Your top 5 games and WHY

Sounds like metroid is worth giving a try idk platformers ain't my thing.
I have to honest. I don't really like a lot of the other metroid games. The first one's ok but not great. The second one was super confusing when I played it on gameboy. I liked am2r but I find metroid 2 to be too linear overall. I really didn't like Metroid Fusion. I really wanted to like it but it's also extremely linear in an offensive and abrasive way. Zero Mission is alright with the hack that removes the Chozo statues and let's you use all the items when you find them but the actual game is too hand holdy for my taste. I found Dread disappointing and didn't finish it. The Emmi sections broke up the gameplay too much and I found the graphics to be generic and boring. It felt more like a stealth action platformer than a metroid game. I despised Prime 3. I hated everything about it. The motion controls, the level design, the story, the characters. Prime 2 was ok but I found it kind of forgettable after Prime 1. I will never play Other M. Metroid Prime Pinball is surprisingly fun though if you like pinball games.
Megamon well I was a fan back then but never expanded that much never played any game save for that GBA one which my cousin ruined my save in so I never bothered again.
The Megaman X games play closer to the Megaman Zero games on GBA than the classic Megaman games. I liked the zero series but I didn't like them as much as the snes X games and X4. The first Megaman X on the snes is a good one to get into if you're new to or not totally comfortable with action platformers. It's pretty easy as far as Megaman games go and the character movement is really tight and easy to control. It's not a long game and there's hidden stuff to find but it's not overwhelming like the later entries or even some of the later nes Megaman games and I feel the need to reiterate that the soundtrack is fucking killer.
Yeah I love all Final Fantasy games save for 2 and 1
Ah poor FF1. That's my second favourite.::sadkirby
FF5 had its own vibe its also unique by having a very awesome main menu theme.
FFV's music is underrated in general. It has so many great songs. The airship theme has such a adventurous but subtly melancholic feel to it.
I think people shove 5 story under the rug its a pretty decent story with loveable cast , I too had galuf as a monk I was like "uhhh a mysterious old man what's the most fitting for him?" I also had no equipment so a monk seemed appropriate
He really does just have that monk feel to him. I think they do it on purpose because eventually Krile replaces him and her stats are totally different. You really should be giving him some magic but I almost never do until I get Krile.
what really holds 5 back for me is lack of high XP monsters something like 6 dinosaurs forest that grant 4k xp none of this is in 5 making levelling up more demanding task.
FFV is one of the few games I don't feel bad using the 2x job point cheat in the pixel remaster. The original game can get pretty grindy if you want to level jobs up. I don't feel like it takes away anything from the game cutting down the amount of time I have to spend casting level 4 death on those statue things in the basement of that castle. It's still better than Dragon Quest VI's ridiculous 'number of battles fought' job system.
1. Planescape Torment (Disco Elysium's daddy, and the first game I spent +300 hours on, back in the days I thought it was insane).
2. Half-life Alyx (The only Half life 3 we'll ever get).
3. Beat Saber (and Synth Riders, and Pistol Whip, and RagnaRock, and Rocksmith 2014, and CloneHero).
4. Portal 2 (and a bottle of Kraken rhum, ended the game and the bottle at 4AM the next morning, couldn't stop drinking playing).
5. Ass Creed Origins (Yeah I know, Ubisoft... But Egypt is so sexy).
I have to honest. I don't really like a lot of the other metroid games. The first one's ok but not great. The second one was super confusing when I played it on gameboy. I liked am2r but I find metroid 2 to be too linear overall. I really didn't like Metroid Fusion. I really wanted to like it but it's also extremely linear in an offensive and abrasive way. Zero Mission is alright with the hack that removes the Chozo statues and let's you use all the items when you find them but the actual game is too hand holdy for my taste. I found Dread disappointing and didn't finish it. The Emmi sections broke up the gameplay too much and I found the graphics to be generic and boring. It felt more like a stealth action platformer than a metroid game. I despised Prime 3. I hated everything about it. The motion controls, the level design, the story, the characters. Prime 2 was ok but I found it kind of forgettable after Prime 1. I will never play Other M. Metroid Prime Pinball is surprisingly fun though if you like pinball games
I heard only positive things about meteroid this is new.

