So I came down with an insane stomach illness a few days ago so to distract myself from it, here are my takes on each of the Pokémon gens after binging all nine last year for the first time. I’ve zero nostalgia for the entire Pokémon series cuz Nintendo consoles weren’t a thing here so my takes are from sheer insanity alone (as are all my takes). Also don’t worry about me, I’ll drink tons of water to keep myself healthy so I’ll be fine… I hope.
Gen 1: best by far with no competition. The most freedom I had and it was fun replaying it 20 times. Yellow sucks though.
Gen 2: I like a lot of the stuff you can experiment with but I consider it a really poor sequel. I think all three versions are equally bad and Its only saving grace are the legitimately excellent romhacks like
crystal legacy and
crystal clear. Wholeheartedly recommend those even as a first timer.
Gen 3: the daycare ruins this. It’s funnier to not elaborate so I won’t. Ruby/Sapphire is better than Emerald.
Gen 4: Abamasnow
Gen 5: overheated and overrated
Gen 6: a misteak
Gen 7: a miss steak
Gen 8: Gloria is the only thing I acknowledge the existence of.
Gen 9: tbh im not sure who thought Pokémon should be a Lifesim. I think Nintendo always wanted Pokémon to basically your life but this game was the most unsubtle about it.
If you disagree with all these you’re going to jail.
If you agree with all these you’re going to prison.
Copyrighted by the shadow queen of snark.