Your favorite games that combine 2D and 3D?

Other than what's already mentioned, Sonic Generations. Despite it's flaws, it's really interesting to see the 2D sections implemented in a 3D environment
KOF 98 Ultimate Match, KOF 2003 (PS and X Box ports. The backgrounds and Arrange music over arcade version.) Strider 2 me too.
Popular shmups tend to do a good job of this. I just recently got into Sky Force and even on the Vita they manage to make the game look beautiful. Runner up would be the recent Raiden x Mikado Remix games. I say runner up because although the 3D backgrounds look good, it's a huge distraction from the gameplay. I guess it plays into the difficulty of the game if you think about it.
I am currently playing through the Evoland games. They are really fun romps through all of the different genres and generations of gaming. Different graphic styles and playtypes are used as mechanics in the games.
Megaman X7 is actually a good game, people just threw shit because you cant play as X and EARLY APRIL FOOLS

I haven't played most of the mentioned ones, but i have to add Klonoa, playing 2.5D as a kid blew my mind as much as the ending

Also Super Paper Mario as mentioned early, for a paper creature the concept of 3D must be like meeting an eldritch creature face to face

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