Thinking of buying the Nintendo switch just for Xenoblade Chronicles X is it worth it?

Well...the Switch 2 is coming out soon, which will be compatible with most Switch games, including certainly recent big releases on Switch like Xenoblade Chronicles X.
So you can wait or buy a Switch, but if it's going to be a console for that one game then I suggest buying a used Switch OLED, unless you don't care about the OLED display because you'll be playing on a TV screen, in which case buy a regular Switch (also used). And if you'll be playing mainly in handheld mode then just buy a new or used Switch Lite - it's the cheapest way to get into Switch possession.
The first Xenoblade game is the only actually good one, I love X but it's story is whatever. 2 and 3 are not real games, they are genuinely abysmal in storytelling, writing and characters. I'm sorry, someone had to say it.
Eh, the "women in fridges" trope is such an overdone and sexist thing that it's a breath of fresh air to see it subverted to the game's advantage instead of played straight. The writers made the right call to not go the traditional route on that one.
My problem is more how it kinda contrasts with the actual story and kinda makes the whole first half kinda pointless. The story was basically a "revenge isn't the answer" story that got muddied as soon as the very reason this was happening reappeared in the story. The type of story that would've been fine left as is without a deus ex machina. Also it's just confusing, how did she end up at Valak anyway when she should've been at Colony 9? Did the mechonis take the corpse or...? Though to be fair to that latter point, I haven't played it in years so it is very likely I missed a line of dialogue or something.
I don’t think so, no. It’s not a one game console but it is cheap if you know where to look. I found a grey market switch for 30 dollars. In good condition.
My problem is more how it kinda contrasts with the actual story and kinda makes the whole first half kinda pointless. The story was basically a "revenge isn't the answer" story that got muddied as soon as the very reason this was happening reappeared in the story. The type of story that would've been fine left as is without a deus ex machina. Also it's just confusing, how did she end up at Valak anyway when she should've been at Colony 9? Did the mechonis take the corpse or...? Though to be fair to that latter point, I haven't played it in years so it is very likely I missed a line of dialogue or something.
I remember it pretty well, so let me explain.
Metalface takes Fiora with him after he kills her. There's no body left behind, which is why there's no funeral or anything like that. We later learn that Fiora was taken to Meyneth, who wanted her for a vessel to fight Egil in case the heir to the Monado couldn't. (This also foreshadows Shulk being a mere vessel to Zanza. That's two taken out of the fridge.) And when Shulk learns the half of it for the first time, he isn't dissuaded from revenge; he actually gets even angrier.

Later on, Shulk and co fight and defeat Metalface, which already causes Shulk to question his quest for revenge. Shulk didn't know Metalface was a Homs until he revealed his true form, and killing him actually gave Shulk some regret. He was okay with "killing" machines, but not people. This starts off a slow realization that he's been led down the wrong path.

After that they get Fiora to rejoin the team, which does make him less concerned with revenge, but now he has to do something about Egil. And then the meeting with the people of the Mechonis, talking to Meyneth, and being forced to ultimately fight Egil all cause him to doubt the worth of his quest even more.

In fact, he's completely made up his mind that he doesn't want to kill anymore before he fights Egil, which is why Zanza uses the Monado to shoot pain into his arm. And then he tells Egil he isn't going to kill him, causing Zanza's lackies kill him for a second time.

So basically, Fiora still being alive doesn't really change the story. It's just another piece of evidence to Shulk that he's doing the wrong thing in a list of them that starts before she rejoins the party.

And fuck the trolls in this thread.
Hi, Level 0 noob! You obviously haven't acclimated to this forum yet, so read the rules before you comment, especially the first one, which you've already broke.

Having an opinion you don't agree with is not trolling. Expressing that opinion in a polite manner with others is mere discussion, or possibly debate. Get used to it, because this isn't Twitter.
I remember it pretty well, so let me explain.
Metalface takes Fiora with him after he kills her. There's no body left behind, which is why there's no funeral or anything like that. We later learn that Fiora was taken to Meyneth, who wanted her for a vessel to fight Egil in case the heir to the Monado couldn't. (This also foreshadows Shulk being a mere vessel to Zanza. That's two taken out of the fridge.) And when Shulk learns the half of it for the first time, he isn't dissuaded from revenge; he actually gets even angrier.