The Megaman X games play closer to the Megaman Zero games on GBA than the classic Megaman games. I liked the zero series but I didn't like them as much as the snes X games and X4. The first Megaman X on the snes is a good one to get into if you're new to or not totally comfortable with action platformers. It's pretty easy as far as Megaman games go and the character movement is really tight and easy to control. It's not a long game and there's hidden stuff to find but it's not overwhelming like the later entries or even some of the later nes Megaman games and I feel the need to reiterate that the soundtrack is fucking killer
I guess you can learn how to play platformers even if you are like me with very limited experience.

Ah poor FF1. That's my second favourite.::sadkirby
Nah I'm joking FF1 takes the honor of starting this whole amazing series even if its lackluster in terms of story but saving crystals and adventure vibes are present in the game it feels "classic" adventure sort of

FFV's music is underrated in general. It has so many great songs. The airship theme has such a adventurous but subtly melancholic feel to it.
Man FF5 is so joyful in the first part until it gets to the worlds merging I mean Final Fantasy games are pretty epic if you ask me in 5 you travel through space , ride on dragon back and escort a literal wise turtle 10/10

He really does just have that monk feel to him. I think they do it on purpose because eventually Krile replaces him and her stats are totally different. You really should be giving him some magic but I almost never do until I get Krile
I actually thought she inherits her grandpa (moment of silence for my boy galuf ::bigboss) I had her be the tank of the team which well if you think about it is placing a child to be the tank of the team funniest shit ever :loldog

FFV is one of the few games I don't feel bad using the 2x job point cheat in the pixel remaster. The original game can get pretty grindy if you want to level jobs up. I don't feel like it takes away anything from the game cutting down the amount of time I have to spend casting level 4 death on those statue things in the basement of that castle. It's still better than Dragon Quest VI's ridiculous 'number of battles fought' job system
I actually have no problem with the job points gain the X-zone provides you with tons of it but my issue is the little XP you get I had to spend like a day or 2 I can't remember just to go from level 45 to 55 and hardly beaten X-death with krile delivering the last hit with GP rain I got mimic on the whole crew with faris and dance ability+ equip spear and reina with I think summon/black/white magic and krile with GP rain and me well I went sorcerer and knight +hunter SSshot and flare with sword and still managed to get downed XD tough as nails idk how to unlock the basement in galuf castle or that Phoenix tower I guess it houses some pretty awesome stuff.

But yes the XP gain can be improved.
Not in any particular order:

Street Fighter EX2 Plus: The game that made take fighting games a step further. Command lists were such a rarity in the PS1 days, so this game having one helped me tons in my early years. Plus the game is super fun and the combos feel really satisfying to pull off. I still love this game to this day.

Dino Crisis 1: Could have been any PS1 Resident Evil, but DC1 takes the cake in this one. I have tons of fond memories of it. I like how the game uses 3d backgrounds and environments in a better way than Code Veronica would a year later (the backtracking is also SOOOOO much better). The puzzles, despite having a lot of them, they make sense, and the different paths add to the replay value. DC2 is alright, but I like the more grounded approach DC1 has. Plus Regina is hilarious. xD

Tekken Tag Tournament: As much as I detest Tekken nowadays, I gotta admit this is one of the best fighting games I ever played (still doesn't beat EX2 though). It's Tekken 3 in its final form, polishing what's already there, while giving the Tekken 2 characters a nice update. It's all downhill from here IMO.

The King of Fighters XI: Could have been 98UM, 2002UM, even SVC Chaos. But I picked XI because this is where I felt the series take a risk. 2003 tried, but a ton of things were missing. XI is where they polished a ton of things 2003 brought to the table. The active switching system, while it looks very similar to MVC at face value, works somewhat different and doing combos while switching characters looks incredible. Plus it has my favorite set of midbosses in the entire series. Magaki is mad cheap, but beating him is really satisfying.

Test Drive 6: Something that's not a FG for a change. Is this game good? No. Is it polished? Also no. Is it funny? YES. This might be the funniest racing game I ever played. The physics make the cars look like they're filled with helium, and the crashes are absolutely hilarious. And the AI is just as much of a madman as the players, whether it's crashing onto traffic, or themselves. This game has nothing on a Gran Turismo 2 or Crash Team Racing (an honorable mention, love that game), this game gives me very fond memories and gave me many laughs.
Not in any particular order:

Street Fighter EX2 Plus: The game that made take fighting games a step further. Command lists were such a rarity in the PS1 days, so this game having one helped me tons in my early years. Plus the game is super fun and the combos feel really satisfying to pull off. I still love this game to this day.

