The first video game you remember playing?

I remember that this was my only game in the first years when i acquired a PS2.
I used to play a lot sonic 1 and 3d blast even if I didn't understand too well what to do in 3DB.

Today is a very outdated compilation, and I would prefer to emulate the titles and download CBRs/PDFs instead of playing this collection with its low resolution. However, it has one of my favorite tracks from the Sonic franchise.
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Hm... let's see. It's going to be vague. The first game I remember playing clearly was Alex Kidd in Miracle World (I was terrible at it, my sister actually finished it, I couldn't). Next... Sonic 1 (SMS) and then Kenseiden probably, that one I did finish on my own. I played it so much I have it down to muscle memory at this point.

When I jumped to the Mega Drive, it was Sonic again, and Altered Beast probably.

I'm going to stop here as I don't want to write a 30 page memoir haha.
I have a bad memory but my deepest memories are about me playing the Intelligent Qube demo which marked me to life as it was surreal and was stuck in my mind for decades before I rediscovered it.

That's probably why I love uncanny/emptiness in 5th/low poly games.

Oh and I also remember playing a Dalmatian game on the Dreamcast.
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Duck Hunt! The sound and feel of the NES Zapper is an ingrained sense memory, like the feel of a rotary phone, or the way the cd hitched and stopped spinning when Xenogears was starting a random battle.
I am not quite sure whether I was exposed to Super Mario Bros on NES first or arcade games on game center first. I was in kindergarten at that time.
It has to be a toss up between The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64. My older brother had them and I would watch him play them often, and play them myself not long after.
I think it was Heretic on my cousin's Compaq 286 (maybe?) computer... I still remember the launch via DOS prompt :D
... Or maybe it was Alex Kidd in the miracle world, on my Sega master system II!
I'm not sure, I was lucky to play both at the time. My first gaming memories
probably some edutainment pc game. I remember a lot of those disney storybook games and reader rabbit and stuff like that, I had sonic schoolhouse too lol. the first game I can remember playing with a controller was either twisted metal or super mario world as a toddler. my pop kicked my ass a lot in twisted metal. I was lucky because my dad played games so the ones I got acclimated to actually playing with were all pretty big snes heavy hitters, and on playstation we had crash bandicoot and a lot of disney games of various genres were coming out so I was able to ease into different stuff. the first game I ever beat by myself was the 2000 Spider-Man game though. I kept renting it over and over and got through it. Super Mario World was probably the second game I beat, Link to the Past was early too but that was mostly my dad pointing at the screen and telling me what to do because I never knew where to go or what I was doing.
I don't remember the very first, maybe because there were a few titles already installed on the first computer we had. I think the oldest memories I have are about mashing the spacebar playing this game.

The first game I can kind of remember playing was, "Spiderman-2", on the original Xbox.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World. We visited a cousin when I was six and he had a brand new Master System III Compact from Tectoy. That game blew my farm kid mind, to this day the song from stage one is still fresh in my head.
It's insanely hard to remember. I can't say about my first ever game, but my first PC game was C&C Red Alert. RTS games were very popular among my friends at the time.
It's insanely hard to remember. I can't say about my first ever game, but my first PC game was C&C Red Alert. RTS games were very popular among my friends at the time.
I remember my cousin installing Red Alert on my PC back in the day, but since he needed the disc, the fun lasted just one weekend for me.
I remember my cousin installing Red Alert on my PC back in the day, but since he needed the disc, the fun lasted just one weekend for me.
We never had such problems, 'cause all of the games we had at the time was pirated and cracked copies. ::rofl
It was literally impossible to buy a licensed game. They were just not available on the market.
We never had such problems, 'cause all of the games we had at the time was pirated and cracked copies. ::rofl
It was literally impossible to buy a licensed game. They were just not available on the market.
Ah, back in the day I had not the arcane knowledge necessary haha.
I'm pretty sure the first game I played was Ape Escape, it's at least the game that come ups in my earliest memories of gaming, had a burnt disc with a modded PSX, I miss that chrome painted PSX
thankfully i remember mine like it was yesterday

sonic 2 on the genesis! funny thing is i dont really like the sonic games anymore lol
The First ever game that I played that i can remember is SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom on a GBA SP. The boss fights used to scare me a lot that I never actually beaten the game.
interestin selection. u can kinda guess the ages of every1 based on their games lol

mine's probs ms pac man. i remember bein helpd up by dad n jigglin the joystick but not much else. 1st real game i beat was super mario bros 3 (w/ game genie cheatz). dat unlimitd P-wing~
A One Piece JRPG on Game Boy Color, I can't really remember the name of it but I remember really - really frustrated because I kept failing on one particular stage involving Drum Island. Also, the whole game is in Japanese, I'm still not sure how or why my parents bought me a Game Boy Color with only 1 game with it and it's in Japanese.
For me, it was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
I played it for the first time when I was eight years old on my family's ps2 With my older brother, back when we didn't have internet.
I didn't know English at the time, so I didn't know what the story was and I couldn't read English.
But I always had a lot of fun just messing around, killing civilians, stealing cars and driving around the city, and writing down cheat codes on a piece of paper to mess around even more.
No matter how much time passes, this absolute masterpiece will always have a special place in my heart.
(This reply is copied from my thread "what's the first videogame you've ever played in your entire life?" that I didn't know was a duplicate)
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The first game I can remember playing was Sonic Chaos on my dad's Game Gear when I was... 3 or 4 years old, I think.

Of course, I wasn't good at it, and I didn't really know what I was doing, but it was a start.

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