Now that this has Commes des Fuckdown a bit, I'll give my take.
I think we're too late to put the genie back in the bottle. For-profit public traded corporations will never not seek the cheapest way to exclude or devalue human resources. This is the nature of the profit model. They will use AI regardless of the drawbacks so long as it's cheaper than human labor and does good enough (which is the level of value they have for their products).
So we are stuck working towards figuring out how to proceed with this technology as part of life. For one, we need more sustainable energy sources, as AI uses an insane amount of it and needs to be kept from destroying the world. And we'll need regulations in place to stop it from taking more energy than it should reasonably use. These will not be easy things to achieve.
Furthermore, there's the economic problem. Ideally, art should not need to be financed, but realistically, it does. AI could be used as a supplement to artists for now, but we know it'll become a replacement in the long run. And that's not just for artists; ultimately, at least 90% of labor could be replaced with AI and/or robots. So we'll need to start off with regulations to keep the economy from collapsing, and then later on we'll need a whole new economic model.
As I said before Fully Automated Luxury Communism is the best new model proposed so far for the long run. There's also Universal Basic Income, which could be a part of FALC, but it is possible for malicious actors to abuse it to harm the public. (Note that a lot of malicious m/billionaires have claimed to support it, including some who want it to replace all social services. This would be a disaster.) Aside from those, no other plan has been suggested, but it's agreed by economists (left and right) that if nothing is done to change the economy, we could face economic collapse.
As for its value in art, that is subjective. Many AI works could be fixed up with Photoshop, GIMP, or other tools. Like I said, it's possible for it to be used by artists themselves. And while there's plenty of it that's bad, it's getting better over time, and it's not always bad for everything. (Certain anime-centered websites actually have better artwork from the AI artists now than from the hand-drawing artists.) And honestly, the R34 stuff is probably creating more jobs than taking them, so at least that part of the creative industry will do fine. (It's weird how the sex industry has been the only big independent growth industry in the last decade or so.) But hopefully we'll get past the technological inept gerontocracy soon enough to avoid turning ourselves into a bunch of sex workers.