Dino Crisis 1: Could have been any PS1 Resident Evil, but DC1 takes the cake in this one. I have tons of fond memories of it. I like how the game uses 3d backgrounds and environments in a better way than Code Veronica would a year later (the backtracking is also SOOOOO much better). The puzzles, despite having a lot of them, they make sense, and the different paths add to the replay value. DC2 is alright, but I like the more grounded approach DC1 has. Plus Regina is hilarious. xD

Tekken Tag Tournament: As much as I detest Tekken nowadays, I gotta admit this is one of the best fighting games I ever played (still doesn't beat EX2 though). It's Tekken 3 in its final form, polishing what's already there, while giving the Tekken 2 characters a nice update. It's all downhill from here IMO.

The King of Fighters XI: Could have been 98UM, 2002UM, even SVC Chaos. But I picked XI because this is where I felt the series take a risk. 2003 tried, but a ton of things were missing. XI is where they polished a ton of things 2003 brought to the table. The active switching system, while it looks very similar to MVC at face value, works somewhat different and doing combos while switching characters looks incredible. Plus it has my favorite set of midbosses in the entire series. Magaki is mad cheap, but beating him is really satisfying.

Test Drive 6: Something that's not a FG for a change. Is this game good? No. Is it polished? Also no. Is it funny? YES. This might be the funniest racing game I ever played. The physics make the cars look like they're filled with helium, and the crashes are absolutely hilarious. And the AI is just as much of a madman as the players, whether it's crashing onto traffic, or themselves. This game has nothing on a Gran Turismo 2 or Crash Team Racing (an honorable mention, love that game), this game gives me very fond memories and gave me many laughs.
That's a hell lot of fighting games over there we have a fighter right here people

From its simple name test drive seems weird.
-Silent Hill 1(Ps1)
That game nailed everything for me . The city was huge and really off-putting with its fog and hidden monsters while the story hold alot of secrets and mystery that aint explained alot but enough that underlines the whole scenario . For me it was the best one in the series while the old graphics improved the atmossphere and hold up extremly good which gave this game its huge significance to me .

-Ninja Gaiden Black (Classic Xbox)
NINJAS !!!! Simple . Just NINJAS !!!! Spiced with demons , well-equipped and culturally enriched Waifus , high-speed combat , a firey challenge made by a japanese sun-glasses wearing mad-man with a face of a cookie and on a console i love because of its MURICA-status and alot of Sega supported games that could be seen as the Dreamcast 2 : MURICA edition . ( Monster truck , Guns , Heavy metal , Burgers sadly seperatly sold ) NINJAS !!!!

-Castlevania Chronicles (Ps1)
This game brought me into the Castlevania series as a teenager . I was aware of the series but this game just completly draw me into it . Tough but beatable , the music is just a gourmet for my ears , the aesthetics in this game is magnificent and Simon Belmont is one unstoppable unit that beats Dracula twice while being unharmed and even cursed in Castlevania 2 . A classic with its own cool quirks .

-Jurassic Park (Snes)
Why havent we more games that are like this ? Yeah it has flaws and you can only beat the game when you look up on the net or manual but the gameplay was great . An open overworld map where items and hidden locations can be found and FPS segments if you enter the buildings . The atmossphere and the music is still awesome and the graphics are still a looker . Its extremely basic but it has still huge potential in its concept and can even spawn its own hybrid-genre if it goes more evolved and deeper in its design and mechanics . And this game brought my huge interest in dinosaurs and especially in Jurassic Park .

-Duke Nukem 3D
Im a huge Duke Fan and this game defined me as a gamer . As a little child that was forced by its cousins to play it (Yes . Forced to have fun . How horrible ... i guess .) i was first scared of the game when i encountered the alien in the first level inside the cinema-building till i clicked and saw how the aliens turn from alive and scary to dead and harmless . It was awesome ! And i got kicked out of their room because i had fun with the game . Many years later ( i was 22 back then ) i remembered the game and decided to finally play it. After i finished it , i became a Duke Nukem-Fan . And a 80s action-movie-nerd .
Top 5 games... which comes down to what i played the most probably...

