The Worst Game you ever played

I suppose I should Finally answer my own question now. There are a few candidates.

Infinite Dunamis: an rpgmaker rpg made by kemco, which the name alone should tell you enough, but if you don't know, they are a company that turns out crappy, tropey in a bad way, grindy, derivative rpg maker rpgs. And also really bad licensed games before that. I made the mistake of playing this as a teenager and it was pretty boring front to back, It did have one redeeming quality in that weapons got stronger the more you used them and also had an attack tied to them that you could use at any time once you mastered the weapon. Hope an actually good game does something like that.
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Ice Age GBA Tie in game: Standard tie in game slop, what makes this stand out as bad is that it has both 2d platforming sections and top down exploration puzzle solving sections, and they both suck, I played this at a friends house as a kid and never got past the second exploration section because even as a naive child I could not be bothered, I'd rather be playing lego star wars, mx unleashed, larryboy and the bad apple, and crash bandicoot wrath of cortex with my childhood best friend on his ps2. or catching frogs in a nearby creek with him during the summer.

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Young Justice Legacy: It was marketed as a canon tie in to the tv show and as a big fan when it was airing I got it to play with my brothers, it looked and played poorly, we kinda just stopped halfway and never picked it back up, it was a slapped together rush job. I don't even have anything "bad" to say about it since it was such a nothing burger of a game, i could say that it was a 1-3 player beat em up, but that just a descriptor of the gameplay than anything else. Actually there is one thing, there were these boxes in the levels that prompted you to open them but when you did nothing happened, what was up with that, were there supposed to be upgrades or pick ups in them that were never implemented. I genuinely have no idea. That game was just unfinished in full reflection. Still if you like superhero shows or just action in general, I would recommend the 1st season of the tv show, pretty entertaining.
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Batman Arkham Origin: the game is a barely functional buggy glitch mess, My save data got randomly corrupted twice and I had to start all over, also the load times are atrocious, the people who say this game isn't that bad are blinded by nostalgia for the death stroke fight which is the best boss fight int the arkham series, the rest of the game is barely playable though, which is a shame, I wish it was good but it just isn't, it needed a lot more quality assurance time that it just didn't have for some reason.
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And before I get to the actual worst game I've ever played, I'm gonna throw in a quick (dis)honorable mention to to LEGO Bionicle for GBA, its not terrible but it has pretty clunky movement controls and questionable collision but a halfway decent inventory system where each tool you have does something unique and useful. Its also pretty short and entertaining for what it is. It doesn't really deserve to be here but I've already wrote this much on it and don't want to delete what ive said
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Now as for what I consider the actual worst game I have ever played I would say it is SMT: Devil Survivor. It is even more grindy than Infinite Dunamis and the time based system is poorly explained to the player, (Just imagine an infinitly worse version of Majora's Mask and Lightning Returns day cycles with no way for the player to record or review events they've seen or know about but missed.) The combat is a weird mix of a tactical and traditional rpg that tries to do both at the same time but is good at neither because of it. you go to fight an an enemy on the tactical battle map, and are taken to a separate battle screen where your character has to fight a squad of enemies, and you have a limited number of turns to beat them or the battle just ends and the entire enemy squad heals to full health (its been a while so im not sure if the part about them all healing is true for all enemies or just certain ones), as a result combat is super slow and tedious, this stretches what should be a couple hours of playtime into like 10 (that may or may not be an overexaggeration). It made me wish I was either playing fire emblem or pokemon past the first couple encounters of the game. The game also expects you to grind a lot and promotes gambling, too, basically the structure of the game is like this, do a main battle, grind for money, go to shop gamble for a better demon than the ones you have now, then fuse those demons and hope the resulting one has good stats, then grind some more to get it up to level, then do the next major events until the next battle, repeat. It is tedious and not fun at all.

