Do you think Nintendo will ever cave in at some point and consider putting their games on steam?

True, and I doubt they will any time soon, but Valve will eventually fall under new management like all companies that don't die first inevitably do. Our libraries on Steam are ultimately at the mercy of entities that aren't us, which is bullshit. Software purchased by the user should be the user's bitch and no one else's. Try to buy from GOG if a game is available that way. Even if they got a wild hare up their ass and revoked your access, games from GOG are DRM free, so you can still play as long as you have the files.
I did that for a while, but i really find that i get the most utility from games on steam (due to the cloud saves and wide controller support).

Valve is a pretty successful company tho so maybe they wont ever have to sell out.

i definitely see your point and concerns.

also, its true that valve recently changed their TOS to explicitly state that you are buying a revokable license... i certainly hope they dont go full animal farm on us, but it is a danger, you are correct
It's a good storefront/launcher and I use it regularly, and I give credit to Valve for helping Linux be a better platform for gaming, but it has it's share of bullshit.
-Steam dropped support for Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8/8.1 a few years ago and Valve provides no alternative way to verify and run your legally obtained games. I don't expect them to offer full support for old platform, but why do I have to crack games I legally obtained to run them on the OS they were fucking designed for? Some old games run like ass or just don't work on Windows 10 and 11.
-You're buying a revocable license. It's unlikely that said license will be revoked in the foreseeable future, but you are still at the mercy of Valve. If Valve ever goes to shit, and I'm willing to bet it will eventually when people far greedier than Gabe take it over, your games are then bound to a platform undergoing enshittification. Maybe this won't effect you, but if you ever pass your account down to your child, it may effect them.
-Will Valve stop popping advertisements in my face when I start Valve to browse my library? If I wanna buy a game, I'll go to the storefront and buy a game, or obtain a key from an authorized seller. Until then, fuck off.
This is the main reason why i buy my games on gog if possible and no matter what, refuse to buy games with denuvo, if that means piracy of a new game then so be it.
This is the main reason why i buy my games on gog if possible and no matter what, refuse to buy games with denuvo, if that means piracy of a new game then so be it.
Yeah, i am NOT down with it, i was just about to apply for a job at Riot but I lost interest immediately when they started requiring Vanguard... (which is not as bad as denuvo, imo)

although i do understand their position, it differs from my personal viewpoint...

i believe that if you cant trust the people you are playing games with then you should just play different games with different people.

i just couldnt stand myself if i were responsible for forcing a person's computer to "keep them honest"

it's tricky business
Maybe in the distant future if their hardware division has another WiiU-tier flop. The most I could see in the meantime is maybe one of their multiplayer games like Pokemon Unite getting a PC release in the way it got a phone release.
Not a chance. I will go even further. Nintendo won't only be the last game and console publisher to have exclusive titles, but the last to have physical releases of titles for its console. Because it's Nintendo.

Maybe, possibly, some spin-off series installments of their main series will one day hit other platforms like Steam. I'm talking about games like Pokken Tournament, New Pokemon Snap, Hyrule Warriors, Mario + Rabbids, Metroid Prime Hunters, Metroid Prime: Federation Force or Kirby's Dream Buffet.
Xenoblade 2 on hardware that doesn't look like someone barfed vaseline everywhere would be the dream. I suppose the Steam Deck will do that once the issues with that game on AMD hardware are resolved (glitched clouds, sub-par framerate).
That's a big nope.

If say, Somehow Nintendo is falling when it came to selling Hardware and Games so badly that they're near bankruptcy, I feel like they would be putting their games on Mobile Phones.

But who really knows considering that Nintendo will shift in the next 10 years with new management and people behind Nintendo going forward. Most of the oldheads are uh... VERY old now and could retire soon if they so choose and if not could pass away. Miyamoto is now 72 years old and have been handing the Reigns of Mario to newer developers with Super Mario Wonder as Miyamoto wasn't involved much.

So with that in mind, I think the chances of Nintendo putting games on PC with very minimal and if anything else it would be a Dragalia Lost situation. Game Freak does not count for Nintendo since they are a studio who makes games but they did make Little Town Hero for PC and PS4, But I guess that's AS close as we are to the whole "Nintendo being on Steam", but again, Game Freak isn't Nintendo in that regard.
Hell will freeze 10 times over first.

