Which user would you go on a date with?

Good Morning Yawn GIF by Ocean Park
Hope everyone's having a double donny Saturday. 🤠

I've gotten up to World 7-3 on Super Mario Bros (warpless) and I might just be getting scrubby in my old age but damn! This game's hard to beat without save states or warp pipes!
I've swapped to Metroid for a change of pace. Never played it before so should be fun!

What's everyone up to?
Unrelated, but I've just started a race on the forum game:
And this one's got a surprise!
What's everyone up to?
Mostly reading comics. Currently I've been going through some of my DC backlog, and I've particularly been focusing on Federal Men. It's one of the many, many stories featured in DC's comic "New Comics" (yes that was the title), which would later go on to be known as Adventure Comics by 1938. The Federal Men strip focuses on the old trope of "G-Men", but because it was written by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster it pretty quickly swapped from being a fairly typical spy/espionage strip to a really over-the-top sci-fi action strip with elements of spy and espionage strips. They're pretty fun reads, and since this was back when a single comic would have literally dozens of short strips in them ranging from about 1 to 4 pages per strip, they're pretty short reads too. It's a little bit of a shame to me that these stories ended up as Earth-2 continuity, because I would love to see some kind of callback to events like a kaiju sized tank making an attack on the White House.
I'd rather hear about everyone else's day. Did anyone in the States get those massive storms yesterday?
I did. We're still getting it in little bits now, actually, but at this point it's mostly wind and small spats of rain. Had a tornado warning last night though, but we probably get at least ten times more warnings than actual tornadoes where I live.

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