There's a lot, but I'll name the biggest ones I'd like to see:
MadWorld, 7th Dragon, Custom Robo, Breath of Fire, Blazblue (they planned reboots and yet we still don't have em), Mega Man ZX, Jumping Flash, Rosenkreuzstilette (pipe dream as fuck given the developmental issues with Freudenstachel), Thunder Force (this franchise could ended with peak but peak was scrapped for a bootleg and it ended with a whimper), Storybook Sonic games, Lufia, 7th Saga (really it would be enough to bring over Mystic Ark), Virtual On, Witch & The Hundred Knight, Exit, F-Zero, Mirror's Edge (actually it's EA, maybe it's better off dead), Bloody Roar, Darkstalkers, etc
This is where Okami would've gone but...