Games you replayed a hundred times?

Demon's Crest is one I have a fondness for. =3
Demon's Crest (U)_00005.jpg
Nights into Dreams on Sega Saturn and Christmas Edition now in December. Story of Thor on Mega Drive. Mario All Stars on SNES. Tomb Raider and C&C Red Alert on Windows. Mario Kart on N64. Time Pilot and R-Type 2 on Arcade..
Dark Souls 2 - Scholar of the First Sin.
You could say I became a god in that game xD Now the bosses see me and make the sign of the cross before facing me. Every time I play it, I manage to finish it in less than 10/20 hours of gameplay overall, it depends on how long it takes to explore or defeat that damned Smelter Demon which is sometimes more difficult than the final boss...
The older Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior games I've played countless times. All the main line Mario and Zelda games for the most part. Especially SMB3, World, Mario 64, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. The Mega Man and Mega Man X series are like muscle memory for me up until the modern ones. Chrono Trigger and Symphony of the Night are so fun to go through more than once.
I dunno about a literal hundred times, but I have played the NES Mega Man games, the GBA Pokemon games, and the N64 Zelda games a ton. For Pokemon, stuff like Nuzlockes or other types of challenge runs help a lot, and I love the Ocarina of Time randomizer.
I've played every single version of this thing.
Deadly Silence is the best way to play it btw 🗿
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