Despite me being an unabashed Ivalice fanboy FFXII's DS sequel, my disappointment stems from having to scale back to a handheld after it's grand debut on PS2 as one the last and good looking tiles and having to lock down the characters into jobs I didn't have them assigned in the previous title. Gameplay was a mixed bag but still finished it.
Though probably Unlimited SaGa is the biggest low point in the series and while SaGa has bounced back with it's newer titles and a remaster of Minstrel Song this game will live on in infamy with some people as their first SaGa or even more infamy if their first was Frontier 1 and 2. I guess it doesn't count since this came before Minstrel Song but I played them out of order so I count it as my "sequel". Not enough online guides when I first played it and now I still don't want to try even with video guides at my side, that leveling system is just bonkers to me.