The one time where unskippable cutscenes really got to me was final fantasy 8 when you would summon an eidolon and it would play this beautiful minute long animation EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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i actually quit playing the game halfway because of this, but whats worse is i passed on ff9 and x, (and we even had a copy of 9, i just didnt play it!)
I didnt return to the series until x-2 because i thought squenix had done gone oft-they rockers.
i must have gone to heck for it, because when i tried to repent, i played ff9 for about 10 hours on steam, but (at that time) the steam version didnt have any cloud saves. Then, I was playing a show at an art gallery in OC, and a twacked out dude attacked and destroyed my computer, so my game save was lost...
I pray to cutscene jesus to save me!