Skyrim - Do i need to explain? (Technically i played Morrowind more, but... )

Chrono Trigger - Time travel, Square in it's hayday. I was a teen and this was one of the few things i had access to.

Shadowrun (Genesis) - TTRPG based game, a nice middleground of infinite missions and grind while having the main overall story you can play.

Windforge - Like Terraria, exploration, flying whales and crafting? Yeah this is it for you. Gets a little slow unfortunately after so much of the current screen is explored.

Rebel Galaxy - Piracy.... IN SPACE!... well you can just run cargo too, if you want.
I could give you a top 5 but the only reason I can give is they are good en brings me joy. I can´t write an essay on why because I got no talent for writing and every time I write I often end up in fights because im shit and explaining/expressing my self.
-Silent Hill 1(Ps1)
That game nailed everything for me . The city was huge and really off-putting with its fog and hidden monsters while the story hold alot of secrets and mystery that aint explained alot but enough that underlines the whole scenario . For me it was the best one in the series while the old graphics improved the atmossphere and hold up extremly good which gave this game its huge significance to me .

-Ninja Gaiden Black (Classic Xbox)
NINJAS !!!! Simple . Just NINJAS !!!! Spiced with demons , well-equipped and culturally enriched Waifus , high-speed combat , a firey challenge made by a japanese sun-glasses wearing mad-man with a face of a cookie and on a console i love because of its MURICA-status and alot of Sega supported games that could be seen as the Dreamcast 2 : MURICA edition . ( Monster truck , Guns , Heavy metal , Burgers sadly seperatly sold ) NINJAS !!!!

-Castlevania Chronicles (Ps1)
This game brought me into the Castlevania series as a teenager . I was aware of the series but this game just completly draw me into it . Tough but beatable , the music is just a gourmet for my ears , the aesthetics in this game is magnificent and Simon Belmont is one unstoppable unit that beats Dracula twice while being unharmed and even cursed in Castlevania 2 . A classic with its own cool quirks .

-Jurassic Park (Snes)
Why havent we more games that are like this ? Yeah it has flaws and you can only beat the game when you look up on the net or manual but the gameplay was great . An open overworld map where items and hidden locations can be found and FPS segments if you enter the buildings . The atmossphere and the music is still awesome and the graphics are still a looker . Its extremely basic but it has still huge potential in its concept and can even spawn its own hybrid-genre if it goes more evolved and deeper in its design and mechanics . And this game brought my huge interest in dinosaurs and especially in Jurassic Park .

-Duke Nukem 3D
Im a huge Duke Fan and this game defined me as a gamer . As a little child that was forced by its cousins to play it (Yes . Forced to have fun . How horrible ... i guess .) i was first scared of the game when i encountered the alien in the first level inside the cinema-building till i clicked and saw how the aliens turn from alive and scary to dead and harmless . It was awesome ! And i got kicked out of their room because i had fun with the game . Many years later ( i was 22 back then ) i remembered the game and decided to finally play it. After i finished it , i became a Duke Nukem-Fan . And a 80s action-movie-nerd .
Ahhh I also liked the graphics for SH1 it services the atmosphere very well.

Haven't tried any of those ninja gaiden games so I can't comment on it.

I have castlevenia in my mind to play and see why if its good as people say or a glorified shitty 2d game flooded with nostalgia by some 30 year old boomer.

Wait Jurassic park had a video game? The concept and what its trying to do seems ahead of its time.

Being forced to play XD wonder how that looks like , duke nukem represents that era when it came out pretty well.

I could give you a top 5 but the only reason I can give is they are good en brings me joy. I can´t write an essay on why because I got no talent for writing and every time I write I often end up in fights because im shit and explaining/expressing my self.
Nah don't think about it too much just write whatever your hearts desires what do you think am I? A writer I just thought a little what each of these 5 games mean to me and put them into words you can do it too.
Stardew valley a game that´s just awesome sit down and relax with and the game get so many thing right that Harvest moon and Rune factory does not. and it´s overall cozy awesome game.

