I'm using this website as a guide and currently within the Act 3 section.
Zenescope Universe Chronological Reading Order
Those are interesting, reading orders I mean. I'm gonna risk sounding like an Old, but I wonder how that would have changed reading comics for me if I were younger.
It used to be a lot more common to just jump in with a random issue, and maybe ask someone at the comic shop if they knew what all you were missing, context wise.
My favorite example is some of the earliest comics I bought for myself, The Flash #98 and #99.
Couldn't resist that cover.
In #99, a snake-themed bouquet of assholes going by Kobra unleash hell on Keystone City, cutting it off from the rest of the world with a force-field. The Flash at this point, Wally West, has an internal monologue that's obsessed with death and limitations. If he runs flat out, reaching light speed, he'll vanish into the Speed Force, a mysterious energy that empowers and connects speedsters. That's some prime comic book nonsense, but his fear, of pushing his limits and heading out into the unknown, leaving behind everyone he cares about? Even to a kid as dumb as I was, that was pretty clear.
So his work family and uh, family-family of fellow super friends are trying to take his burdens, keep Wally from overexerting himself. Somehow, Kobra missed the note about The Flash's health concerns though. Linda Park, an investigative reporter and Wally's girlfriend (and future wife), proves damned good at her job and spoils the terrorist plot. As supervillains do, the head of Kobra takes this a touch personally, and fires a big honking laser across town to express his displeasure.
The Flash, who had started to think he'd beaten a grim future, sees the shot fired and his heart sinks. Then he does what only the Fastest Man Alive could do, and outruns a beam of light to be at Linda's side, pulling her to safety. He's moving so fast, in fact, that the world stops, and as time (and the Speed Force set to consume him) are slow to catch up, Wally has a frozen moment to tell Linda what she's meant to him.
End of issue!...and as far as I ever read. I went awhile without getting to visit a comic shop again, and while I know he must have come back somehow, and read future Flash comics, I still don't know how this story ends.
Which I guess means, for me, that is how the story ended?...and I love it?
I never really want to know, I think I'm happier that way.