Nintendo is SUUUUUUUUPER protective of their IPs. The only, and I mean the ONLY, reason they would ever even consider putting their games on Steam is if they were financially hurting to the point of considering closing their doors for good.
Nintendo knows they have the most powerful brand in video games and aren't going to dilute it by going through other platforms. Smartphones are one thing, but why go through Steam's rules and commissions when they have their own digital store? People buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo games, which is more than Sony or Microsoft can say for themselves.

Not to say I'm a big Nintendo fanboy or anything, I actually think it's high time they got knocked down a peg or two...
Not as long as the fanboys keep paying for overpriced games that´s rarly on sale and keeps buying consoles that´s a generation or 2 behind.

I do hope Nintendo join Sega and day but that but will probably not happen in my life time.
I doubt it. Nintendo holds themselves in the highest regard as if they were the Disney corporation, if you want their content, you have to do it the way they want. Just look at how much hold Nintendo has over emulation and the effect they've had on numerous rom sites.
At the end of the day, they know they can still charge top dollar for doing the bare minimum as has been proven time and time again by their sales.
I doubt it. Nintendo holds themselves in the highest regard as if they were the Disney corporation, if you want their content, you have to do it the way they want. Just look at how much hold Nintendo has over emulation and the effect they've had on numerous rom sites.
At the end of the day, they know they can still charge top dollar for doing the bare minimum as has been proven time and time again by their sales.
and there you have one of the reason I hate Nintendo. And also thanks to Nintendo having monoply own their own games they charge you top money even if the game is 5-8 years old.

Like allot of games lower their price when they become older and are also often on sales. Every time I check Nintendo sale on the Switch I never seen Zelda, Fire emblem or Xenoblade or even animal crossing on sale and the reason I never bothered with does games becuse im not paying new price for a game that came out 2010 like the first xenoblade.

Only other company I know charging new price for several old games is the muppets making CoD. 59.99 for ghost that came out 10 years ago nah frack that.

I mean allot of people don´t pay money for old cars well if they are no very old or collectible.

And don´t get me started on fanboys how they every charge. Hey wanna by my used 3Ds that i had for 8 years for 200 bucks like dude the 3DS cost 249.99 when it came out why are you demanding 200 for one you have and used for 8 damn years.
And don´t get me started on fanboys how they every charge. Hey wanna by my used 3Ds that i had for 8 years for 200 bucks like dude the 3DS cost 249.99 when it came out why are you demanding 200 for one you have and used for 8 damn years.
I think that's mostly because of people not wanting to feel like they're losing money.

Also the older something is the more valuable it becomes, especially if it's in mint condition.

The retro game market and even the actual games are filled with speculators and scalpers wanting to turn this hobby into a business.
I think that's mostly because of people not wanting to feel like they're losing money.

Also the older something is the more valuable it becomes, especially if it's in mint condition.

The retro game market and even the actual games are filled with speculators and scalpers wanting to turn this hobby into a business.
Yeah and it´s sucks I mean first of 3ds are not rare I mean I would not call 75.94 million units rare also if it´s 8+ years old im taking a huge risk as old shit could with luck last a long time or with bad luck die just 2 weeks after I buy it.

reason I call out Nintendo fan boys becuse in my country anything old from Sega or Sony are even xbox is cheap ass hell. While Nintendo stuff is like richy rich price tagged.

Like the only expensive things from like playstation is like rare JRPG like Suikoden is like 200+ even modern PS4 JRPG can be expensive bcuse in Sweden JRPG are rare in general becuse well with a population of 10mill and maybe I don´t know but I bet few people are jrpgs fan so they sell badly and also if it´s not a big title JRPG it will sell even worse.

Back when Sakura Wars So Long My Love was new on the wii the game droped out store just 6 month later. Im not kidding 6 month later not a single game store had a copy. You had to get it from some hardcore gamer that even know what Skura wars is.
Don't think so.
Especially with rumors floating around that MS/XBox are dipping out of the hardware game.
Can actually see MS partnering with N' to put gamepass (or whatever they'll brand the Xbox service as) on Switch instead of steam.
We'll see. Only time will tell.
I hope they don't, I hate Steam.
Yes any form of drm is horrible. It's also a monopoly basically; it would be better if every publisher had their own store
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This is the main reason why i buy my games on gog if possible and no matter what, refuse to buy games with denuvo, if that means piracy of a new game then so be it.
wise choice.

