Trainer (cheat) pre-patched SNES roms


(© )( ©)ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)
Level 4
Dec 4, 2024
Reaction score
Como - Italy
Hello everyone. Many of you, especially the younger ones, will not even know about the existence of roms with applied trainers [(t1)(t2)...], which allow you to tackle the most difficult titles with more ease (without too much stress).

My son and I, as already mentioned elsewhere, often play in pairs with the fantastic snes beat'em ups (Final Fight series, Rushing Beat series, TMNT, Great Battle series, Sailor Moon etc.) which often have limited continues, unlike NeoGeo and cps1/cps2 titles, and with the trainers applied we managed to finish them on the hard level (more enemies at the same time, their greater resistance, more lethal blows etc.).

The same goes for shumps, some very fast, full of enemies and with microscopic bullets, and which are almost impossible in the last stages; and often even with limited continues.

Usually, if more versions of trainers are available, we choose the one with infinite number of lives (continues), because infinite life energy ruins the gameplay and spoils the fun too much.

I think it's the only site left with pre-patched trainers; personally, I haven't found any others. ??‍♂️
You can find these snes trained roms under "download", reading the description on the right:
Have fun!
Yours truly ?
Pretty cool share. I think those became rarer and rarer over time, but perhaps these might be archived by preservationists in places. The use case you describe is actually very wholesome, and quite possibly one of the most legitimate ones possible.
But... why would you need a Trainer/Prepatched Roms? most if not All emulators <old snes/Sega gen/nes ect> have built in GameGenie or Equivalent in them...

Trainer is usually What PC game Cheat Engines/.EXE's are called
But yeah @Karnik Very Lovely story
Hello everyone. Many of you, especially the younger ones, will not even know about the existence of roms with applied trainers [(t1)(t2)...], which allow you to tackle the most difficult titles with more ease (without too much stress).

My son and I
Karnik... Man of family!?
Mamma mia!

...In a separate topic, thanks for the info about the website (y)
Post automatically merged:

But... why would you need a Trainer/Prepatched Roms? most if not All emulators <old snes/Sega gen/nes ect> have built in GameGenie or Equivalent in them...

Trainer is usually What PC game Cheat Engines/.EXE's are called
But yeah @Karnik Very Lovely story
View attachment 16000
Can relate. I use Cheat Engine, for research and learning purposes (not every game needs to be cheated, because, there is no need to do that, just saying for myself).
Sometimes, to re-visit some of them, for one specific detail or two.
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Karnik... Man of family!?
Mamma mia!
Hehehe... I was! And so? I've been divorced for ten years now...
Until a year ago I had a new partner, alas now single despite myself. ??‍♂️
My son lives with his mother, but we see each other on weekends and some evenings during week. ?‍?
Hehehe... I was! And so? I've been divorced for ten years now...
Until a year ago I had a new partner, alas now single despite myself. ??‍♂️
My son lives with his mother, but we see each other on weekends and some evenings during week. ?‍?
The real surprise here is you have time to play videogames and sharing with us, when you have a family...
THAT is awesome o:
You really know, how to manage time (to everyone)!
You are an altruistic spirit/soul : D
I had a family! ??‍♂️
I know.
...This possibly means one thing...

You are a professor.
Have some spare time to teach us about some class assignment ?_?/

Post/Extra: Don't mind me, I'm out of context with the thread.
Please, continue...
I know.
...This possibly means one thing...

You are a professor.
Have some spare time to teach us about some class assignment ?_?/

Post/Extra: Don't mind me, I'm out of context with the thread.
Please, continue...
Don't worry for the topic. Jokingly, you are not far from the truth. I work in the secretary's office of a middle school, with administrative and organizational tasks. I have many unproductive breaks, which I use effectively by fleetingly peeking here on my smartphone. ?
Don't worry for the topic. Jokingly, you are not far from the truth. I work in the secretary's office of a middle school, with administrative and organizational tasks. I have many unproductive breaks, which I use effectively by fleetingly peeking here on my smartphone. ?
Your work sounds good, in that sense.
So many breaks...

Either one way or another, I'm sorry for taking a deviation with the topic.

Have you used these kind of roms, to analyze them in detail, beyond difficulty control and practice?
Don't worry for the topic. Jokingly, you are not far from the truth. I work in the secretary's office of a middle school, with administrative and organizational tasks. I have many unproductive breaks, which I use effectively by fleetingly peeking here on my smartphone. ?

your avatar... looks like I'm oft the last to know of RIPs both in IRL n anime, apparently lol Toki died? =( ackkk
But... why would you need a Trainer/Prepatched Roms? most if not All emulators <old snes/Sega gen/nes ect> have built in GameGenie or Equivalent in them...
Welp, these versions of snes roms that have an initial cheat menu implemented by the first, legendary romhackers, are much cooler and more refined than cheat codes to be inserted into an emulator. And anyway, I certainly don't force you to use them, honey. ?