Later on, Shulk and co fight and defeat Metalface, which already causes Shulk to question his quest for revenge. Shulk didn't know Metalface was a Homs until he revealed his true form, and killing him actually gave Shulk some regret. He was okay with "killing" machines, but not people. This starts off a slow realization that he's been led down the wrong path.

After that they get Fiora to rejoin the team, which does make him less concerned with revenge, but now he has to do something about Egil. And then the meeting with the people of the Mechonis, talking to Meyneth, and being forced to ultimately fight Egil all cause him to doubt the worth of his quest even more.

In fact, he's completely made up his mind that he doesn't want to kill anymore before he fights Egil, which is why Zanza uses the Monado to shoot pain into his arm. And then he tells Egil he isn't going to kill him, causing Zanza's lackies kill him for a second time.

So basically, Fiora still being alive doesn't really change the story. It's just another piece of evidence to Shulk that he's doing the wrong thing in a list of them that starts before she rejoins the party.

Hi, Level 0 noob! You obviously haven't acclimated to this forum yet, so read the rules before you comment, especially the first one, which you've already broke.

Having an opinion you don't agree with is not trolling. Expressing that opinion in a polite manner with others is mere discussion, or possibly debate. Get used to it, because this isn't Twitter.
If you see comments like this again, do use the report button, as it is extremely helpful to us since it will instantly notify us and has helped get rid of spammers.
If you see comments like this again, do use the report button, as it is extremely helpful to us since it will instantly notify us and has helped get rid of spammers.
Sorry, forgot to do so. I wrote the response to them before I wrote the Xenoblade lore dump, and forgot to report them afterwards.
Sorry, forgot to do so. I wrote the response to them before I wrote the Xenoblade lore dump, and forgot to report them afterwards.
No problem. All good. ::thumbsupwario
I remember it pretty well, so let me explain.
Metalface takes Fiora with him after he kills her. There's no body left behind, which is why there's no funeral or anything like that. We later learn that Fiora was taken to Meyneth, who wanted her for a vessel to fight Egil in case the heir to the Monado couldn't. (This also foreshadows Shulk being a mere vessel to Zanza. That's two taken out of the fridge.) And when Shulk learns the half of it for the first time, he isn't dissuaded from revenge; he actually gets even angrier.

Later on, Shulk and co fight and defeat Metalface, which already causes Shulk to question his quest for revenge. Shulk didn't know Metalface was a Homs until he revealed his true form, and killing him actually gave Shulk some regret. He was okay with "killing" machines, but not people. This starts off a slow realization that he's been led down the wrong path.

After that they get Fiora to rejoin the team, which does make him less concerned with revenge, but now he has to do something about Egil. And then the meeting with the people of the Mechonis, talking to Meyneth, and being forced to ultimately fight Egil all cause him to doubt the worth of his quest even more.

In fact, he's completely made up his mind that he doesn't want to kill anymore before he fights Egil, which is why Zanza uses the Monado to shoot pain into his arm. And then he tells Egil he isn't going to kill him, causing Zanza's lackies kill him for a second time.

So basically, Fiora still being alive doesn't really change the story. It's just another piece of evidence to Shulk that he's doing the wrong thing in a list of them that starts before she rejoins the party.
You know what, this gives me a new perspective on the story, guess my reading comprehension was in the negatives for years. I appreciate the response.
You know what, this gives me a new perspective on the story, guess my reading comprehension was in the negatives for years. I appreciate the response.

Thank you.
In retrospect, I noticed I made one little mistake, as I forgot to add one important detail.
Meyneth wanted to use Fiora as a vessel not just to fight Egil if Shulk couldn't, but also to fight Zanza if he completely took over Shulk. This is why Fiora/Meyneth is hostile towards Shulk when they first meet after Meyneth takes her over. Meyneth agrees with Egil that Zanza can't be allowed to live, and thus she is working with him to take Zanza down. However, she thinks Egil's methods are too extreme, as his plan is to "starve" Zanza to death by killing all life on Bionis. All this is why we get Meyneth going full God Mode after Zanza returns in corporal form, as she is the only one other than Shulk who can use a Monado against Zanza. (Granted, Albis technically can too, but he's just the computer that runs the program for the Monados, and can't fully rebel against Zanza without another user overriding Zanza's admin priveleges.)

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