Woah man u did your homework before deciding what to buy, great pickFinal Fantasy X and Star Ocean Till The End of Time
Fantavision. I bought my PS2 at launch but didn't reserve any games. But I had a buddy who worked at a wal-mart electronics department who'd mark stuff down randomly, and so I got a bunch of launch stuff at discount prices, but Fantavision was the first. Not great, not horrible.
Not at $6 newWeird choice for a launch title wasnt it?
Was it really?Not at $6 new
Somehow had worse models, animations and music on the mighty new hardwareCrash 4
It was... not a good introduction to next gen tech.
I believe Gran Turismo 3 was also my first owned PS2 game. It was for me and my older brother, but if I remember right I think the game was bundled with the PS2 slim that we got.View attachment 36668
Not a bad way to get acquainted with the PS2, IMO
It was. The entire electronics department ended up getting fired for abuse of markdown dollarsWas it really?
That is an AWSOME first game to experience the PS2!Burnout 3 Takedown, still have the save files from 2004 in my memory card.