What are you bad at?

Structure and discipline.
Dont't get me wrong, when the need arises, I can be a hard as hell worker - as a freelancer, I kind of have to be - and I'm conceited enough to think myself fairly competent at the things I care about, but keeping up a system, studying or working in a structured manner when I don't have the motivation or passion needed at that moment?
That's just not happening. No matter how much I try.
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Can't ride a bike or any 2 wheeler for that matter.

Can't cook, I failed at boiling water.

I struggle at remembering names, I can recognize faces, voice pattern, and body language well tho.

Being polite, I'm infamous amongst my friends to be brutally honest at times, I have zero capability sugar coating things.

Life and existing in general.

Oh, i think i have this one too. It's really hard for me to live in normal way, or existing on the same flow as everyone.

I'm bad at having discipline for very long periods of time. Bad at showing emotions.

Bad in all kinds of games, but especially in FPS.
Other have said "living" and "existing" and I relate. A day doesn't go by where I don't pummel myself for being a failure at life, while comparing myself to the rest of the world and people my age who have families, kids, jobs etc. All the things I OUGHTA have at my age. I even look at kids and think: "Don't worry kiddo, you're gonna be just fine. You're gonna have a future for sure, because it takes a failure of astronomical proportions to be as bad at life as me". It's like life is this game that comes natural to everyone else. Everyone else has figured out the secret sauce. They get educated, they get a job, they go out and find a cute girl to fall in love with, they have kids, they establish a healthy family life etc ect ... and then there's me. An example of the straight opposite.

Other than that, I'm bad at math, could never figure it out. I also never learned whistling with my fingers. In Danish we call whistling with just your mouth "fløjte" and with your fingers "pifte", I don't know if English has the same distinction.
You should live your life at your own pace, on your own terms.
You ought to do nothing but whatever you feel is right. You're not a failure just by being different. You're you, not them. Don't compare yourself to anyone, and stop degrading yourself.
Success isn't determined by marriage, children, or studies. And there's no secret sauce to it besides hard work and, yes, luck.
If you don't value yourself, then no one will. Stay positive. Love yourself.
Sorry if that came across as preachy or insensitive; I just saw myself from a few years back in your post.
Much love. ::heart
im kinda bad at keeping a conversation going, a couple of friends complaint to me about my dry text lmao
Im also bad at it but in the opposite way! I always speak exactly whats going through my mind so I keep blurting things that have nothing to do, or keep changing subjects or just ramble by myself... It's been easier to avoid that with my forum pals thankfully
Im also bad at it but in the opposite way! I always speak exactly whats going through my mind so I keep blurting things that have nothing to do, or keep changing subjects or just ramble by myself... It's been easier to avoid that with my forum pals thankfully
Well then you could say you're really good at derailing a conversation.
Im bad at talking to people and socializing irl, especially when I have to take initiative. Can't look people in the eye for shit and don't understand anything about social cues that most normal people do. I'm try to work on it but alas I'm failing. Maintaining relationships too, but that counts as socializing. ::drink
I'm bad at confidence. I've always struggled to convince myself I'm good at the things I'm good at. I want to believe I'm good at fighting games, fashion, and art, but I'll always be clawing at my back trying to make sure I BELIEVE that. I wish I could be happier with myself. Perhaps in the future I can be.
For now, I'll be burdened with inadequacy.

And, if I may provide advice for those who are bad at living;
we all believe we are bad at living. We hear grandiose stories our friends/co-workers/family (etc.) tell us. But in reality they all face their own struggles. We are hard-wired to only share our strongest moments with each other for a fear of embarrassment we can't help.
You believe you do not have strong moments and I assure you, you do, you just fail to see or acknowledge them. And you're not worse for having weak moments. You're human. And it shows, and it's okay.

Life is what you make of it. Grab it by the balls. Enjoy yourself. Even if your idea of fun is video games and anime from two decades ago, then you're still well-off.
Love yourself. You rock! And I will try to do the same.
Comparison is the enemy of satisfaction. If you want something, eventually, you need to figure out what your own path towards it looks like, and find out what you needed along the way. "I want to marry then sire offspring to continue the bloodline" is an external pressure before it is an internal one.
Getting offspring and continuing the bloodline is one thing. The thought of my lineage dying with me terrifies me because for one it makes me feel I didn't do my part, and that unlike my ancestors I wasn't good enough at life to get hitched. But secondly, it means that one day my family's name will be but a flicker in the history books. Someone will look in a history book one day and be like "Oh right, this family died out 500 years ago because the eldest son never got offspring."