AND finally to address the elephant in the room, you play as characters who partake in the practice of demonology. Now I understand that less religious forum members wont really care about that so to those people you can just skip to the end now. Those that do want to hear can read the spoiler tag below this

now as for more religious members of the forum: this game advocates for devil worship, I cannot say it enough. It is the single most heinous and wicked pieces of media I have interacted with. If you are a practicing Christian (or Muslim or Jew too), I implore all my fellow believers to destroy any copy of this game or any other smt game they come across. (You may be wondering, why did you play it if your faith is so important to you, the answer is I played it before I became a Christian). This thing is from hell and should be sent back there

Overall, this game just tries to be pokemon, and srpg, and a resource management game at the same time and fails on all fronts and just wastes your time on purpose

this game is pure evil and want to steal your time and life

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Sorry for turning this into a mini article, guess I had a lot to say::cirnoshrug
I thought that first one said "Infinite Dunhams" and it genuinely set off my fight or flight.
I actually remembered a game so bad it makes the word "bad" sound good.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome game of the century for how dogshit it is everyone here comes:

Above gentlemen is a game so awful and so bad I would rather forget it existed so you most likely have no clue what sudden strike is well its an RTS with no economy and only combat with expanded combat mechanics compared to other RTS at the time 2000--2002.

So when everyone was moving to 3d graphics in the RTS space the creators of sudden strike the fireglow team wanted a 3d game of their own which will be SS3 a game that came out in 2007 and was outdated from the get go.

But what does have to do with resources war? Well the gap between SS2 and 3 is from 2002 and 2007 pretty lengthy heh? But it gets worse since it seems fireglow wanted a Sudden strike game that kept them afloat while they worked on 3 so resources war came to be a thing in 2005

And its the most awful iteration in the series if you know what RTS is and what the subgenre RTT is then this is an abomination of both , one of the pillars of sudden strike that made it stand out is you can't build a base you can't train soldiers meaning the soldiers you are given are all what you have well resources war throws that in the trash for new shiny neutral buildings that can be controlled generating units whether its infantry or vehicles or planes....

So by defeating on of the pillars the series was built on you think fireglow wouldn't make things worse? Ohohoh boy you are so wrong their games tried to emulate realism in the early 2000s with some success but they felt its not enough so what do they do? FUEL SYSTEM which is the most poorly made fuel system ever.

As if managing your army ammunition and experience wasn't enough fuel system does nothing but make life harder its developed in a way that has heavy tanks with low fuel and everything else with high fuel a tiger tank can't move down a street without running out of fuel your entire assault corp can be paralyzed by no fuel and how you get fuel? Fuel trucks just like any support unit you only get few and are never enough to cover your entire mechanized formation needs , the fuel runs out too fast too.

But hold up it gets worse , a realistic RTS set in WW2 is bound to have tanks with functional machine guns for the first 2 games this made tank counter infantry pretty well however the machine gun had a delay allowing infantry to fight back , BUT fireglow wanted more "realistic" tank machine gun so what do they do? They give it a unique sound which is good on its own but if they only did that but nope they increased its firerate so much it made a light tank capable of killing 50 men in span of mere seconds it made artillery crewmen more susceptible to getting killed nerfing artillery even more.

But wait it doesn't end did you think it does? FOOL this game keeps giving on and on the developers made pretty good campaigns for SS2 that took historical battles and turned them into a series of missions the german campaign had you live through third battle of kharkov for example , well in RW they wanted to keep that style opting for even better historical accuracy well sounds good? NO the missions are badly scripted oftentimes starting you with large amounts of units and throws you immediately into battle as you try to understand what's going amidst all chaos , the enemy on some missions has infinite reinforcements triggers which makes the whole thing worse and feels like a jab towards any of that "every soldiers l matters" thing they did pretty well in 1 & 2 if the enemy has infinite armies then what's the point of this?

This issue is very visible in the American campaign which despite it being good is fouled by this constant german counterattack like how? Germany is on verge of defeat and they keep somehow making jagdpanthers???

And guess what bugs from SS2 weren't even fixed there is this fighter plane bug where it flies until it crashes it never got fixed in this standalone expansion for 2.

They tried to remedy the infantry imbalance of riflemen being OP in 2 by nerfing them and buffing SMG infantry but that didn't work , and they tried to balance tanks by making their vision abysmal in return for the OP machine gun lol didn't work either.

Despite all this 2 redeeming factors make this installment better are

1-better pathfinding for tanks
2-ease of modding.

List me a game this bad I will wait.
What was the worst game you ever played for any amount of time and what made it so bad?

I wanna hear all about the shovelware that you all might have touched that makes us appreciate the good games all that more

Garena Free Fire
I actually remembered a game so bad it makes the word "bad" sound good.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome game of the century for how dogshit it is everyone here comes:
View attachment 34270

Above gentlemen is a game so awful and so bad I would rather forget it existed so you most likely have no clue what sudden strike is well its an RTS with no economy and only combat with expanded combat mechanics compared to other RTS at the time 2000--2002.

