Why do people enjoy horror games?

Horror?!! The definition of horror is something like Teletubbies adults think kids will like. It honestly is just creepy AF while actual horror games pales in comparison besides a few exceptions
True horror is more than just a mere cringe value; Horror as a henre in general is meant to shake you to your very core, make you question your reality in such frightening ways that leave you too terrified to go about your life in a normal fashion. Anything less is mere child's play.

...And I don't mean the movie. 😅
For me to enjoy horror, I have to be in the right mood. That applies to any type of media, may it be movies, games or books. I haven't played or watched horror in months, but I did a Silent Hill marathon two years back. Sometimes you just don't want to look at something grotesque, sometimes you do.

Horror is also a very broad spectrum and highly subjective. I, for one, never found the Alien movies scary. To me they are part of a dark sci-fi franchise that is very cool and tense, but not horrifying. And a lot of Steam/itch.io horror games I played weren't either. Jumpscares do have me jumping, but that's about it. I still enjoy consuming some of them because they are small escapes from reality nonetheless and often tell stories that are otherwise left untold, maybe they even have other great qualities. Alien Isolation, for example, is a really good stealth game and I love space, even if the game didn't "horrify" me.

What gets me is psychological horror. Things like "Shutter Island" or Silent Hill make me want to crawl under a very, very thick blanket. While I would like to visit the Nostromo, when it's not infested of course, NOTHING will every bring me wanting to go to Silent Hill.

Why do I still play those games? Because horror makes you invested. A good horror game is immersive. Without immersion horror doesn't work and so horror games always try the hardest to make their world and their story immersive. Gameplay needs to be at least good enough not to break that immersion. What you get is often the crème de la crème of immersive world building, story telling and gameplay that is possible at the time. And that is what I want from games and media in general. I want it to grab me by my hair and pull me into its world, never letting go, even for a second. Tension is perfect in accomplishing such a feat, and what better way to create tension than with pure horror?
I can't speak for everyone, but know that ominous vibes and oppressive atmosphere of many SMT titles? I'm looking for something like that more than to simply be scared. I feel like horror is more honest with our human condition, the stories become naturally more grounded because its how we would actually feel faced with supernatural threats and whatnot. But then when a game's only objective is being scary for the sake of being scary I am not interested.
I don't like horror games, per se. It's, more than anything, the goosebumps that I like. Watching, reading, and playing horror is the best way to get it

I used to love joining night explorations. Like visiting abandoned buildings for the scare, meditating in a graveyard, etc.. I even whistled at night, in front of a mirror, alone in the dark™, to see if a ghost will come. Unfortunately, nope, no scare happened.

So, I turned to horror games, and voila! It works like a cursed charm!

(And, as mentioned by Enian, horror is a broad spectrum. What gets me is games like PT or Clock Tower. Forgot to mention Amnesia. Where you can't really fight back. Resi games aren't scary to me, just fun. If I have a gun or supernatural-trapping camera, I'm gucci)
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Oh people invented horror to get over our primal fears, it's kind of a therapy going through that stuff in a safe, controlled environment... I do hate jumpscares though, those are unpleasant. Atmospheric horror is better, but no way I am going through Silent Hill games again, I can't stand the sirens after 2022.
Horror games to me are just comfy.
I don't play the cheap horror with jumpscares most of the time. I'm into the third person fixed camera style that most people just refer as RE-likes/clones, or also unique horror games with their own vibe (fear and hunger, daniel mullins games etc)
Honest question. I've wondered this for a long, long time now.
So what gives, folks? is my brain wired strangely or what?
I find the atmosphere of Silent Hill and Fatal Frame equally as enjoyable as any perfect view. One of my secrets; when I bought my arcade sticks... I bought a trackball just to do digital Ouija in Pygame (and ended up doing that more than playing my arcade games). The ordinary world just isn't for me. I want to be twisted along the lines of some perfect nightmare. Often, people regard my sanity at the end of it all to be observably insane, but maybe I want to be changed by the art of it. I don't see being changed from the outside-in as some violation, I see it as opportunity. Is it a test of will or a shared creation? It is a higher Ouija between the artist and the observer.

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