So yeah, there is the external pressure for sure. But it is also something I just want for my own selfish need.
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I'm bad at confidence. I've always struggled to convince myself I'm good at the things I'm good at. I want to believe I'm good at fighting games, fashion, and art, but I'll always be clawing at my back trying to make sure I BELIEVE that. I wish I could be happier with myself. Perhaps in the future I can be.
For now, I'll be burdened with inadequacy.

And, if I may provide advice for those who are bad at living;
we all believe we are bad at living. We hear grandiose stories our friends/co-workers/family (etc.) tell us. But in reality they all face their own struggles. We are hard-wired to only share our strongest moments with each other for a fear of embarrassment we can't help.
You believe you do not have strong moments and I assure you, you do, you just fail to see or acknowledge them. And you're not worse for having weak moments. You're human. And it shows, and it's okay.

Life is what you make of it. Grab it by the balls. Enjoy yourself. Even if your idea of fun is video games and anime from two decades ago, then you're still well-off.
Love yourself. You rock! And I will try to do the same.
Words to live by, my dude! I look back at my last workplace and only recall all the things I struggled at or where I had weak moments. Things where I go "Wtf did I do that?" or "Omfg you moron!" but truth is that I had far more good and strong moments, my pessimistic side just refuses to immediately recall them.

Regarding the lack of confidence, I definitely also relate there. Like, I sometimes do these huge bead portraits (I have shown off some in the art section), but then when people praise me for my artistic skill, specifically regarding beading, I just shrug and go "Anyone can do what I do, it's literally just a matter of running a motif through a pixelator and then painstakingly go one beat at a time. Nothing more to it. All it required from "me" was time and patience". I really don't give myself enough credit, and am always so bloody dang hard on myself.
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I think what I've seen here is that most of people is good at making somebody sorry for them.

Is 15 years old the average age here? even if you're in your early twenties, life should look so overwhelming at times, but don't delude yourself, you're as bad and as good as other people, you're not special and of course you're not going to change the world, even if your teacher, family or friends say so.

If the thread would be about what you're good at, it would not matter either, nobody would care and people would praise you just to be politically correct or because they say they are worse.

So, at the end of the day you have to choose between farce from the ones that love you or reality from the ones that you end hating, including yourself.

If you think too much that you're a failure, maybe you are. You have to decide what do you want to do with it.
Other have said "living" and "existing" and I relate. A day doesn't go by where I don't pummel myself for being a failure at life, while comparing myself to the rest of the world and people my age who have families, kids, jobs etc. All the things I OUGHTA have at my age. I even look at kids and think: "Don't worry kiddo, you're gonna be just fine. You're gonna have a future for sure, because it takes a failure of astronomical proportions to be as bad at life as me". It's like life is this game that comes natural to everyone else. Everyone else has figured out the secret sauce. They get educated, they get a job, they go out and find a cute girl to fall in love with, they have kids, they establish a healthy family life etc ect ... and then there's me. An example of the straight opposite.
Don't worry my dude, you're not alone in this. I don't even know how I would keep living for after my parent and family's gone. And they're pretty much my sole reason to keep existing in this shitty game called life because I know how devastated they would be if I do something untoward that would definitely end my life, I'm just that horrible of a person at living life and it took me all my willpower to just keep breathing and leeching the same air as them because at times this unstable mind would go imagine the things normal people should never dreamed of.
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Don't worry my dude, you're not alone in this. I don't even know how I would keep living for after my parent and family's gone. And they're pretty much my sole reason to keep existing in this shitty game called life because I know how devastated they would be if I do something untoward that would definitely end my life, I'm just that horrible of a person at living life and it took me all my willpower to just keep breathing and leeching the same air as them because at times this unstable mind would go imagine the things normal people should never dreamed of.
I relate. Some days all that keeps me from doing something drastic is, as you say, knowing how devastated my family would be. Other than that I feel I contribute absolutely nothing to society and am a waste of oxygen.
Calligraphy, my hand writing is had to for others and even myself, it sucked a lot for schools and test, specially for collage entry exams, but after highshool I noticed how much I little I actually need it for real life.
I think what I've seen here is that most of people is good at making somebody sorry for them.

