicking ass. Aerith was that chick I kept in the back lines that was kinda useless and I just didn't care about any of FFVI's characters at all.

5. It's hard to narrow down a fifth game. It's a tossup between Metroid Prime, Link's Awakening, Diablo 2 and Dark Souls 1. Metroid Prime was amazing and I still remember how blown away I was the first time landing on Tallon IV but I find it a bit hard to replay. Link's Awakening is my favourite Zelda game, it's the one I've replayed the most but I find parts of it annoying. I was terribly addicted to Diablo 2 for a couple years as a teenager and it's still my favourite loot driven action rpg and none of the others I've tried have come close to Diablo 2 but I will never, ever play it again. Dark Souls was a lot of fun. The world was creepy, vague and mysterious, the characters were all kinds of fucked up, it has hands down the coolest, most innovative, most fucking awesome as hell multiplayer system I've ever played in a game and I wish more games would try something like it. The second half of the game kinda sucks though and it's a bit of a let down.
Sounds like metroid is worth giving a try idk platformers ain't my thing.

Megamon well I was a fan back then but never expanded that much never played any game save for that GBA one which my cousin ruined my save in so I never bothered again.

Yeah I love all Final Fantasy games save for 2 and 1 ::eggmanlaugh , FF5 had its own vibe its also unique by having a very awesome main menu theme.

I think people shove 5 story under the rug its a pretty decent story with loveable cast , I too had galuf as a monk I was like "uhhh a mysterious old man what's the most fitting for him?" I also had no equipment so a monk seemed appropriate , kick animation is hilarious what really holds 5 back for me is lack of high XP monsters something like 6 dinosaurs forest that grant 4k xp none of this is in 5 making levelling up more demanding task.

I will however forever applaud it for being a really difficult game even GP rain that destroys everything isn't very spammable unlike 6.

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