Have you used these kind of roms, to analyze them in detail, beyond difficulty control and practice?
As I've already written, I only know the trainers inserted at the beginning of beat'em ups and shumps, which usually allow, via an elegant initial menu, to select invulnerability, infinite lives, infinite special moves, infinite bullets, stage selection etc. Effective, but nothing special. ??‍♂️
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You can often find these lurking in older romsets like the goodsets and I've seen them for I think every system between SNES and NDS. Be warned though: these things were made for very old copiers and flashcarts and tend to have problems on modern emulators.
I enjoy cheats that remove grind, usually a 10x xp/gold increase or something (or lowering leveling requirements). One cheat for 7th Saga gave 99 stats on all characters, which i haven't played but seems one way to make it easier.

On Disgaea/ZHP using cheat engine, i'd had the XP/gold increase 1 per frame on the first N slots, so when they attack they level up somewhat. Makes playing solo kinda workable, except leveling doesn't heal you, only increases max.

If it's way too easy to breeze through the game it's hard to be fun. But if there's still risk of losing and some challenge then it's still worth playing.
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I enjoy cheats that remove grind, usually a 10x xp/gold increase or something (or lowering leveling requirements). One cheat for 7th Saga gave 99 stats on all characters, which i haven't played but seems one way to make it easier.

On Disgaea/ZHP using cheat engine, i'd had the XP/gold increase 1 per frame on the first N slots, so when they attack they level up somewhat. Make splaying solo kinda workable, except leveling doesn't heal you, only increases max.

If it's way too easy to breeze through the game it's hard to be fun. But if there's still risk of losing and some challenge then it's still worth playing.
Awesome statement! ?_??
Awesome statement! ?_??

As long as it makes the game more fun.

You should only really fail at your own lack of understanding and skill which you can/will improve over time; And it shouldn't have a huge failure rate either in general, unless that's the genre that thrives off that (Rogue-likes....). Games are meant to be fun, so entering a room and losing to 10 rounds of bad RNG or not having ground an additional 100 hours shouldn't be what makes you lose.

A lot of games in the past didn't have character stats, so the game being 'easy' because your stat was raised so high feels wrong. If you're good at Mario or Metroid, you will almost always be good, not instantly terrible when you start a new game.

The baseline should be a bit challenging (but fair) for people first getting in, ramping it up over a few hours playtime til you get to a normal level of difficulty for the game. And then having a more challenging mode or NG+ option that really goes whole hog once you know the systems or feel like going for difficult.

As for item drops, being flooded with low quality stuff is annoying, but having too much can be annoying too unless you can handle it (though a lot of games employ limited storage space). There's a delicate balance between combat, loot, and then upgrade/sell. But Diablo 3 'Real Auction House' was an example of greed where drops were intentionally low so you had to spend money. (and i wouldn't be surprised if 10-20 'players' were devs who had high drop rates or just gave themselves items and then would sell for the company or themselves).

Lastly, fully OP cheats are just fine. There are levels and enemies and scenarios you cannot complete, or are just too hard (intentionally or otherwise) and breezing past the annoying part can just be helpful. But you really shouldn't have it on all the time, well unless you are there just for the carnage and don't plan on touching it again, then go right ahead!

My own OCD for efficiency seems to be winding down, as i'm bogged down by too much that i can't efficiently compact reorganize, clean, play, do quests in, and have the lowest gameplay time, not with reality also to deal with. So annoying gameplay i dislike, and going at a nice linear rate through the game and life is far more preferred.

Didn't mean to turn this into a rant.
As long as it makes the game more fun.

You should only really fail at your own lack of understanding and skill which you can/will improve over time; And it shouldn't have a huge failure rate either in general, unless that's the genre that thrives off that (Rogue-likes....). Games are meant to be fun, so entering a room and losing to 10 rounds of bad RNG or not having ground an additional 100 hours shouldn't be what makes you lose.

A lot of games in the past didn't have character stats, so the game being 'easy' because your stat was raised so high feels wrong. If you're good at Mario or Metroid, you will almost always be good, not instantly terrible when you start a new game.

The baseline should be a bit challenging (but fair) for people first getting in, ramping it up over a few hours playtime til you get to a normal level of difficulty for the game. And then having a more challenging mode or NG+ option that really goes whole hog once you know the systems or feel like going for difficult.

As for item drops, being flooded with low quality stuff is annoying, but having too much can be annoying too unless you can handle it (though a lot of games employ limited storage space). There's a delicate balance between combat, loot, and then upgrade/sell. But Diablo 3 'Real Auction House' was an example of greed where drops were intentionally low so you had to spend money. (and i wouldn't be surprised if 10-20 'players' were devs who had high drop rates or just gave themselves items and then would sell for the company or themselves).

Lastly, fully OP cheats are just fine. There are levels and enemies and scenarios you cannot complete, or are just too hard (intentionally or otherwise) and breezing past the annoying part can just be helpful. But you really shouldn't have it on all the time, well unless you are there just for the carnage and don't plan on touching it again, then go right ahead!

My own OCD for efficiency seems to be winding down, as i'm bogged down by too much that i can't efficiently compact reorganize, clean, play, do quests in, and have the lowest gameplay time, not with reality also to deal with. So annoying gameplay i dislike, and going at a nice linear rate through the game and life is far more preferred.

Didn't mean to turn this into a rant.
Wise and experienced words, AnonymousCookieMonster.

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