lost odyssey...


New Challenger
Dec 12, 2024
Reaction score
is it worth it to emulate the game using the xbox emulator, or buy it from microsoft (I still do have a xbox one, but even then i'm still kinda fuzzy on that too and how that would work), or bite the bullet and try and find a physical copy?
I have the actual game itself. Xbox emulation was a headache for me and my friends.
I'm def gonna have a great time finding that and blue dragon then huh? lmao
I just play them on my Xbox via backwards compatibility
I will however warn you to think about how badly you want blue dragon
LO is a fantastic game, but if blue dragon was multiplat , absolutely no one would remember it. It is… very normal. Good game overall but…. So normal. So quaint. If you want it really badly go for it.
interesting. I am more excited to play lo because it is a one of a kind game and blue dragon is good, it's been on my list for a long time. but I will def take your words and heed them, thank you

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