Also no, Nintendo will never let Gaben sell their games, they will most certainly set up their own online store
It would be better if every publisher had their own store.
And that's how we are forced to download Uplay for Ubisoft's games, Origin for EA, EGS for Epic Games, Activision Blizzard for Wow/Diablo/Starcraft and many other launchers when a game gets a dedicated one...

The main thing is that Steam is pretty much the only launcher that actually works very well next to GoG Galaxy.

I know that monopoly isn't the best but we basically get the same issues as consoles with store exclusive games.

I think it happens often when a company is over a century old.
Unless the Nintendo Switch 2 turns out to be a major hardware failure—by that, I mean a catastrophe like the infamous Red Ring of Death on the Xbox 360, where a significant number of consoles fail after a couple of years—Nintendo will be fine. In fact, I believe the Nintendo Switch formula will remain the same for a very long time, much like how PlayStation has stuck to numbering each of its consoles as a consistent branding strategy.

With the Switch, Nintendo made a huge comeback. It’s now firmly positioned in people’s minds as the go-to handheld console that’s both affordable and worth the investment. Yes, there are alternatives like the Steam Deck and other devices attempting to capture the market’s attention, but they remain too niche. Try mentioning the Steam Deck to the average person, and they’ll probably ask you to repeat yourself.

Nintendo isn’t going to follow Sega into the unfortunate failed hardware club—though, to be fair, the Dreamcast was an excellent console.
Unless the Nintendo Switch 2 turns out to be a major hardware failure—by that, I mean a catastrophe like the infamous Red Ring of Death on the Xbox 360, where a significant number of consoles fail after a couple of years—Nintendo will be fine. In fact, I believe the Nintendo Switch formula will remain the same for a very long time, much like how PlayStation has stuck to numbering each of its consoles as a consistent branding strategy.

With the Switch, Nintendo made a huge comeback. It’s now firmly positioned in people’s minds as the go-to handheld console that’s both affordable and worth the investment. Yes, there are alternatives like the Steam Deck and other devices attempting to capture the market’s attention, but they remain too niche. Try mentioning the Steam Deck to the average person, and they’ll probably ask you to repeat yourself.

Nintendo isn’t going to follow Sega into the unfortunate failed hardware club—though, to be fair, the Dreamcast was an excellent console.

Yeah, anytime I see someone saying that any of the PC handhelds, even the Steam Deck, has had any impact on Nintendo and the Switch I have to roll my eyes. They're just completely different markets, even if they're both handheld devices.

Even if we be super generous to the Steam Deck and say it's sold 8-10 million units, that's horrid if we put it in the context of a video game console. A-freaking-mazing for a handheld PC, a true unheard of miracle for that market.

And I love my Deck, it's great. But I really do think people get caught up in the hype of their circle or the PC gaming sphere about it, and forget that the Switch has sold well over 15x the amount of the Deck. Heck the Wii U and the Vita have sold more than the Deck.
And that's how we are forced to download Uplay for Ubisoft's games, Origin for EA, EGS for Epic Games, Activision Blizzard for Wow/Diablo/Starcraft and many other launchers when a game gets a dedicated one...

The main thing is that Steam is pretty much the only launcher that actually works very well next to GoG Galaxy.
I meant Stores, not launchers, the only purpose those have is drm. Steam is no different from any other storefront that doesn't let you play their games without connecting to them or having their software on your computer.
Ideally, every store would let you download software to your pc without having it linked to bloatware such as Steam to make it work, actually letting you own the games you purchase; GoG and Itch are good examples of this.
I know that monopoly isn't the best but we basically get the same issues as consoles with store exclusive games.
A monopoly is always a problem for consumers. With things as they are now, Steam as little to no reason to become a better store; why should a company strive to offer a better service, or maintain its quality, if there are no competitors that threaten its share of the market? It doesn't matter how badly you treat your consumers/userbase when they have no other place to go, just look at Youtube.
That would be great...but no. I think Nintendo would hate that.

Edit: But if Nintendo did do that, and released some of their games on stream it would give them allot more exposer right, meaning more people would be able to play them...

How these people find a way to play them is another story which is why Nintendo would hate it lmao.
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