The ds was my first console, I loved it so much, although there was a lot of shovelware for it, but it was good fun. I remember my sister letting me have a file on her Barbie dog game, but I only got to have the lame dog which made me a little bitter. Also played a lot of the Littlest pet shop games. (Some great games on there too of course, like “Locks’ Quest”)
I was more attached to my 2ds, yes a 2ds the ones that don’t close because I wanted one of those instead of the 3ds because the 3D hurt my eyes. Looking back I think it was ridiculously simple of me, I even knew I could just turn it off.
I love the design of the Ds/3ds it was so disappointing when the switch was released, it was baffling to me how big it was; How they took away the second screen. I still would have liked something closer to the Ds but there’s no point to dwell on it.