Remakes\Enhanced Ports you'd actually want

A collection of the first 4 Dot hack games in the same style of that GU collection that added a whole new chapter

A Remaster or maybe a Remake of the Infamous games specially the first because I love the inspiration on Batman No man's land and it would be very sick seeing them with the graphics of Second Son

And for last the same thing that they did with Shadow of the colossus on PS4 but for Ico and I would release them on another plattform than only PS
Its one of the best Tekken games, and there will probably be nothing else like it since Tekken has started to get more casualized since 7; please port it to steam
Games I'd actually want a remake or enhanced port for. Enhanced ports, yeah I can think of a good amount. Bloodborne for 60FPS, F-Zero GX/AX with online support, Zelda Four Swords Adventures now that we've had freaking wireless handhelds for ages now, modern remasters/ports of the PS2 and especially PS3 Ratchet & Clank games, Kid Icarus Uprising with actually usable controls, etc.

But for a full on remake? I can't think of many. The Mega Man Legends games would benefit greatly from a Crash or Spyro remake treatment. But I also know it'll never happen.
There's a lot of game I'd like to see remade. The few that stand out right now are. Fallout 1 and 2, Ultima 7 complete, Kings Field and Shadow Tower series, Magic Candle 2, All the Might and Magic games, Sid Mayers Alpha Centauri, Lufia 1 and 2, and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
I'd love all the Super Robot Wars OGs brought to PC or modern consoles, preferably with translations (nothing wrong with the fan-made one!) and some HD textures would be nice.
(edit: so I misread the thread title of being the opposite of what it is but I'm gonna leave this here anyway because its important to be transparent about ones mistakes)

Pokemon Black and White: they are perfect as is, also dp chibi edition was completely unnecessary and a travesty of a "remake" (really port if we are being honest), and it does not inspire confidence for the future of the series. really since sword and shield, or as i like to call them, cut and shill, with dexit, the quality of the games have been in a nosedive. last mainline pokemon i bought was ultra sun.

another one is chrono trigger, While it would be cool to get an hd2d remake of it, the original is a near perfect game in my opinion and i just dont think a remake could do it justice, you cant make lightning strike twice and all that
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Legend of Dragoon with a better translation, but keep the 90s aesthetic with no voice acting. Maybe a Dragons Dogma type feel to the gameplay
Sting's recent PC ports of Yggdra Union and Riviera were fantastic, so I'd like to see them keep it up. Maybe Knights in the Nightmare or Baroque next?
Xenogears, the original game was actually released in an unfinished state and with the hd2d trend currently going on at square and also the popularity of the xenoblade games. It just seems like the perfect time to go back and put all stuff that couldn't be fully realized in the original game in due to time crunch, like what square did with saga frontier remastered but on a much larger scale.
Any of the PS2 Gundam Games. Honestly some Gems on there that I want to see HD Re-Releases and Ports of. Just put them in a collection, and I'd buy them. A Special Addition with some Exclusive Gunpla wouldn't hurt as well.
Honestly, F-Zero GX, Ratchet and Clank (PS2 games), Ape Escape 1-3, Syphon Filter games, Shining Force 3 (Including scenario 2 and 3), Pokémon Coliseum, Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, Infamous 1 and 2, and Bloodborne enhanced ports would be awesome.
ben didn't start off as a serious reviewer, he started off with random stuff he came across and was like: "looks at this crazy shit." he does have videos where is more serious like his more recent eva video, but a lot of are just mainly showcasing all of the wired or unusual cartoons that were made in japan in the past. you should check out some of the other videos. there's quite a lot of weird and bizarre series out there.
maybe someday, someone at the company will see that they still have the property and make some more installments. maybe a prequel or two to show the characters heading towards the events of the game.
Moving my reply here because it’s off topic in the Waifu thread.

I’d love to see the story of Galerians explained but at the same time I’m extremely hesitant to say I’d want a remake. The parts of the game I enjoyed would most likely be changed, the graphics, the rule of cool designs, game play, the theatrics of it all, camera angles, etc.

If there was an actual remake made it’s likely they’d lean into the Galerians: Ash mechanics, which made me skip that game and simply watch the cut scenes.

It feels so ingrained in y2k, those parts of it would likely be stripped from it in a remake. So it’s complicated, perhaps in the future I’ll make a precise write up of what I’d want.
Moving my reply here because it’s off topic in the Waifu thread.

I’d love to see the story of Galerians explained but at the same time I’m extremely hesitant to say I’d want a remake. The parts of the game I enjoyed would most likely be changed, the graphics, the rule of cool designs, game play, the theatrics of it all, camera angles, etc.

If there was an actual remake made it’s likely they’d lean into the Galerians: Ash mechanics, which made me skip that game and simply watch the cut scenes.

It feels so ingrained in y2k, those parts of it would likely be stripped from it in a remake. So it’s complicated, perhaps in the future I’ll make a precise write up of what I’d want.
yeah, that is possible. it's also possible that they would just use a new engine and take out stuff that would be "problematic" by today's standards.
maybe the fans should make their own remake of it. i've heard that's happening with the first mega man legends.
yeah, that is possible. it's also possible that they would just use a new engine and take out stuff that would be "problematic" by today's standards.
maybe the fans should make their own remake of it. i've heard that's happening with the first mega man legends.
Don’t remember anything that would be a huge red flag, maybe the drug usage but it’s clearly framed as bad; But you never know with stuff like that.

I’ve seen a remaster someone is making that’s rather recent, they’re completely overhauling the graphics so not what I’m interested in. They are very passionate so I’m still wishing them the best of luck.
Don’t remember anything that would be a huge red flag, maybe the drug usage but it’s clearly framed as bad; But you never know with stuff like that.

I’ve seen a remaster someone is making that’s rather recent, they’re completely overhauling the graphics so not what I’m interested in. They are very passionate so I’m still wishing them the best of luck.
there's a lot of overly sensitive people nowadays. they will look for any reason to scream and shout for attention.
if nothing else, you can just make your own story inspired by the game. people do that all the time.
Another one I'd want, and honestly this is hardcore copium at this point, is an HD Collection of the FE9 and FE10 for nintendo switch

you know, maybe I actually want to own these game officially and not pay an arm and a leg for them. it doesnt have to be anything special just upscale the textures a bit and preserve the save transfer feature

theres even this mockup of a cover i found on duckduckgo

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