Unskippable Cutscenes

Good take. Beating a few of the Monster Hunter games was a chore for this exact reason.
Monster Hunter World mostly
I fucking hate this…fucking handler
Especially if the cutscenes length is 30 minutes long only to be followed by a 5 minute gameplay before another long a— cutscene that could ruin the whole experience.
I love Jak & Daxter 1, but I seldom boot it up these days because the 10 min long intro cutscene just drags.
I love Jak & Daxter 1, but I seldom boot it up these days because the 10 min long intro cutscene just drags.
Real hardware or emulation?

Either way I strongly recommend backing up a save file right after the intro cutscene. That way each replay you can skip it.
Real hardware or emulation?

Either way I strongly recommend backing up a save file right after the intro cutscene. That way each replay you can skip it.
Why didn't I think of that? But yeah, real hardware. Though nowadays I'll usually just boot up an emulator for convenience and screen resolution.
Really should be a standard in modern releases for cutscenes to be skipped, paused, and also require either a button hold or second button prompt to confirm skipping so you can't do it by accident or while trying to see if cutscenes can be paused.
What if it's in-game and you get to spazz around and interact with random incosequential gadjets wile the grownups are talking? And why doesn't every game just do it that way?
They have very little meaning and make zero sense in today's landscape, when people are all about their speedrunning and instant fixes.
The hilarious part is that speedruns of games with unskippable cutscenes exist, which is amusing. Although some mods are made for those games, like Final Fantasy X which cut out a whopping 8-9 hours out of the speedrun time.
It gets even more annoying when you end up dying and the game sends you to a point before the cutscene is triggered, starting the whole process again.
Me after seeing all the unskippable cutscenes in both Max Payne 3 and God Of war 3
In Max Payne 3 completing the New york minute Hardcore mode is hell because if you die only one time is back to the beginning of the game and you have to see the unskippable cutscenes again
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The hilarious part is that speedruns of games with unskippable cutscenes exist, which is amusing. Although some mods are made for those games, like Final Fantasy X which cut out a whopping 8-9 hours out of the speedrun time.
The Human Revolution community has a shared safe file that starts right after the unskippable BS, and it's the official speedrunning starting point.
The one time where unskippable cutscenes really got to me was final fantasy 8 when you would summon an eidolon and it would play this beautiful minute long animation EVERY SINGLE TIME.


i actually quit playing the game halfway because of this, but whats worse is i passed on ff9 and x, (and we even had a copy of 9, i just didnt play it!)

I didnt return to the series until x-2 because i thought squenix had done gone oft-they rockers.

i must have gone to heck for it, because when i tried to repent, i played ff9 for about 10 hours on steam, but (at that time) the steam version didnt have any cloud saves. Then, I was playing a show at an art gallery in OC, and a twacked out dude attacked and destroyed my computer, so my game save was lost...

I pray to cutscene jesus to save me!
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Golden Sun is filled with this stuff and they are long too because characters shake or something every two words. Some cutscenes are way too long or just unnecessary( the first time you go on the ship is just so bad).

If Golden Sun was made today, you just now it would be a movie game.
I enjoy the cut scenes, and dislike skipping them...with the exception of scenes right before a boss fight on a second-or-more attempt. Especially if the game offers a Retry option after death - THEN there's no excuse to not offer a skip.
Me after seeing all the unskippable cutscenes in both Max Payne 3 and God Of war 3
In Max Payne 3 completing the New york minute Hardcore mode is hell because if you die only one time is back to the beginning of the game and you have to see the unskippable cutscenes again
Ah yes this is how I felt replaying mp3 waiting for the cutscenes to end
I’m usually incredibly lenient on game quirks however if your game has a large amount of long unskippable cutscenes you should be banned from existence.
be careful what you wish for. you can't skip cutscenes in ffx. you can skip cutscenes in ffx-2. if you do, you lose out on the perfect ending. you will have to replay through the entire game again in order to get a 100% complete file.

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