Is 15 years old the average age here? even if you're in your early twenties, life should look so overwhelming at times, but don't delude yourself, you're as bad and as good as other people, you're not special and of course you're not going to change the world, even if your teacher, family or friends say so.

If the thread would be about what you're good at, it would not matter either, nobody would care and people would praise you just to be politically correct or because they say they are worse.

So, at the end of the day you have to choose between farce from the ones that love you or reality from the ones that you end hating, including yourself.

If you think too much that you're a failure, maybe you are. You have to decide what do you want to do with it.

Totally agree with you. Some people here just want someone to validate their self-deprecating thoughts and do nothing to change. As a wise dude said above, we're all bad at living, we all have our own struggles and nothing will ever be perfect for us. Some people need to realize that the only thing making them a failure is themselves.
☼I'm terrible at connecting with people and maintaining relationships. Silence and solitude are beautiful music. I have a very hard time after everyone gets home and their living sounds start filling up the house. Some days it's better than others. Most days I can tolerate it with little issue.

I'm definitely not saying people are wrong for making noise. That's absolutely a 'me' problem that I do my best to maintain. I love my partner and my daughter, so I do my best to adapt to what they need. It's just really hard sometimes when their ways directly go against what my mind wants.

☼I am also terrible at math. I can't maintain numbers in my head at all. I have to do everything on paper or I immediately forget what numbers I was supposed to be maintaining, and even then it's a terrible chore to focus and make my brain work through the problem. It hurts. I can do it, but it's painful.

☼Same with customer service. I'm bad at it because I don't do the fake smile 'HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" and I tell people when they're being unreasonable instead of trying to accommodate them.

☼I'm bad at anything that requires dexterity. Some days my brain is just not having it and I'm constantly dropping shit and running into stuff. I'm terrible at physical mediums in art. I've always had trouble making my thoughts come to life. My brain is creative, my body is a worthless flesh prison that will not heed my commands.

☼On the dexterity thing, I'm bad at any games that require good reflexes and muscle memory. Again, my body refuses to recall or listen to my commands.

☼I'm not very good at cooking. I try really hard, and I do Christmas dinner for family every year. That turns out pretty good but only because I spend weeks preparing ahead of time and spend the entire day before and day of preparing it.

☼Everything takes me a really long time. I've had employers pull me off of jobs and tasks because I take too long, then they replace me with someone that does a worse job but faster. I will never understand this.
I think what I've seen here is that most of people is good at making somebody sorry for them.

Is 15 years old the average age here? even if you're in your early twenties, life should look so overwhelming at times, but don't delude yourself, you're as bad and as good as other people, you're not special and of course you're not going to change the world, even if your teacher, family or friends say so.

If the thread would be about what you're good at, it would not matter either, nobody would care and people would praise you just to be politically correct or because they say they are worse.

So, at the end of the day you have to choose between farce from the ones that love you or reality from the ones that you end hating, including yourself.

If you think too much that you're a failure, maybe you are. You have to decide what do you want to do with it.
If you feel bad for me, that is on you, I never asked for sympathy, I'm just telling it how it is. Also, the thread is literally about what you are bad at, and people merely answer. If your stance is that "we are all bad at something, you are not special, nobody cares about your shortcomings" then maybe just scroll by and let the rest of us be miserable in peace? You ask if the average person here is 15, by which I assume you think we sound like depressive teenager... ever heard of a midlife crisis? It is when you reach a point in life where you look around you and feel you ought to have accomplished more. You can then argue whose "fault" that is, but that's another matter entirely.
Math. Hours of tutors and studying. I really gave it my all. And I still ended up failing. I'm better at reading subjects. I retain letters but not numbers. I get really confused. Back when I still used cash instead of mostly debit I would end up breaking large bills for small purchases because I couldn't figure out the change. I'm better at that now. But I will never be a math wiz.
Totally agree with you. Some people here just want someone to validate their self-deprecating thoughts and do nothing to change. As a wise dude said above, we're all bad at living, we all have our own struggles and nothing will ever be perfect for us. Some people need to realize that the only thing making them a failure is themselves.
I do agree that the thread was most likely refering to simple matters like "being bad at swimming" or "being bad at math" and that the whole thing then quickly spiralled out of control when some of us brought "being bad at life" into play. While I wasn't looking for sympathy or validation of any kind myself, I do apologize for contributing to derailing the conversation.

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