Final fantasy 10. Honestly one of Squarte enix strongest FF games with an awesome story and visuals that still looks good today and honestly so much memorable tunes and also one of the first FF games that got a straight up sequal FFX-2 that is equally fun with FF5 job class system.

Zelda a link to the past is for me one of the best zelda games to this day that still has visuals that look so great even 33 years later and a game I replay often.

Elden Ring: From softs best game it takes the souls games and cranks it up to 10 with a big world more bosses that you can count on your hands and toes and looking gorgeus and just a pure awesome time sink and a great game for masochist that likes it hard.

Ar toenlico II to me one of my all time favorite JRPGS with music as the center of the story great visuals and great charters and a deep dive system that allows you to learn more about your party members.
Stardew valley a game that´s just awesome sit down and relax with and the game get so many thing right that Harvest moon and Rune factory does not. and it´s overall cozy awesome game.

Final fantasy 10. Honestly one of Squarte enix strongest FF games with an awesome story and visuals that still looks good today and honestly so much memorable tunes and also one of the first FF games that got a straight up sequal FFX-2 that is equally fun with FF5 job class system.

Zelda a link to the past is for me one of the best zelda games to this day that still has visuals that look so great even 33 years later and a game I replay often.

Elden Ring: From softs best game it takes the souls games and cranks it up to 10 with a big world more bosses that you can count on your hands and toes and looking gorgeus and just a pure awesome time sink and a great game for masochist that likes it hard.

Ar toenlico II to me one of my all time favorite JRPGS with music as the center of the story great visuals and great charters and a deep dive system that allows you to learn more about your party members.
A nice list mate , see its not difficult to write a small paragraph good job breaker.
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions (DS): This game was my first introduction to the idea of a multiverse in Marvel when I was a kid. I loved the combat, story, and mechanics in the game. Overall, who didn't like Spider-Man as a kid?

UFC 4 & 5 (Am I breaking the rules of this thread?): I've played UFC 4 with a close friend of mine longer than I can remember... to hopefully give you an idea, he has somewhere around the 360s amount of wins and I have around 650s. So yeah, we pretty much like to beat eachother's heads in. It isn't anything different on UFC 5, we just have single digit wins so far against each other lol.

Helldivers 2: I haven't played the first game but boy do I love to get on this game and relieve my stress. To land down on an infested planet with my friends and just kill anything that moves with either your own unique loadout and bombs. (I'm a pyromaniac and proud to be one).
flame thrower fire GIF

GTA 5: This is game was just perfect to me with friends, can't really say much lol.

Black ops 2: I played this game on my brother in law's xbox 360 when I was a kid. I can't really remember much but I do remember how crisp it kinda sounded. Overall, the game was a fun shooter game and will be forever in my heart.
1) Digimon World
A symphony of creative delight. It is the best virtual pet/battle simulator I played. The visuals are top notch from its surreal landscapes to the fantastically designed models. The OST slams hard just like many other great PSX games of the time so I won't gush too much about that. The gameplay can be as chill or intense as you want. You recruit Digimon by fighting/finding them in the world and every action feels like you accomplish something. It is a tragedy that it was lambasted by ignorant critics at the time. Strangely enough despite selling well and having an immense fanbase the sequels were drastically different.

2) Bomberman 64
A unique platformer eclipsed by the likes of Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64. This game was the Lex Luger (total package) of gaming. Not only did it offer a robust and challenging single player campaign but a fun and dynamic multiplayer. I like the creative use of the bombs to jump and solve puzzles. The visuals are colorful and delightful to behold. The techno soundtrack is upbeat and jolly as well.

3) Resident Evil 4

My first experience of this game was on the PS2 and even a port vastly inferior to the original can't hamper its vision. The main campaign is a roller coaster ride of adrenaline. The mercenaries mode is an intense game to play. On gamecube the game is best because it's stats and ammo counts lends to a more arcade experience.

Top 3 is easy and remains set in stone. The next two fluctuate.

4) Shadow of the Colossus

Moving visuals, gargantuan puzzles to overcome, and a beautiful symphony in the background nuff said

5) Devil May Cry 3

Just rule of cool, stylish action, frantic soundtrack and phenomenal art direction.

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