So when everyone was moving to 3d graphics in the RTS space the creators of sudden strike the fireglow team wanted a 3d game of their own which will be SS3 a game that came out in 2007 and was outdated from the get go.

But what does have to do with resources war? Well the gap between SS2 and 3 is from 2002 and 2007 pretty lengthy heh? But it gets worse since it seems fireglow wanted a Sudden strike game that kept them afloat while they worked on 3 so resources war came to be a thing in 2005

And its the most awful iteration in the series if you know what RTS is and what the subgenre RTT is then this is an abomination of both , one of the pillars of sudden strike that made it stand out is you can't build a base you can't train soldiers meaning the soldiers you are given are all what you have well resources war throws that in the trash for new shiny neutral buildings that can be controlled generating units whether its infantry or vehicles or planes....

So by defeating on of the pillars the series was built on you think fireglow wouldn't make things worse? Ohohoh boy you are so wrong their games tried to emulate realism in the early 2000s with some success but they felt its not enough so what do they do? FUEL SYSTEM which is the most poorly made fuel system ever.

As if managing your army ammunition and experience wasn't enough fuel system does nothing but make life harder its developed in a way that has heavy tanks with low fuel and everything else with high fuel a tiger tank can't move down a street without running out of fuel your entire assault corp can be paralyzed by no fuel and how you get fuel? Fuel trucks just like any support unit you only get few and are never enough to cover your entire mechanized formation needs , the fuel runs out too fast too.

But hold up it gets worse , a realistic RTS set in WW2 is bound to have tanks with functional machine guns for the first 2 games this made tank counter infantry pretty well however the machine gun had a delay allowing infantry to fight back , BUT fireglow wanted more "realistic" tank machine gun so what do they do? They give it a unique sound which is good on its own but if they only did that but nope they increased its firerate so much it made a light tank capable of killing 50 men in span of mere seconds it made artillery crewmen more susceptible to getting killed nerfing artillery even more.

But wait it doesn't end did you think it does? FOOL this game keeps giving on and on the developers made pretty good campaigns for SS2 that took historical battles and turned them into a series of missions the german campaign had you live through third battle of kharkov for example , well in RW they wanted to keep that style opting for even better historical accuracy well sounds good? NO the missions are badly scripted oftentimes starting you with large amounts of units and throws you immediately into battle as you try to understand what's going amidst all chaos , the enemy on some missions has infinite reinforcements triggers which makes the whole thing worse and feels like a jab towards any of that "every soldiers l matters" thing they did pretty well in 1 & 2 if the enemy has infinite armies then what's the point of this?

This issue is very visible in the American campaign which despite it being good is fouled by this constant german counterattack like how? Germany is on verge of defeat and they keep somehow making jagdpanthers???

And guess what bugs from SS2 weren't even fixed there is this fighter plane bug where it flies until it crashes it never got fixed in this standalone expansion for 2.

They tried to remedy the infantry imbalance of riflemen being OP in 2 by nerfing them and buffing SMG infantry but that didn't work , and they tried to balance tanks by making their vision abysmal in return for the OP machine gun lol didn't work either.

Despite all this 2 redeeming factors make this installment better are

1-better pathfinding for tanks
2-ease of modding.

List me a game this bad I will wa

I actually remembered a game so bad it makes the word "bad" sound good.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome game of the century for how dogshit it is everyone here comes:
View attachment 34270

Above gentlemen is a game so awful and so bad I would rather forget it existed so you most likely have no clue what sudden strike is well its an RTS with no economy and only combat with expanded combat mechanics compared to other RTS at the time 2000--2002.

So when everyone was moving to 3d graphics in the RTS space the creators of sudden strike the fireglow team wanted a 3d game of their own which will be SS3 a game that came out in 2007 and was outdated from the get go.

But what does have to do with resources war? Well the gap between SS2 and 3 is from 2002 and 2007 pretty lengthy heh? But it gets worse since it seems fireglow wanted a Sudden strike game that kept them afloat while they worked on 3 so resources war came to be a thing in 2005

And its the most awful iteration in the series if you know what RTS is and what the subgenre RTT is then this is an abomination of both , one of the pillars of sudden strike that made it stand out is you can't build a base you can't train soldiers meaning the soldiers you are given are all what you have well resources war throws that in the trash for new shiny neutral buildings that can be controlled generating units whether its infantry or vehicles or planes....

