Castlevania fan thread

I've been playing ever since SotN on the PS1 so this series is near and dear to em. Pretty sure I've played every mainline CV game there is as well as some spin-offs. I never get tired of romping through Dracula's castle and combating the nightmarish hordes that dwell within. Heck, SotN is my favorite video game of all time and playing it is one of my favorite PS1 based childhood memories.

So with all do respect towards Konami I issue unto them this one humble request.

While I like the metroidvania entries in the series the most I have a soft spot for the first Lords of Shadow game. It definitely takes after Devil May Cry, Prince of Persia and God of War with a dash of Shadow of the Colossus for good measure rather than follow the established formula but since I like those games I like LoS as well. It might be derivative (or not a real Castlevania if you prefer) but it's a well-made action-adventure romp I feel. I don't have enough of an emotional attachment to the series to hold a divergence from the norm against the game.
Is there a PC port for Symphony of The Night?
Sadly no, though there are plenty of ways to play it on pc.
More a metroidvania fan than classicvania, but i wish they still made them.
I have to highlight one of my absolute favorites: Super Castlevania IV for the SNES!
This game is a masterpiece. The controls are super smooth, the whip mechanics are better than ever (you can attack in all directions!), and the level design is just chef’s kiss. Plus, the soundtrack? Pure perfection. Tracks like Simon's Theme give me chills every time. It’s the ultimate Castlevania experience in 16-bit glory!
Now, let’s talk about the real star of the show: Dracula.
Yeah, I know, he’s the villain, but come on—what’s Castlevania without him? Dracula isn’t just some generic final boss; he’s the ultimate evil, the immortal lord of darkness who keeps coming back, no matter how many times the Belmonts defeat him. And that’s exactly what makes him so awesome. He’s this unstoppable force, the embodiment of horror and power, and every time you reach his throne room, you know it’s going to be an epic battle.
In Super Castlevania IV, his final fight is intense. You go through his castle, facing all kinds of monstrous creatures, and then you finally reach him—floating, throwing fireballs, teleporting—it’s classic Dracula at his best. And let’s be real, there’s something kind of cool about a villain who refuses to stay dead and keeps challenging generations of heroes.

Castlevania IV could have been an absolute classic if only Konami and Nintendo hadn't seen fit to censor many elements of the game that had been staples of the series in earlier titles on the NES. For this reason my go to and the only true version in my mind will always be the Japanese version. Also the title screen drips blood, something I wish they would have recreated in the censored version even if they had to make the blood green. For one thing the intro with the lightning striking the grave always seemed strange to me. I couldn't be quite sure what was happening here. It wasn't until I had finally got my hands on a Super Famicom copy that It really made some semblance of sense. The lightning had struck the cross surmounting the tombstone shattering it, removing it's holy seal and allowing Vlad revive. The other thing I take issue with somewhat is in the Dracula boss fight. There really should have been a phase three to this fight similar to the one in the original. Even if they had to make it a two stage boss fight it could have been amazing. Truly they should have added the final monster transformation for Dracula just as in the original on the NES. This is a remake after all and that transformation was something I was expecting to see on my very first playthrough. It's too bad we had to wait a year and a half for Rondo of Blood to do what IV couldn't with the first full Dracula transformation since the NES. Either way it's still an amazing game and I am more than pleased with the Japanese version.
I knew of Castlevania 1 but didn't have an NES, and no kids I knew had the game. But then when Simon's Quest turned up on the cover of Nintendo Power, suddenly a lot of kids had it, so that's the first one I played. I think it's flawed but still really enjoy it. I've played all of the 2D stuff, but have lagged on the 3D ones. I had a buddy somehow manage to softlock his game on whatever the first PS2 CV was, so I just stopped playing that one and lost track of the 3D ones after that. I currently play the SotN randomizer fairly often, and that always scratches the itch for me. Great series.

Also Simon Belmont on Captain N was cool.

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