What are you bad at?

Pretty much everything.

I tried playing guitar for around 15 years. I played in bands, recorded, played shows, etc - and the entire time I felt like a faker. I never truly learned how to play the instrument. I cant read music. I dont understand theory. I didnt know what notes or chords I was playing. I couldnt play solos. I was bad at learning other people's music/covers. I was a shit musician and it was only after I quit a few years ago that I realized how bad I really was at it.

Same with singing. Same with audio engineering.

I cant cook. I dont make much money. I haven't been able to really build a career for myself yet. I'm 31 and am still not married, and still don't have kids.

I cant learn languages. Despite taking 3.5 years of French lessons, I only retained some of the most basics of it. And I've been trying to learn Japanese, and just can't learn anything, not even the alphabet.

I'm bad at video games, despite playing them a lot. I try to play all games on hardest difficulties, and usually end up beating most games I play, but I often die a lot as I make my way through them. Single player FPS games like Doom, Halo, and Quake, and some co-op FPS like games Killing Floor and Payday are the exception that I can actually do ok at them. I also don't find Souls games very hard, but couldn't finish games like Sekiro or Jedi Survivor because I can't parry in games for anything.
But RTS games and character action games, despite how much I love them, I'm terrible at. I've never been good at fighting games. Platformers I'm hit or miss with - Mega Man is easy to me, but I couldn't beat Celeste.
And I've never been good at any multiplayer games, not even arena FPS like Quake. I logged over 500 hours into Dota 2 and was terrible the entire time.
Language does not take three years and people who try to preach that are often people trying to sell you a class.

Cooking isn’t that hard.
I'm bad at directions, usually. In games, I have no issues, but in real life I have a hard time knowing where I am without a GPS, unless I've been at that location very frequently.
Other have said "living" and "existing" and I relate. A day doesn't go by where I don't pummel myself for being a failure at life, while comparing myself to the rest of the world and people my age who have families, kids, jobs etc. All the things I OUGHTA have at my age. I even look at kids and think: "Don't worry kiddo, you're gonna be just fine. You're gonna have a future for sure, because it takes a failure of astronomical proportions to be as bad at life as me". It's like life is this game that comes natural to everyone else. Everyone else has figured out the secret sauce. They get educated, they get a job, they go out and find a cute girl to fall in love with, they have kids, they establish a healthy family life etc ect ... and then there's me. An example of the straight opposite.

Other than that, I'm bad at math, could never figure it out. I also never learned whistling with my fingers. In Danish we call whistling with just your mouth "fløjte" and with your fingers "pifte", I don't know if English has the same distinction.
Yea probably couldn't have said this any better myself. I feel like a complete alien somedays. Like I'm surfing with the rest of humanity and I'm the only one without a surfboard. Eternally treading water. That's okay. I guess I am at peace with this for now
Pretty much everything.

I tried playing guitar for around 15 years. I played in bands, recorded, played shows, etc - and the entire time I felt like a faker. I never truly learned how to play the instrument. I cant read music. I dont understand theory. I didnt know what notes or chords I was playing. I couldnt play solos. I was bad at learning other people's music/covers. I was a shit musician and it was only after I quit a few years ago that I realized how bad I really was at it.

Same with singing. Same with audio engineering.

I cant cook. I dont make much money. I haven't been able to really build a career for myself yet. I'm 31 and am still not married, and still don't have kids.

I cant learn languages. Despite taking 3.5 years of French lessons, I only retained some of the most basics of it. And I've been trying to learn Japanese, and just can't learn anything, not even the alphabet.
Ha, I have similar experience with guitar playing. Played for around 10 years (metal), was never really good, only can read tabs no notes, had one album, cannot play solos, but come on, it was fucking fun. Singing would be the worst 😂

On the other hand I can cook, and I like to cook. And I'm working since 29 years as IT for our government (Luxembourg), definitely no money issues here.

I speak 4 languages fluently, mother tongue, French, German and obviously English. I'm learning Finnish as my girlfriend is Finnish but that language is a fucker. Se on paskaa.

What am I bad at, don't know, probably a lot of things, but nothing that really matters. F.ex. I don't know anything about cars, can change tires but that's about it. I can buy them though.

And a good Luxembourgish beer ;->

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I am very bad at compassion and empathy for myself and others. I wasn't brought up with compassion or empathy in most cases. I am not bad at too many things, but social interaction and people skills are my worst. Anxiety really adds to the whole problem and I isolate. Hence I am a struggling recovering alcoholic.

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