Hello everyone. Many of you, especially the younger ones, will not even know about the existence of roms with applied trainers [(t1)(t2)...], which allow you to tackle the most difficult titles with more ease (without too much stress).
My son and I, as already mentioned elsewhere, often play in pairs with the fantastic snes beat'em ups (Final Fight series, Rushing Beat series, TMNT, Great Battle series, Sailor Moon etc.) which often have limited continues, unlike NeoGeo and cps1/cps2 titles, and with the trainers applied we managed to finish them on the hard level (more enemies at the same time, their greater resistance, more lethal blows etc.).
The same goes for shumps, some very fast, full of enemies and with microscopic bullets, and which are almost impossible in the last stages; and often even with limited continues.
Usually, if more versions of trainers are available, we choose the one with infinite number of lives (continues), because infinite life energy ruins the gameplay and spoils the fun too much.
I think it's the only site left with pre-patched trainers; personally, I haven't found any others. ??
You can find these snes trained roms under "download", reading the description on the right:
Have fun!
Yours truly ?
My son and I, as already mentioned elsewhere, often play in pairs with the fantastic snes beat'em ups (Final Fight series, Rushing Beat series, TMNT, Great Battle series, Sailor Moon etc.) which often have limited continues, unlike NeoGeo and cps1/cps2 titles, and with the trainers applied we managed to finish them on the hard level (more enemies at the same time, their greater resistance, more lethal blows etc.).
The same goes for shumps, some very fast, full of enemies and with microscopic bullets, and which are almost impossible in the last stages; and often even with limited continues.
Usually, if more versions of trainers are available, we choose the one with infinite number of lives (continues), because infinite life energy ruins the gameplay and spoils the fun too much.
I think it's the only site left with pre-patched trainers; personally, I haven't found any others. ??

You can find these snes trained roms under "download", reading the description on the right:
Have fun!
Yours truly ?