So by defeating on of the pillars the series was built on you think fireglow wouldn't make things worse? Ohohoh boy you are so wrong their games tried to emulate realism in the early 2000s with some success but they felt its not enough so what do they do? FUEL SYSTEM which is the most poorly made fuel system ever.

As if managing your army ammunition and experience wasn't enough fuel system does nothing but make life harder its developed in a way that has heavy tanks with low fuel and everything else with high fuel a tiger tank can't move down a street without running out of fuel your entire assault corp can be paralyzed by no fuel and how you get fuel? Fuel trucks just like any support unit you only get few and are never enough to cover your entire mechanized formation needs , the fuel runs out too fast too.

But hold up it gets worse , a realistic RTS set in WW2 is bound to have tanks with functional machine guns for the first 2 games this made tank counter infantry pretty well however the machine gun had a delay allowing infantry to fight back , BUT fireglow wanted more "realistic" tank machine gun so what do they do? They give it a unique sound which is good on its own but if they only did that but nope they increased its firerate so much it made a light tank capable of killing 50 men in span of mere seconds it made artillery crewmen more susceptible to getting killed nerfing artillery even more.

But wait it doesn't end did you think it does? FOOL this game keeps giving on and on the developers made pretty good campaigns for SS2 that took historical battles and turned them into a series of missions the german campaign had you live through third battle of kharkov for example , well in RW they wanted to keep that style opting for even better historical accuracy well sounds good? NO the missions are badly scripted oftentimes starting you with large amounts of units and throws you immediately into battle as you try to understand what's going amidst all chaos , the enemy on some missions has infinite reinforcements triggers which makes the whole thing worse and feels like a jab towards any of that "every soldiers l matters" thing they did pretty well in 1 & 2 if the enemy has infinite armies then what's the point of this?

This issue is very visible in the American campaign which despite it being good is fouled by this constant german counterattack like how? Germany is on verge of defeat and they keep somehow making jagdpanthers???

And guess what bugs from SS2 weren't even fixed there is this fighter plane bug where it flies until it crashes it never got fixed in this standalone expansion for 2.

They tried to remedy the infantry imbalance of riflemen being OP in 2 by nerfing them and buffing SMG infantry but that didn't work , and they tried to balance tanks by making their vision abysmal in return for the OP machine gun lol didn't work either.

Despite all this 2 redeeming factors make this installment better are

1-better pathfinding for tanks
2-ease of modding.

List me a game this bad I will wait.
Man! This game sounds like how to make shit recipe!
We've all played some games at one point that are either way too hard or just suck so much ass, it would make the AVGN cower in fear.
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Aydin Chronicles. It's a terrible, buggy game and it erased my n64 controller pak when it crashed one day and I lost all my save files for all the games I had saved on there. There was a bunch of games I'd spent hours playing 100%ing and unlocking everything and it was all gone. A bunch of games we used to play multiplayer like Beetle Adventure Racing and Duke Nukem Zero Hour. Both those games suck on multiplayer until you unlock all the stuff. We just ended up not playing those games anymore.
I'm not surprised it would do that. after all it was made by the company that brought you such "gems" as Superman 64 and Carmageddon 64.
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I remember I had just bought the Nintendo DS and saw this physical game named "Inuyasha Secret of the Divine Jewel", the screenshot were similar to the earlier Final Fantasy (world map, turn based battles)... what I clearly remember is one cavern in which I got infuriated because it seemed like a never-ending maze, no idea how I finally found the exit! Also, if I'm not mistaken the battles were pretty difficult. In any case, I think I finished it.
Brick Race for "New" Nintendo 3DS

Just look up gameplay and you'll understand
its probably haunted castle arcade
Man we already have like 4 threads about this exact same fucking topic. At least try and check this sort of thing before making a new thread.
Or just not reply. You could do that as well : D
Lunar Dragon Song, the game is sooo boooring, also running makes the HP go down.
Lunar Dragon Song, the game is sooo boooring, also running makes the HP go down.
That sounds stupid! It's like in that Wolverine game on NES. Where using your claw drains health! Ridiculous!
That sounds stupid! It's like in that Wolverine game on NES. Where using your claw drains health! Ridiculous!
Someone on an earlier thread made a big list of all the horrible design choices in that game, and trust me, however bad you're thinking it is, it's a hundred times worse in reality.
All Modern Games from 2013 onwards
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All Modern Games from 2013 onwards

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