Lv. 29 Onion Knight
Nice! I think I have a better understanding on where you're coming from now, thanks again for the interesting discussion.big post
As a tiny aside, I really like it when indie devs are outspoken about piracy. Edmund McMillen (Meat Boy, Isaac) and Arsi Patala (Ultrakill) both talked about how people are free to pirate their stuff because they wouldn't have been where they are now if they didn't have easy access to stuff, among other reasons. I think that's a good message if you're a creator (which I personally don't consider virtue signaling or whatever, because what would the ulterior motive be if they're telling people to not pay for their product if they don't can/want to). The Darkwood devs put their own game on PirateBay and updated it, and the guy who made Moonring outright refuses fans who want to pay for the game.
If my crummy game I'm working on would ever grant me some sort of platform I would like to spread that message too. Not at all to stroke my ego (because I'd rather not have a platform in the first place), but because I truly believe in it.