OverLord of Net Slum
kids are usually told that cursing is something that they can't do until they are adults. and if they do, they get punished for it. most people are told that there are certain things that can do when they are full grown. mom and dad can't technically punish you for dropping f-bombs without the retort: "i'm an adult, and i can say what i want."The pointless cursing reminds me of the localization of the original Yakuza on PS2. They added so many f-bombs to the script that it seemed like you couldn't go 3 sentences without running into one. Still can't believe anyone in the 2000's thought that adding copious amount of swearing to a game would make it seem MORE mature.
the people who did the translating for 90's/00's games would most likely have been told this while growing up. so, when giving the freedom to translate something from one language to another, the excitement to se the 'forbidden words' would be very alluring.
most people can't be bothered to simply explain that using too many curse words makes you lazy when you speak, and weakens the effect that they would have when used sparingly.